Sustainable lifestyle to tackle climate change problems


hello friends

my name is vishnu speaking from india

climate debates and discussions are

happening across the globe right now

you can learn more about the technical

aspects and root causes of climate

change through these discus

but if you really believe that climate

change does exist

have you done something about it do you

feel the pain and the instinct to make

this world a better place to live in

good i do have that same pain and fear

about our kids and their future

eventually i ended up in this wonderful

initiative called c5

where change can change climate change

foundation c5 basically helps

institutions and individuals to

effectively reduce their footprint

through sustainable lifestyle practices

safe was originally started as a citizen

initiative by various business


voluntary groups government agencies

exclusively to tackle

man-made climate problems through green

business models

last year i got the opportunity to

attend the first ever u.n youth climate

summit at new york

as a green ticket winner from india it

was wonderful experience

to engage with the young leaders and

activists across the globe

even as a non-profit climate initiative

such early achievements of cfa

was mainly due to the collective effort

of our stakeholders

funders and hundreds of youngsters who

want you to work with us

i am here speaking to you just because

of the amazing and excellent work they

have done for us

but most of you are not that fortunate

to become a climate activist

or run a climate ngo or spend enough

time to be part of the climate movements

happening globally

so as a common man or as a youngster how

could you positively contribute

to this most threatening crisis of our


our answer is by practicing a

sustainable lifestyle

yes sustainable lifestyle or sustainable


doesn’t mean that you should live in a

forest for a definition

we could say that it’s a lifestyle that

tries to reduce

one’s use of available natural resources

this simply means that with a little

effort you could reduce your carbon


by changing your daily lifestyle habits

by doing this

you too can become a climate champion

let me share some of those habits

which you could change a bit we can

start by creating sustainable waste

management system

by segregating biodegradable and

non-biodegradable waste at your house


always remember not to mix these both so

that you could use

bdd waste for composting purposes and

nvd waste for recycling units

thereby you could reduce a large amount

of household waste that creates huge

landfills and urban dump sites

food security will be at its peak during

the coming years

you could help by growing your own food

with a small organic farm to your house

if you have space confronts still you

could create a vegetable garden at your

rooftop or balcony

this could make a big difference if you

can maintain a

couple of varieties throughout the year

another area where you could focus is on

water conservation

around 2 billion people lack safe and

clean water globally

before it’s too late reduce your usage

and start conserving water at your homes

try installing a rainwater housing unit

in your neighborhood

similarly one could make use of vast

renewable energy resources available to


you can install solar panels in your

houses or you could do a crowdfunding


to install these panels in your schools

or colleges

so basically all these lifestyle habits

helps us to live a minimal life

in sing with nature you could always

implement the concept of 3r in your

daily routine

you could reduce the intake of your

animal friendly diet

or be vegan if possible you could use

your old clothes as handkerchiefs

instead of disposable tissue papers

you could also change your shopping

habits just by reducing your purchase


we always blame corporate banks without

realizing the fact that

we are the ones who decide the branding

and marketing strategies for them

they just react to their consumer

behaviors it’s we

who decide the packaging style aesthetic


and even the advertisement mode of that

product we all know that the private

vehicles are one of the leading causes

of air pollution

and co2 emissions worldwide once the

covert situation is over

you could use public transportation for

your daily commute

you can walk to your school or you could

use carpooling facility to your office

or you can catch a train instead of a

flight if not that urgent

yes covert 19 has created new challenges

for all of us

but at the same time it has created new

opportunities too

you could conduct virtual events and

meetings like this

even after the cohort situation is over

because there are large number of

international conferences happening

every year to discuss about climate


and on how to reduce global carbon


but the irony is that some of these

conferences themselves

contribute a good amount of emissions to

this planet

so try to exploit this opportunity think


and create the new normals for the

future generations to come

trust me this is the only cheat code we

have against man-made

climate problems you don’t have to wait

for the governments to create new

environmental policies

or change the existing ones you have

complete freedom over your lifestyle

and your choices now is the time to act

let’s start here before concluding i

would like to request each one of you

especially youngsters to try changing at

least one of your lifestyle habits

that could lower your impact on this

planet anything as simple and small as

reusing your clothes bag for shopping or

you could keep your reusable water

bottle wherever you travel

just as your best buddy you can refill

it and use

or can you make big changes like

implementing green protocol in your


oh can you put an effort you use cloth


or menstrual cups instead of

conventional sanity napkins i know all

of these things are really difficult to


it’s not that easy if it was easy

everyone would do it

but just give it a try take it as a


and try changing at least one of your

lifestyle habits and let the world know

about your actions

before the ted countdown summit next


because i personally believe that such

meetings and events

should be more productive and action

oriented even if you can save the world

you could change the way it works and

only that change

only that change can change climate


thank you so much for your time stay

