Will GlobalClimateChange Alter Fundamental ImmuneReactivity


good day

my name is maria grametuk and i’m a high

school student

today i talking about my tedx talk topic

so say begin on my topic

our immune system

has immense difficulties

to adapt to the global

climate change according to

a study by

jonathan lucas

holly the immune system

is vital for

our health and

is heavily influenced

by the climate

the connection between

our immune system

so the climate

change has not received

much attention so far

but it is crucial

and understand the extent

of the problem due to global warming

air pollution and the risen water level

the climate of the earth is changing

dramatically this

changes and mainly

caused by the behavior

of us humans especially

children altered people

and people living in poor conditions

are negatively affected

by these changes

once the body is fully developed

same immune system is also ready

this we know because children

under the age of

five often have an infection

the kids conditionally

or unconditionally our effect

by the climate change

in every moment of their life

then the adults during eating drinking

drinking plain and even

during the time they watched

in according to the american academy

of pediatrics pediatricians

already see the facts climate change

has when their patients

do it to their current climate change

winters are shorter making their

outdoor allergy season longer

and a woman

the climate reality project

notes the increasing global temperatures

are worsening the quality of

the air partly

as a result of a

critter for information of ground

level ocean which is a

main which is a main component

of urban smog

so they also state that for children

the exposure to high

levels of ozone can

cause shortness of breath

hazing and cohen

chest a temporary decline

in lung function and

low level respiratory tract

infection debating all the time

of transmission the disease

can be spread directly or

indirectly a researcher results

shows that weather and climate change

can help in influence

on how disease

spreads this transmission

can have a directly influence

on the survival

of pathogenic organism

and indirect

so indirect influence

on the person

menstruation is also global problem

is a healthy development of children

climate really says that the varied

nutrient rich diet

is essential

for the healthy development

of children i think the climate change

is disrupting many human

partners of behavior

the disturbances

could change indirect

and interaction

between disease and

human immune system

well in ways societies

have not yet fully

understood it is obvious

that the impact of the climate crisis

could have serious and possibly

alarming consequences

for the health of children

worldwide and

as a consequences for the future of

our planet

so what can we do

to reduce the potential negative

effect according to the climate

reality project

the good news is that says

plenty we can do

to minimize or

impact on the future climate

and to perceive

the health and helping

of our offspring

everywhere in the world

leaders climate reality

can our committee

to locally a collection even is a

government is not taking

the leader on climate

issues so throughout

both children and young people

also support local companies

thank you for your attention