Why taking action toward climate change


my name is yusuf sayr i will be

delivering my

speech quote-unquote in english but

just to reassure you all my ideas are

100 moroccan

uh really glad to be part of this


because it’s time maybe for us to act


in the same way and try to impact and


change for the environment right now

um to be totally honest with you uh

when i used to hear about the

environment and its problem

i was kind of feeling a little bit of

uh proud being african because i know


the african continent is the least

pollutant continent

there is so it’s kind of like oh nobody

can blame us

for that but then that’s

that sense of uh you know proud uh pride

uh quickly disappears i reassure you


we figure out we are on the same ship

and this ship is sinking so no matter

who is to blame we all need to act


so um i mean you can’t you can’t

imagine being in the titanic and saying

okay no i didn’t steer it into the


it’s not my fault i’m not doing anything


um i believe in action

no matter how small they are uh because

small actions amount to big change

um i don’t think it’s just like

quantifying what is the impact of a

small action

toward the environment say okay if i um

turn off the sink when i’m brushing my

teeth what is the impact really on the


but actually the impact on the

environment might be really really small

but the impact on the mentality is huge

because by becoming

people cautious about the environment

that we can change

as people on this planet there is

something that we learned about

uh during this this

endemic is that we can easily

all be touched easily all be impacted

it’s not because the environment is

silently drifting

drifting toward a bad bad

way i would say that we shouldn’t

pay attention we are all going to be

accountable for it for us for ourselves

and for the generations to come so this

is why i’m saying like

even the smallest action you take is


maybe it’s how it will have an impact on

somebody who lives with you

maybe it’s going to be a teaching for

someone who is growing next to you

and maybe this person is going to grow

up to be

more responsible toward the environment

no matter what the path they’re going to

take in life

maybe they’ll end up at the head of the

big ceo of a big company

and can actually act upon real

change and big change they might end up


they might create rules and laws in

different countries

to shift us toward the right direction

meanwhile if we want to come to that and

see the next generation

i think we need to act now ourselves

our generation first we need to save

what can be

saved it’s time for unity it’s not time


you know debates and fake news and

whatever and what i’m saying small


this actually goes beyond turning off

the light or

you know switching off the sink or

making sure that we

are using biodegradable

things in our life it’s more about that

the way we consume

also because if we consume and we

continue to consume

then they continue to produce what do we

really need that’s the right question we

need to ask ourselves

do i need to eat that much meat every

day every week

or maybe i can slow down on that and if

i slow down on that

and the other do the same and the other

person does the same

maybe we can drag you know the impact of

you know bigfoot companies producing


push them not to produce that much i

think it’s our actions

small and i just say small because

it’s not about taking an action say

having like a

business plan okay i i need to do big


start with small things

and it will help it really help we need

to educate ourselves

i myself educate myself every day try to

be a better person

living in this planet because i know we

share it with a lot of people

i’m far from perfect really far

what i’m trying to learn trying to

improve on myself

trying to impact positively people

around me

it’s not time for thinking it’s time for


thank you very much i hope you’re safe

and sound

and hope to see you soon maybe

physically and not virtually

take care thank you