Successful living tackling Climate Change



awake and stop not until the goal is


swami vivekananda

one of the posters here say this and i’m

going to be speaking about climate


and also how can you be

how can your goal be to be healthy happy

and successful

climate change is affecting everyone

increasing co2 is also a pollutant

for the human brain increasing co2


increased temperature and this was what

nobel laureate al gore discovered and

won a nobel prize

in his inconvenient truth many years ago

but the important part is that co2

is a pollutant for the human brain

climate change is stacking the death


a healthy human being and

heat stress air pollution and

water-borne diseases

are all influenced by climate change

food supply water availability

health infrastructure and cognitive


are all affected and at risk

you’ve heard and seen on tv

about australian fires forest fires

some 3000 homes have been destroyed 33

lives lost

and over 26 million acres

of space raised

co2 is expected to go up to

over 417 ppm by may this year

because of partly because of these fires

un secretary general speaking

in december 2019 said

that when co2 levels go up

beyond 400 ppm it will be

an unthinkable catastrophe

you’ll find that in dalby queensland


experienced floods

in 2010 worst in 30 years

and what is happening is that

various species are being exterminated

and it is also said that by year

2100 50 of the world’s

species will disappear or become extinct

because of climate change

you find in tobasco mexico

this is in april 2009 they had the worst

drought in 2000 close to

60 years droughts affected the wildlife

and livelihoods

lack of water and vegetation during a

drought among

other factors can lead to loss of

livestock and livelihoods

extreme rainfalls dubai

january 2020 it’s a land known for


and the minister for environment and

climate change said

it was because of global climate change

that this happened imagine that people

could not even reach dubai airport

because of the flooding

it’s practically unthinkable in tamil

nadu in 2015

there were extreme floods and you can


for example the highway underwater

in 2019 at least 36 people

died because the temperatures in india

in some plots of india exceeded 50 and a

half degrees

if you notice the climate

the over the last 800 000 years

the co2 levels have not really exceeded

300 ppm

but now they are in 2019 there were 415


was what was the co2 level

increased co2 not only increases


resulting in climate change but is a

pollutant for the human brain

which weighs only two percent of the

body weight but uses 20 percent of the

oxygen that we breathe

increase co2 in the atmosphere means

temperature increases that causes

climate change

but a reason finding by harvard


is that co2 is a pollutant for the human


and i think this should be noted

especially by people who wish to

succeed in life

there was a study done by harvard

university in 2016.

and it showed that people who

were in a room with six

with co2 under 600 ppm and

tvocs total volatile contents in the air

less than

50 microgram per meter cube could

increase their cognitive abilities

by as much as 299 percent

and this study is available to be seen


the cog

question what is cognitive ability

well cognate knowledge is having the

right answer

intelligence is asking the right

questions cognition

is the process of thought or knowing

in this world with 7.6 billion people

there is keen competition to succeed we

need to be healthy

happy smart and maximize our cognitive

ability to succeed in life

my personal experience over 25 years at

the baharpo business center

that now has over 7000 indoor special


is that if you hang around there for

about seven to eight hours you can

increase your blood oxygen levels

by one percent with a 42 probability

pbc’s experience and the harvard

university study


we all wish to get ahead in life and


the average the median age in india is

28.3 years

and everybody wishes to get ahead and

beat competition

whether in college whether at work

whether when

big one becomes 90 plus or

as young students

what is the way to improve your

cognitive ability

the focus should be really on the

bedroom where you have control

because that is where we spend one third

or one fourth of our life

the we must make sure that the tvocs in

the room

are less than 50 microgram per meter


and that the co2 is under 600 ppm

i think we cannot control the place

where we work

or where we commute but we should be

able to see what we can do

to make our bedroom sparse

and with least amount of things no

newspapers magazines etc

which give out vocs

my very popular talk done

in california long beach in 2009

speaks about what i did for myself i’m a

quality pollution survivor from delhi

but also it helped me to

improve the co2 levels and tvocs

unknowingly at that time and now the

harvard university study also points in

the same direction

with three common plants arika palm

mother-in-law’s tongue and money plant

we found and we know that we can grow

all the fresh air

and also keep the tvocs and co2

under control

i put together this pinned down my


in a paperback how to grow fresh air

it’s too shorter time to get into detail

but that talks about it

it is not this climate change is not

going unnoticed

it is being heard but here’s the


climate march in washington dc

in 2017.

time magazine of february 3rd 2020 issue

talks about a youth quake

and it talks about dream big and fight


something like what swamiji said

maybe over a hundred years ago

greta thundberg a swedish teenager and

climate activist

speaking at davos in the world economic


spoke about averting a climate


and she spoke about

the fact that all investments

in fossil fuels

and all subsidies should be eliminated

she’s been nominated for a nobel prize

peace nobel prize by the swedish

parliamentarians now

i suggest humble suggestion for you the

world economic forum davos has taken an

initiative to plant

grow restore and conserve a trillion


by 2030. please do plant

and look after a tree for yourself and

also for your family

thank you for listening and i wish you

good health and success in life
