What will change when live concerts return




are you ready to get out and go to a


or a sporting event if you are i’m going

to tell you some of the things that we

are doing as

live event organizers to keep you safe

and to reopen in a safe manner but

before i do that i’d like to talk to you

about change

change happens all the time when the

september 11 attacks to new york city


the world was in shock and a lot of

things changed

things like going to the airport took

longer because

of the increased security measures some

of those security measures

we incorporated into what we do in live


all of a sudden you saw metal detectors

pat downs and more robust security

protocols when you went

to a live event venue with coffee 19

is going to be the same and just like we

did in 9 11

we’re going to adapt and we’re going to

move on

a lot of people ask me when are live

events coming back

and i’m going to tell you it’s when it’s

safe to do so

and when it’s legally possible why

because the

well-being of our patrons and our


is key to be able to move on how

are we going to reopen we’re going to

have to be

very smart we’re going to have to follow


guidelines of our health experts and


entities to be able to do it


but most importantly we’re going to have

to be transparent with people

telling them what we are doing as an


to reopen and keep them safe

for example health checks for our

employees will become

more important than ever because if

we’re safe we’re going to keep you safe

we’re going to have to train them really

well and give them

the protection equipment that they will


also our buildings have always been


but now more than ever we’re gonna have

to sanitize

all those areas that are more commonly

touched like

doors and railings things like that

we’re already preparing to do now

events events will look and feel


maybe the timeline of event will not be

the same

things like intermissions may go away

for a little bit

to prevent the density of people in the

hallway at any given time

the way the events feel and look will


from the moment that you get to the

parking lot you may see empty spaces in


vehicles to promote social distance from

the moment that you get into

into the parking lot then as you walk

into the building

we’re planning to have more signage to

maybe guide you

to that entrance that is closest to your


maybe the same entrance becomes your

exit to to avoid

going back and forth in the building


very very important things like

the way the events feel will will will


if we have to follow social distance

protocols you may be

sitting and then there may be empty

seats next to you

and that’s by design to keep that social

distance bubble

if you’re in the building and now you

want to go and buy a soda

an adult beverage you may notice that


are more spaced out the queue lines are

more social distance friendly

or maybe there’s plastic divides to keep


away from each other those are things

that the industry is already looking


and there’s companies that are working

to provide those services

now going to buy a merchandise item

regularly people would go stand 20

minutes surrounded by people to get that

one t-shirt

that one baseball cap now we’re thinking

maybe to sell it online

the moment that you buy your ticket to


that density and that waiting time

surrounded by people

we’re gonna have to have an open mind

for change when you go to the restroom

for instance we’re going to have to

respect the social distance

protocols and also density so we’re

going to have to be a little bit more

patient when it comes to that the

cleaning schedules in our restaurants

will increase

and also the usage will change maybe not

all spaces will be available

at the end of the day we are ready

to welcome you back we’re working

diligently night and day

to acquire everything that we need so

when we open the doors of our buildings

we’re ready to go

but the most important change that we

are expecting to have is

within each and every one of us if we

all exercise social responsibility


if you feel ill if you have symptoms

don’t go to a show stay home

and give that ticket to somebody else or

if available ask for a refund

why because we’re all in this together

you’ve heard that phrase before

and it’s true most importantly when

we’re ready to open our buildings to the


and when you’re ready to come back buy

the ticket

and support this industry that for many

many years

we have made memories together and we

cannot do it without you

thank you
