Why everyone should care about child care


my daughter

was born backwards instead of the way we

expect babies to be born

headfirst or by c-section i pushed my

stubborn daughter out of me

feet first now when i tell you in two

weeks i’d be involuntarily committed to

mount sinai’s psychiatric ward with

postpartum depression

a place i stayed 18 days would you be


as i looked out the window from my

calming lavender colored room

with no lock on the door and relentless

bed checks i was stunned

about what this all meant for her and i


what i was most worried about in that

moment of crisis

was work not my daughter’s health

not my own but my work

that i’d never work again that i would

lose the work i love

perhaps i was insane but i know i’m not

the first one to put work

first self-second

not everyone lands in the psych ward

right after having a baby

but the child care and work challenge is


when families have to reduce their hours

families risk their income the labor

force shrinks and our economic health


when the early education of children is

a luxury for the few who can pay for it

we all take that gut punch

helping more parents access work and be

their whole selves at work

is critical for the economy

child care is sometimes thought of as a

kids issue

i want you to consider it an economic


a very grown-up issue

employers rarely invite us to be a

hundred percent ourselves at work

parents and non-parents often hide parts

of themselves in order to be seen as


what part of yourself do you suppress in

order to maintain a professional


for some it’s afternoon volunteer


or sports league away games for others

it’s entire identities

needing a prayer room caring for a sick


grieving a loss for parents

it’s the screaming toddler who wants a

snack right when your online meeting is

about to begin

you know this friction i haven’t met

many people who enjoy

screaming children on work calls with

half-focused colleagues

and i know it’s unfair to say you’ve had

it easy in lockdown because you don’t


kids that statement undermines the many

ways your whole self has been affected

by covid19

these are barriers between our authentic

selves and our work selves

the more we try to separate the two the

more we drift

into a lose-lose reality

i know this reality intimately

when my father died by suicide

i told my team he died of a heart thing

i lied about it because i felt like my

grieving self was irrelevant

that crying would make me unprofessional

i faced the reality of wanting to take

care of my own mental health which

included working productively

especially after the psych ward grieving

my father’s death and finding affordable

child care

simultaneously while pregnant again

it all came to a head with the birth of

my second child

my child care options were one

lean on family hard for me to do long


two spend fifty thousand

dollars a year on child care

who can afford that or three quit my job

for a lower paying part-time one

and care for the kids myself these are

the options facing

every working parent and frankly mostly

marginalized genders

since they still hold the child care

burden and are the ones

leaving the workforce due to lack of

child care options

50 000 per


i saw an opportunity what if i invested

the money i’d be spending regardless

so i turned an old bank into a

co-working facility with a child care


and there was something so delicious

about turning a bank vault into a nap


for tired parents it was not easy

the workaround was born

every day i watch parents be more

efficient in four hours than over a full

day of back-to-back meetings

especially when there is no other option

like with jack the son of one of our


jack has congenital heart disease and

his parent

jen is the lower income earner in her


jen is an amazing photographer and

fiercely loves jack but jack’s health

needs mean few child care options

so we welcomed jack and roger and ori

and kofi and a ton of other children

with exceptionalities

parents who would otherwise leave the

work they love

for the children they also love

choice is an illusion

i watched parents go from working once

or twice a week

to having to hire employees because they

were so busy

all while their kids were nearby


to their parents professional purpose

still what annoys me is when somebody

hears i built office space with daycare

they say how has that not existed before

seemed so obvious to have kids at work

but it’s not

we continue to come up with all these

work innovations without solving the


and most urgent friction of all

as canada entered lockdown in march we

learned that over a million women

had their hours cut that month women

lost more jobs because they’re more

likely to work and industries hit the


like service retail and food racialized

communities were hit disproportionately


but but when we reopened the economy

women didn’t return to those jobs in

great numbers

it’s women and non-binary individuals

who on average earn less so they made

the call

to stay home with the kids if it was

between mom and dad by the way

an assumption could be dad and dad

cousin and grandma

mom and mom and daycare

small business has had it rough

i dread walking to work and seeing

business owners my friends with

20 years experience closing their

restaurants and salons and

play places to care for their kids the

truth is

many brick and mortar shops including

local daycares

are on the brink of collapse we cannot

rebuild main street without small


but we need child care

first we need it now

we know how to do this we know how to

build infrastructure to get parents to


we’ve done it with transit which we

largely invest in to deliver people

to their workplace child care is no

different bringing our whole

selves to work unlocks potential and we

should want that for everyone

but parents can’t access their whole

selves because they are

fundamentally blocked by child care

care in all forms is essential to our

shared economic health

you may never need child care but you

will need your care

or your family’s care prioritized at


but it would be a whole lot easier if it

was with

work whether you see

child care as an economic or equality

battle a feminist issue

the government’s problem a childhood

development strategy or

simply this parent needs a god damn

day off plea

this is your fight too

here’s the thing supporting colleagues

at work

with kids also lessens the load on the

ones who don’t have kids

for example you can put in no meetings

role between 8 to 10 am

and 4 to 6 pm that’s when kids are

hungry and loud

or brunch meetups instead of evening

team beers

we’ve created a wildly imbalanced

professional world where

not everyone can fully participate

marginalized genders precarious workers

and especially

people of color are disproportionately

affected by this

backwards work first approach

we start to resolve this by accepting

that the productivity and prosperity of


is linked to the productivity and

prosperity of non-parents of business

and of the economy that care and

business are indeed

two sides of the same coin

what happens when we start prioritizing

care at work

starting with child care sets the stage

for many other opportunities

mental health challenges family changes

all the things that make us

human the economy is made up of the sum

of our collective efforts together

we can build a better a new version of


that sees child care directly related to


economic and personal potential

with my daughter’s birth i learned it’s

much easier to bring your head and heart


first then everything else follows


it’s why we normally birth babies head


what happens if you show up with your

whole identity

passions and loved ones first

everything else is easier once you

accomplish that

a new way forward is possible

start with child care

will you join me in caring
