Observe CEOs of multinational companies in China for 20 years


my first job

was as business news reporter

and i did this job all through my 20s

i started in the united states in the

cities of

portland and seattle and then i

was a business news reporter in greater


in taipei and shanghai

and during the time i did this job i

used to tell people

i have the best job in the world

the reason i said that is that as a

business news reporter

you get paid to meet interesting people

to ask them questions and to learn from


it’s the only job i know where just a

few minutes

after meeting a total stranger you shake

hands with them

and you can sit down and ask them

anything you want to know you can ask


what are your dreams you can ask

why do you do what you do and

my favorite question you can ask

what mistakes have you made and most of

the time

they’ll tell you so after i hit

my 30s my career started to take another


i went back to business school and i got

my degree

and i started working for big

multinational companies and most


just 18 months ago i got my doctorate

and i started my current job which is

business school professor and corporate

consultant so even as

my job has changed in recent years

i still kept my connection to the best


in the world and i did that by doing


on the side which is writing business


so i’ve written three business books

and i guess you can figure out the

reason i love

doing that even though it’s an extra

side job

is that it keeps me connected

to the interview process when you

meet interesting people ask them


and learn from them but why have all

three of my business books been about

china i’m not chinese

the reason is that i’ve been frustrated

my frustration comes from the fact that

every time i go back to my home country

in the united states i meet people

americans and they ask me

what’s it like living in china they say

what’s it like working in china

but when i start answering them after


one or two minutes their eyes glaze over

and even

members of my own family they start

looking at their watch so rude

the problem is that people outside

china don’t realize the importance of


and even people inside china don’t

realize the importance of china

i’ll give you an example the reason for


is because all of you living and working


you don’t see the changes that were


every day one example

is how many of you use your phone

to pay for everything raise your hand

you never use money or credit cards

okay this seems normal to us

in china but i can tell you this is not

how things are done in the rest of the


not yet china is changing

incredibly fast and if there’s

one thing i want all of you to remember

from my

speech it’s that all business leaders

and future business leaders should be


china today and i’ll try to prove that

to you

by introducing you to several people the


one is my co-author this is

juan fernandez he’s a professor

at zhong o gojiwanshan

c-e-i-b-s and here you can see juan and


showing our love for china by wearing

chinese clothing so juan and i have

known each other for many years

and i’ve written all three books with


and the way we write the books is simple

we first start by making a list of all

the companies

we want to include in the book

so in china’s ceo 2 these 25 companies

are the ones we included they’re all big

multinationals with successful


in china and next

we find out who is the china ceo

and then we set up an interview and we


my favorite interview process for this


we asked questions like what kind of


do you need to run a big multinational

in china and also what advice would you


to your successor and also

my favorite question which is what


have you made but there was a big


between our first book and our second


in our first book the 20 ceos we


among them none of them were chinese

and none of them were women

but in the second book written in 2020

eight of the people we interviewed were


and four of the ceos we interviewed

were women so big positive changes

and these are the companies that now

have a chinese

china ceo and these are the companies

that now have

a woman ceo

so let’s meet the first china ceo

she happens to be both a woman

and chinese this is frida jong

she’s the china ceo of ikea

and frida was born in 1970

in the chinese city of qingdao

and she told us that she had a very

common childhood for people her age

coming from her home city like many of

her peers

when she hit her teeny teenage years

in the 1990s her parents

who were working for a state-owed


they were working for a plastics factory

they lost their jobs

the plastics factory went out of

business and making things

even worse frida’s father tried to start

his own company

but that failed and this was hard on


because she had big dreams at the age of


she knew she wanted to work as an


for one of the big four accounting firms

but she faced two obstacles

first was lack of money and second

was lack of english skills and

to teach herself english she started

learning by herself on the internet

probably using an old-fashioned computer

like this so let’s hear how she got her

first job

with ikea she told me that when she


an ad for ikea printed

uh online she had no idea what kind of

company it was

ikea was very new in china and the way

