Children as leaders and torchbearers for climate change awareness


good evening everyone i am samadhrita

and i am here

to talk about climate change and what we

can do

about it well you must be wondering

what can a seven-year-old possibly talk

about so let me tell you a story

when the pandemic began and the world

went into lockdown

yes i can pronounce panamic i can spell

it too

anyways like i was saying when the

pandemic began

and the world went into lockdown i saw

something incredible

i saw stars in the sky at night

maybe not a whole lot of them but i

could see stars

something that i had never seen before

as the sky was always

filled with smoke and pollution perils

of living in a city

i saw clear blue sky in the mornings

and birds chirping on my window

as humans went into lockdown nature had

taken back

what was hers hundreds of children

suffer from breathing disorder

even before they reach my age

and it makes me unsure about our future

i have already seen some major storms

and thousands of lives being destroyed

i have seen worst of the droughts in

some regions of the country

people unable to survive because of


this is not the one that we want

many think that weather patterns are


but these are not weather patterns it is

the result

of climate change due to human


it is time for us to wake up

as a student and a young earthling i

want to take action

do what i can to make our earth more


and so should you

all the maths history science and

other subjects will not help

if we do not have a sustainable planet

to live on

we need to make climate change awareness

a priority in schools and at home

i am an eco warrior and i am plant-based

because it is one of the best ways to


a carbon footprint i do not eat packaged

foods to avoid unnecessary plastic


and it also keeps me healthy

while children my age celebrate their

birthdays with balloons

and plastic decorations and gifts

i spend my birthdays giving away plants

to everyone i know

and distributing food in orphanages

that is the least i can do so you see

even a kid can make a change if we put a

heart in it

i urge everyone who is listening to this

to take climate change

very very seriously and join hands with

activists working for an awareness and

do their bit

start by buying consciously only what is

needed and not what

we simply want have a plant-based diet

make a compost pen at home remember

the five hours refuse reduce

recycle rot reuse

i would like to call upon all my fellow


to become the torch bearers and show the

right way

if we all make an effort we can change

climate change

thank you