Cell phones are the new parent

Transcriber: Iden Huang
Reviewer: David DeRuwe

Let’s get straight to it.

Cell phone is the new parent.

The reality is there’s no more
human connection.

When was the last time
you talked to your child?

Do you know your child’s favorite color?
Do you know your child’s teachers?

Do you know the principal? Do you know
the physical education teacher?

Do you know who your kids
are talking to on the internet

when they in a room by themselves?

Do you really know?

Is they talking
with their friend from school

or is they talking to Michael Smith,

39-year-old career criminal pedophile.

Cell phone is the new parents.

You buy them the new iPhone,

you sit back, you relax

because most of the adults now is out here
reliving their second childhood.

And they trying to figure out
life themselves

because a lot of people had their children
when they was young

or the father’s not there, the mom
is always working.

So we … the phone.

The phone is the parent.

We live in a world now
where first we listen

with our eyes,
then we listen with our ears.


what your children is listening to
when you’re not around.

Imagine that.

Just think about it.

How many y’all is so much in a rush
to buy the kid a new phone

because it’s a babysitter.

But everything that you’re
not teaching your child,

they’ll learn it from here,

and you never even met
those teachers before.

You never met the porn site.

you never met the people
that’s bullying them on Instagram,

you never met all the different influences
coming from the rappers, the IG models,

all the ideas that they
are processing in their mind

based off of your lack of parenting.

But when things go wrong -
“Why is you doing this?”

Ask yourself, do you even know your child?

Cell even know your child
more than you do.

The cell phone is the new parent.

So now what you need to start doing

is figuring out how you’re going to have
communication with your child.

Because the world is having
communication with your child.

When was the last time you
went to a school meeting?

When was the last time you went to a game,
even if your child is into human contact?

Because a lot of children disconnected
from the human-human connection.

We don’t believe in that no more.
Adults don’t believe in that no more.

So where do we go tomorrow? You must ask
yourself that. Do you go talk to them?

Or is this going to fall on deaf ears,

and then tomorrow is going to come
and Christmas is coming -

they’re going to get the new 13.

If you’re not Android, you’re going to get
a new phone. They’re going to get it.

Think about that. Just ask yourself
the truest question.

Do you know your kid’s favorite color?
Do you know your kids?

Do you know who your kids
sit with at the lunch table?

Name three teachers.

Think about that.

When was the last
time you made a meal for your kid?

Because the only people that made meals
for your kid is Uber Eats, DoorDash.

Because you don’t even
make meals for yourself.

That’s who makes meals for you.

The robots run humans now.

Now we’re going to go to the adults.
The iPhone is the new parent.

The phone is the new parent,
whoever hands you iPhone, whatever.

But when is we going to disconnect enough

in order to reconnect
with the human connection

and talk to people in real life?

Think about that.

When was the last time you just went out,
and you didn’t do like this?

You didn’t just keep checking your phone.

When was the last time you was present
when you was on a date?

Ask yourself that.

Are you in control?
Are the robots in control?

You must really ask yourself that.

And some of us is on technology
and social media for no reason,

we just there to be entertained, which is
understandable, because just like Netflix,

Instagram is the same thing as Netflix -
it’s a bunch of entertainment.

You go on Instagram -
you’ve got comedy, you’ve got magic.

The reason I say magic because Instagram
is filled with a lot of illusions.

You got a lot of illusionists on there,
but we’re fascinated by it,

so we stayed there.

And while you have
illusionists, you have comedy,

you have entertainment, whatever,

you also have big business
going on in there.

You got people that’s running
circles around you,

and they’re getting extremely successful.

How is you using your time on technology?

Because it’s coming to a point where …

this phone right here
is all our mommies and daddies,

but it’s going to affect
the kids the worst.

Before we know it, we’re going to have
specialists on social media disorders,

and depression - it’s happening now.

It’s not just the kids that get frustrated

when they post a picture,
and they don’t get likes.

It’s also the adults.

You’ve got your new get up -

new dress, new shoes, new bag -
and you post it, and nobody cares.


Nobody cares because technology

has taught us to run away
from the traumas of our upbringing

and the reality of our journey,
the reality of our life.

Everybody is masking
and putting Band-Aids on it.

The trauma - you can’t correct trauma,
you can’t finesse trauma.

You’ve got to address trauma,

but this right here -
it made us forget all that.

This right here -
this pacifier, this escape -

added to the things

that we put on, that we wear,

in order to be accepted by a bunch
of people that we might don’t even meet,

that don’t even know us.

The power of a comment -

I’ve seen people break down from comments

from people that they
never even meet in their life,

behind fake pages.

Who are your parents?

And are you being parents to the children
that you brung into this world?

That’s the reality of this.

I look.

You see people.

When was the last time
you took your child to the park?

When was the last time
you took your child on a date?

I know you went to a lot of dates.

When was the last time
you took your child?

I know you went to Miami a thousand times.

Did you take your kid to Orlando, Florida?

Ask yourself that.

When did you spend
real time with your child?

Ask yourself that.

And now we’re living
in a time where people

is reliving their second childhood
like I told before,

and a lot of adults to be realistic.

And I push people to the extreme,
that’s what I do,

but some of us got to know when
to put our dreams on pause

in order for our children to have one.


That’s the reality of this.

But how many are willing to do that
in this selfish world

where everything is competition
and everything is battle,

because right now we live in a world
where everybody is trying to make up

for the vacancies of their upbringing:

everything they didn’t have,
everything they couldn’t do,

everything they couldn’t be.

Right now is a magical time
when you could go on an app,

and just like the army,
you could be all you can be.


Cell phones is the new parents,

but the reality is if we
don’t become parents,

and we don’t, as adults know
who to identify who our parents is -

it’s not technology, it’s a human.

Humans run the planet Earth,
but it’s looking like the technology is,

and we becoming slaves to technology,

to where it’s though we’re losing ourself.

We better figure it out
before it’s too late,

and you better go talk to your child,

and really find out what’s really going on

because if you don’t raise your child,

this will raise your child, the phone.

And if the phone raise your child,
you’re in trouble.

You’re in trouble.

You know, as you growing up as a child,
you extremely impressionable.

Extremely impressionable.

I’m looking at a room filled with adults,

and it’s a bunch of y’all
that’s extremely impressionable.

Your whole life dictated
off of what people do on social media.

I was telling it to these brothers
from earlier leisure,

and I said, “In the Black community,

social media, comments from social media,
and approval from social media

is feared more than God
in the Black community.”

You fear what people think about you more

and what people are going
to say and what you post

than you fear what’s
in the Bible and the Koran?

Think about that.

At the end of the day,

the phone is the new parent.

But when is we going
to start being parents,

and when is we going to identify
who our parents is and who’s leading us?

Humans run the world, but it’s looking
like we’re losing to technology.

Thank you.