How simply changing your Focus can save Our Planet


do you know there are more than a

trillion ways

in which i can scramble this rubik’s

cube and with that said there are more

than a trillion ways

to solve it back but back in 2014 when i


learned to solve this cube i only need

one method yes

just one method to solve it and i was so

used to

with that single method that until

yesterday i was solving this cube

using the same method which i was using


last six years but this was still


and not today because today i decided

to learn the other ways to solve this

problem which i was missing out on since

last six years i mean just imagine how

fast i could solve this problem if i

knew most of the ways to solve it

well this is just one problem amongst

many in this world

and certainly not of any considerable

importance but

with this understanding that there are

trillions of other ways to solve

one single problem a really important

question comes to my mind

that just like this problem there are

many other problem in this world

some of them are really crucial which

must be solved as early as possible

and by problem it can be anything from

simple math problem

a puzzle to some of the most intricate

social problem

of poverty and unemployment so for all

those crucial problems

just like what i did with the rubik’s

cube aren’t we all

getting used to by one single solution

that we are missing out on other

potential solutions

aren’t we all just doing that so back in

2018 when i

first realized the possibilities i was

missing out on

i thought it was time for me to act

and discover the other potential

solutions of some of the most crucial

problem in this world

but before that i had to select a

problem to which i will dedicate the

coming years of my life

and knowing the fact that we are at the

words of sixth

mass extinction where 200 species are

going extinct

per day average global temperature is

rapidly increasing

glaciers are melting sea levels are


but the first of all amid this global


there are very few who are talking about


so i could not think of any other

problem except

climate change now that i had decided

the problem

it was time for me to understand and

find the

already predominant solution in the

society that will eventually help me

find other potential solutions

so i started my search to find out the

major approaches

and major solutions employed by the

front liners to solve the problem of

climate change i talked to many experts

and many climate activists and most of

them had a common answer

that was to force our leaders to make

more climate-centric laws

most of them had this common answer

which supposedly was the predominating


now that i know the predominant solution

in order to find

the other potential solution of this

problem it’s important to understand the

very core reason

or outcome of making more climate

centric laws well

i didn’t had an answer to that question

so i went to an expert

and asked that what is the very core

reason or let’s say outcome

of making more climate-centric norms and

the answer he gave was quite simple

he said that will ultimately change

attitude and action of our people

with that a very important question

comes to my mind

that is changing a law or appealing our

leaders to change our law

the only way to change people’s attitude

towards climate change

the answer is definitely no from a

psychological point of view

there are three other ways apart from

law that can help in changing people’s

attitude towards climate change

with that said i don’t mean to oppose

the already existing method of

climate strike and appealing our leaders

to change law i don’t mean to oppose


in fact i agree it is one of the most

effective method of all

but it’s effective only if our leaders

are listening to our appeals

and seeing the recent example of error

and mullen i don’t think this method

is working well so i thought why not

focus on other three options that i had

the method of group discussion public

awareness and education

for attitude change so what i’m about to


is not just my personal story rather

look at it as a model

which anyone in any part of the world

can use for their regions

this model mainly employs the method of

group discussion public awareness and


for attitude change towards climate


so our focus group for this model is the

young population

for the worst affected by climate change

not only in short term but also

in long term and other financial and

geographical differences

make the situation even worse for the


this model is based on a network of

school connected through a single


that is the national operator of the

entire system

this organization is responsible to

conduct different activities

with the main objective to bring

awareness amongst youth about climate


this includes many interactive

activities that employs all three

methods of attitude change

we conduct competitions among schools

say which school can organize

more cleanliness drives regularly or

competition can be of brainstorming

about an idea an innovative substitute

of single-use plastic products

and not only competition we also

organize regular group discussion on

both grassroot levels in school itself

and in state and national level where

students representatives from each

school come together

and raise their concerns for climate

change involving them

in all these activities in their

day-to-day life will help us change

their attitude towards climate change

and all this is achieved without doing

any climate strikes or

making useless appeals to our leaders

rather it’s achieved by simply

changing our focus on the other three

options that we had

the other three potential solutions

which were missing since last six years

also incentives are given to students in

school for their efforts in this


incentives like cash price or national

recognition as eco school and eco

warrior for school and students


and as our focus group are the young

kids it’s ultimately they

the young population who are about to be

the future policy makers

the future entrepreneurs and ultimately

the one who will take on mankind forward

with all these activities a concern for

climate change

will become an integral part of a

student’s life

which will not only make them more

responsible for our society this will


make them more responsible for our

planet thank you