How accountants can help fight climate change


hello everyone

my name is yulin and i’m an accountant

for a good proportion of my

professional career i was a financial


but a few years ago i pivoted to

something else

so nowadays when people ask me yulin

what is it that you do

that’s it i’m in sustainability and

climate change

then they ask me how is it that you can


from accountant to become in climate


then also they asked me this question

what do

accountants have to do with climate


well i’ll answer that question in a bit

but first

i wanted to take you to this year about

500 years ago

  1. now this year is pretty special

it was the period of the italian


so there was art and also commerce


in italy and there was a man

a franciscan friar a mathematician

called luca pacioli

so luca pacholi was a mathematician

and he created and published this very

important book

called the summary of arithmetic


proportions and proportionality it’s a

bit of a mouthful but it’s actually a

very important book

it’s so important because it actually

helped to establish

the principles of accounting

particularly around

debits and credits many people have said

that it’s because of these principles

that trade

commerce continued to develop

so maybe let me give you an example why

are these principles so important

say you are an investor okay you want to

have a look

at a company on whether or not to invest

and you say

let me have a look at those financial

information the financial statements

so you get the financial statements and

you turn to the balance sheet and you


hmm pretty healthy balance sheet return

to the p

l and say lots of profits as well i’ll

invest in this company

so these financial information actually


trust and accountability

and it’s these principles that have been

used by accountants

that have been actually also relied on

by investors

and also stakeholders that engendered

trust and accountability

now i want to move on to another topic

something that is i think close to

everybody’s heart

in this audience today something that

affects all of us

your families your future families

investors companies as well

and something that i feel now that i’m

in this space we haven’t properly

accounted for

and we also haven’t been felt

accountable to

and guess what that that the issue is

climate change i want to now

dish out three numbers and also three


418 ppm what is 418 ppm

so firstly ppm stands for parts per


and that’s a measure of the

concentration in carbon dioxide

in the atmosphere 418 is the level

of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere


it’s not a good level let me tell you


so as far as we could actually record

the amount of carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere and we could go back pretty

long time and quite surprised

800 000 years the carbon dioxide is


oscillated between 200 and 300 parts per


never above 300 and the changes

in the oscillation of carbon dioxide

over 200 to 300 ppm

it occurred over tens and thousands of


so very long time frames and the earth

could adapt accordingly

naturally but something happened

about 100 plus years ago

pre-industrialization happened

and our parts per million managed to

actually go through the

300 ppm level and smash

through 400 ppm so

we are here at 418 ppm

and some might ask like what’s the big


it’s just a number some of you may know

that greenhouse gas emissions actually


heat in the atmosphere greenhouse gases


carbon dioxide that increases

the surface temperature of earth so some

ask me so

exactly how much has the temperature

increased from pre-industrial levels

i’ll show you a number

1.1 degree celsius from pre-industrial


people always ask me actually that is

quite trivial

what’s the big deal about 1.1 degrees


actually people are already feeling the

effects of climate change

even at this level i’ll share with you

two other numbers

1.5 and 2 degrees celsius

scientists always talk about these two

numbers 1.5 and 2.