she prepared for the ad

she told me that she stayed up all night

for three nights the night before the


and she memorized the entire website

on life story of ikea

she memorized the history of ikea

the product line division and mission


so during the interview when the hr


casually asked her what do you know

about ikea

frida jong opened her mouth and recited

the entire website she got the job

and not only was she hired as an


at the age of 22 but just

one year later at 23

she became finance manager for north


and shortly after that she became the

first chinese

to join ikea’s china management team

and now she’s the china ceo

so frida’s story of extreme

passion and extreme perseverance

to me prove my point that

all business leaders in the world

and all future business leaders should

be studying

china today let’s meet the next

china ceo this is alain crozier

the ceo of microsoft china

and i asked alan when we started our


i asked him what are your biggest


he told me the biggest challenge is that

people in the home country of microsoft

in the us they misunderstand china

he told me at the top levels of


they know china well but if you go one

or two layers below that many people

misunderstand china they still think

that china is a factory to the world

or that china is a copycat nation

but alan says china is actually

very innovative rampantly innovative

and he used one example to explain that

to his chinese colleagues

one of his favorite examples is about

china’s share bikes how many of you


seeing the first share bikes on the

streets of our cities

back in 2017. remember that

and first they were neatly lined up in

front of

our favorite metro station but pretty


we found them in messy piles like this

but alan says actually the share bikes

can teach us a lot about innovation

in china he reminds us that share bikes

were actually developed in europe

but the european european system had

two major flaws the first flaw

was that the bikes had to be picked up

and dropped off from physical bike


that made them expensive to create

and secondly the bike users had to use

a code that was not user friendly

so chinese innovators took this

okay system and made it really great

that’s because they stopped using the

bike stations

you could drop the bikes off almost


and you could all get the bikes using an


we all already had

so this kind of incremental innovation

taking something that’s okay and making


really great is one thing

that alan says is now rampant in china

and he says this kind of incremental


has laid a foundation for true


which he sees now coming from chinese


doing ai internet of things

facial recognition voice recognition and

many others

so this is my second proof that

all business leaders and future business


should be following china today

and let me introduce you to the third

and final

china ceo he comes to us from l’oreal

and l’oreal is one of my favorite

companies to talk about

because i interviewed them both

in the first book and the new book and


l’oreal is a huge multi-billion euro


so let’s meet the current china ceo


render knitch he told me two important


about china first is that

no other country in the world has the


that china has of fast speed

and huge scale he said

there’s many countries in the world that

are growing fast

like those in southeast asia and there’s

some markets that are already big

like united states but only china

is both fast and grand

he said china is the kind of place

where a company like l’oreal which is


a multi-billion euro company can grow at

double digits or even

30 per year and the last quote

that he gave us is actually something

for all of us

living and working in china or those who

want to work more with china

because it’s about your career he told


that all top talent of l’oreal

they must work in china before they can


to the top of the company globally so

he said that you must know

china from the inside it’s not something

you can

theorize you must connect with chinese


this is an absolute must and actually

stefan is an example of his own quote

because just a few months after i

interviewed him

he became he rose to a global position

he is now vice president north america

for l’oreal so let me recap

the three reasons why i say

all business leaders and future leaders

should study china now the first reason

is about the extreme passion

and extreme perseverance of business


like frida jong of ikea

the second is about

the rampant innovation and rampant

improvement going on in china’s consumer


as we heard from alain crozier of


and third is china’s unique position

in terms of having both speed and

scale and because companies like l’oreal

are requiring their global executives

to work in china first

so with that i believe that anyone

who wants to be a business leader can


greatly from studying what’s going on in


in fact i believe that if you do study

what’s going on in china you will be

the kind of business leader i interview

in my books in fact i’ll even go

one step further and say i strongly


that many people in this room and

listening to this speech

are future china ceos

and with that in mind i look forward to

meeting you asking you questions

and learning from you when i write china

ceo 3.

thank you