Chaos and Creativity


when do

years of experience and professional


suddenly become an obstacle i’ve been

designing products and cars for many


so i am what you may call an experienced


the clients ask me to continue doing

this great job that i do

only god forbid that i repeat myself

they want new designs each time well


wonderful do whatever you were doing


each time do it differently how do i do


you see us designers are a

strange bunch of people we’re


we strive for perfection we control


and we’re equipped with the skills and

the ability to do it we work hard

we have discipline we have patience

until we get to the top now

all these are wonderful tools if you’re

looking for

high quality they are worthless tools

if you’re looking for genuinely

something new

and in order to actually find something

new you need to abandon all these safety

stuff that you’ve been doing and do the

opposite turn your back

180 degrees to what you were doing and

do it differently

you actually have to cheat yourself to

calm yourself away from these habits

in order to do that i uh

introduce chaos instead of order

and randomness instead of control and

even accidents into my process

and this thing is fun but also


and a bit risky if you really do it

sincerely if you really sincerely

con yourself there’s a good chance

you’re going to fail

and the result will be worthless but if

you do succeed

there’s a good chance you’ll come up

with something worthy strong and new

now how do i do it i’ll just show you

first of all i need music so

i use music as a not just background but

as a motive the music will

will do the work and i take ink and i

spill ink onto the paper

because it’s


not very orderly and if that’s not messy

enough well

that will be messy


i’ve got these spots meaningless spots

sure why not

i even hold the pen in a stupid way

irresponsible way so he does what he






yeah just looking for the right stuff

yeah okay

takes time these are meaningless spots

and i’m just playing around

no idea what i’m doing at a certain

point i will try to become

an adult responsible adults and

maybe come up with a

product or a vehicle it’s a good



when i see an opportunity i will

probably grab it

yeah if i put wheels now let’s put a


put a wheel then it’s not a car and it’s

not a vehicle

but it may it may resemble

one if i’m


if i pay attention sometimes it’s the

music doing it and sometimes it’s me i

have no idea


i see a vehicle here so let’s see


we’ll clean the wheels a bit so it’ll

look slightly more

cultured less well it’s always the

balance between the vivid

and the free and the wild and something

that is tamed

isn’t that the essence of our work try

my best

to keep the fresh spirit of it which is

not easy not to tame it too much

what i’m doing now is i’m trying and i’m

doing my best

and i actually it’s my motto

to make every effort possible

every effort so the result will look


like something falling out of the sky

almost natural

that’s what i would like and it’s

obviously not easy getting it but that’s

where i strive

