An Appeal from a 9YearOld



everyone my name is lisa priyakan woojam

9 years old i’m an indian climate


and the founder of the town movement

thank you so much hans raj college for

inviting me here

to speak in this tedx program

when i was just around four years old i

accompanied my

dad for rising funds for the big teams

of the deadly

massive nepal earthquake of 2015

where more than 10 000 people died and

lots of people got

injured we went to nepal all the way

from india by the road to drop the


medicine clothes etc for the big team

children and families

i get scared when i see on television

people suffering and dying due to lack

of everness

i cry when i see children losing their

parents or people becoming homeless due

to danger of disasters

my country has many disasters like

earthquake flood

landslide etc that was the first time

where i learned the words climate change

and natural disasters but i couldn’t

realize what exactly it is

as i was a small baby that time now i

realize that this could be the main

reason why i’m concerned about the

planet and

our future we don’t treat our planet

with love and respect

it deserves in july 2018

when i was just six years old i

i get a chance to attend one united


disaster conference in mongolia it was

my life

changing event after return back from

mongolia in july 2018

i started my organization called the


movement to call the world leaders to

take immediate time and

action to save our planet and our

future i also met united nations

secretary john drew

and rita book during that program and i

have met many world leaders

in there i’ve also heard many speeches

from our leaders that they would

this will do that will tell them not to

do we’ll hear all your voice

we’re vulnerable but at the end

cop25 was filled just waste of time and

money spending for two weeks in the one

of the most

expensive city of the world in the world

economic forum 2020

we told our leaders uh to abandon the

fossil fuel economy

let’s stop doing something and doing

something children

are more smart and more concerned than

our leaders we want climate action now

without wasting any more time

and greater tumble greatly influenced me

in february 2019

since then at parliament house of india

i’m standing and i’m telling to our

honor friends of

india mr narendra modi and

our mps to pass the climate change slow

as soon as possible from the paper to

become action

if the past is climate change slow then

we can control the carbon ignition

and greenhouse gases and

you can just see in delhi how air

pollution is so dangerous

and even children can move out of the


i am worried about the health of the

school children and small small babies

announced that there would be holidays

for three days second

five days ten days but this is not


our leaders are just busy blaming each


instead of finding a long-term solution

they are just staying the speech they’re

not doing any action

i want our world leaders to do more

action otherwise a future and our planet

would be dying soon

they must act now to save a planet and

have a

you can just see in arctic and himalayas

how alphas are melting twice as fast

than ever before

enough sea level is increasing and the

earth is becoming very hot

and worried about the future of a planet

and many bird divers to hotspots become

climate hotspots now

i think you all heard in the news about

australia perspire

more than billions of animals just died

millions of trees has gone and really

very sad

i couldn’t sleep i couldn’t even take my


many children lost their homes but this

is the real

effect of climate change and leaders

don’t have time to listen us why they

don’t hear

all our voice but this is a real crime


they must act now to save our planet and

our future

and uh i have three main demands to our

leaders and the government to

change the system number first is uh

to pass this climate change law if they

pass this climate change

slow then we can control the copying

nation and renault’s justice

and also it will give the climate

justice to the poor vulnerable people

who are victims of climate change

number second is to include climate

change as a compulsive subject in a


education curricula if they included

climate change as a compulsive subject

in a school education

curriculum then we can fight the climate

change from the grassroots

and it will also help us to teach our

world leaders by their own children

and grandchildren because they can’t

believe in science and climate change is


number two is a children must plan


10 trees every year to pass their final


and in india there are 250 million


if 250 million students plan

million ten trees every year

uh in india there are 250 million states

if 250 million students plan minimum 10


every year then we would plan 3.5


trees trust me india will be green and


5 years today i want to share something

with everyone

living in this world from from my little


we all know we are facing a pandemic on

one side

and flood jumped heatwave cyclones etc

on another site

now this is the time to wake up this is

the time to open up our eyes

this is the time to send your children

and grandchildren

to fight for the survival and for their

own future

the best gift parents can give to their


it’s not beautiful house expensive cars

lots of money

the best gift you can give to your


is a beautiful plant to give this planet

you have to empower yourself if you can

empower yourself then it can empower


family if you can empower your family

then you can empower your neighborhood

if you can empower your neighborhood

then you can empower your community

if you can empower your community then

you can empower your state

if you can empower your state then you

can empower your country

if you can empower your country then you

can empower the whole

world empowerment means independent

independent means freedom freedom

is when you can protect your land and


freedom is when you can protect your

children’s future culture and health

freedom is when no one can discriminate

you on the basis of class creed color

sex or any other differences freedom is

when you can read and write

freedom is when you you are out of


freedom is when we are all together in

this fight

fight for your freedom and today i have

a small message

to all the children of the world

children must tell the parents

that this that that they should not cut

trees if they got one

one tree then plant mainly 10 or 20


don’t use car or bikes every time and

children must tell the parents that they

should walk if it’s nearby

or they can use the bicycle please do

not use single-use plastic at your home

and then please don’t throw garbage or

plastic on streets

ocean river seas or any other places

yeah thank you

thank you once again