people always tell me what’s the big

deal what’s the difference

and i say actually there’s a world of


scientists say that in the 1.5 degrees

celsius world

70 to 90 percent of our coral reefs will


and in a two degree celsius bowl 99

and another case in point in the 1.5

degrees celsius bowl

we talked about reproduction decreasing

by seven percent

and in the two degrees celsius well that

will increase to

16 reduction in wheat production in the


scientists are also saying that in a two

degree celsius world

there will be more heat waves and

extreme weather events as well

so scientists are saying please try to

keep it

at 1.5 degrees celsius

now that we understand why it is


to cap that increase to 1.5 degrees


people often ask me so how much of this

carbon dioxide is there in the


how much of it and i said to understand

this let me show you this picture

so this picture here is a orange ball

but it’s a very special orange ball it’s

actually a very big orange ball

probably larger than this or taller than

the stage

it’s two stories high and it represents

one ton

of co2 people ask me

so how much of these orange balls if it

represents one ton of co2

are there in the atmosphere i’ll give

you another number

51 gigatons which actually translates to

51 billion of these balls in the


being emitted every year scientists say

if you want to keep within a 1.5 degree

scenario you can

but you need to half those emissions by

a time frame

20 30 which is eight to nine years time

and then

you need to get it to zero by twenty


you might think so is this very tough or


well based on the study by pwc

of the g20 countries which is the

largest countries in

the world you need to decarbonize by

11.7 percent a year

to get to that 1.5 degree scenario

so you say actually quite doable maybe

we can get there

but i’ll give you a reference point

last year 2020 was the year

where covet was raging

lots of business stopped we had the

circuit breaker

we had lockdowns activities decreased

planes or airports shut down hazard a


about the decrease of carbon emissions

during the year of 2020 has it a guess

close not close sorry it was

unfortunately only seven percent

some sources even say six percent

when i saw this number i said to myself

oh my goodness despite

all this reduction in terms of


we only decrease our carbon emissions

around the world

by to six to seven percent

how are we going to decarbonize the

whole world henceforth

but you know something there are three

areas that actually give me hope

let me share with you the first area

is technology and innovation my first

ball of hope

including innovation in sustainable


and there’s a really great innovation

that’s happening

with renewable energy and even in


like carbon capture

the next area of hope i think is

nature-based solutions

using inland forests and mangroves to


the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and

last but not least

the third one which i think is us

the community businesses governments

individuals setting ambitious targets

coming together to confront and to fight

climate change you know

during 2020 i thought there was

a lot of issues in the world kovit was


and i thought you know i think climate

change would be in the back burner

but i was very surprised in 2020

the number of companies and also the

number of countries

that actually committed to net zero had


from 2019. you had

japan new zealand south korea

china all saying that it would be carbon


and then just this year you have the u.s

that’s it they will slash their carbon


by half by 2030.

i think this is good news we also talked

about investors

investors as well are very interested in

companies who are climate and esg


so the ambition is there i think there’s

lots of work to do

so how is it that we can keep companies

organizations accountable

and decrease the carbon emissions

just now i talked about financial


actually the financial information world

is actually a very well


taken and also a very clear path very

well traveled path

however in the esg area or the climate


the path is less well traveled

and also it’s foggy let me explain why

well firstly there are quite a number of


and climate related standards around

so people will use different different

organizations would use to some


this actually makes it very difficult

for stakeholders and also

investors to cast and compare it can be


the next area is about carbon

footprinting or carbon measurement

well to be honest i don’t think all

companies actually know what’s their

carbon footprint

and even if they’re measuring the carbon


they’re not measuring it completely

there are no complete boundaries there’s

also no complete measurement of their


as well so how do you actually then

baseline your carbon emissions

set meaningful targets to actually


you can’t do it it just surprises me

that in an area where trust and

accountability is most needed

in the climate and esg area that

there’s not much of it

so when people ask me

you len who do you think can help in


what do you think we can do and i say

actually i think accountants can help in

this i think

accountants are able to fight climate

change they can save the world

and then people say you learn you’re mad

i say yeah i think accountants can be


i think accountants can be mad for

climate change and let me tell you why

firstly measurement and disclosure

accountants have been doing this for

hundreds of years

they have been great at measurement and


and also disclosures this is going to be

a very natural adjacency

for accountants actually if you look at

the greenhouse gas protocol

it does have quite a number of

accounting principles hidden within as


the next area is adding credibility

accountants like auditors have been


financial and non-financial information

for the longest time too

say for example you wanted to buy some

high quality carbon offsets a quantity

of it

wouldn’t you want to know that the

amount that you bought is indeed

high quality carbon offsets accountants

can play a part

in that too and last

but not least is driving change and

accountants already doing so

in the world of global governance the

international financial reporting


or ifrs the trustees have come out to


that they will make a start in making

a combine or harmonize reporting

standards of sustainability

so you see accountants can play a part

they can drive change and on an everyday


i’m also seeing accountants putting up

their hand

young accountants putting up their hand

and say i want to join this fight

i want to join this fight against

climate change and i will use my skills

and experience

to fight this so i guess

to answer that question there’s some


the accountants can help to fight

climate change

you know i think our world can be very

different in the future

in the future we might not hear the

roaring sounds

of internal combustion engines but

we will hear the humming sounds of

electric vehicles

in the future we won’t see forest fires

red skies but we’ll see clear blue skies

with air that we can breathe in the


our energy sources won’t be reliant on

fossil fuels

those things need to be kept in the

ground where they belong

instead our energy sources will come

from the sun it will come from the wind

and it will come from gushing waters

in the future everybody will have a


to a good education from the start

so that they can realize their dreams

so isn’t this a future worth fighting


isn’t this a future worth fighting for

in every role that we undertake

whether or not we are an educator

whether or not we are a young person

whether or not we are mother a ceo

a chief sustainability officer a banker

whether or not we are a accountant

thank you very much