Color is the Essence of Life

what sets

man apart from other species

is the extent of capacity of his

achievements striving to excel

forms the significant part of everyone’s


to those who like myself found it


or beyond the boundary of possibility at

one time

let me assure you there is a method

by which one’s abilities could be

enhanced the basic principle

underlying this is to connect with the


creative energies of nature sounds


not at all it all goes back to creation

the mind is connected with creation

you simply have to become aware of it

the surest way to connect to creative


is through color

concentrate on the beauty of color its


its brilliance imbibe it look at flowers

trees people and detect the color

within you are then drawing

nature and natural energies into you

you will slowly increase your perception

and thereby increase the capacity of

your cells

after a time you will find that your

ability in your specific field of work

has increased

we are all familiar with the feeling of

joy we experience when we wake up in the


to a bright day and see the sun shining

brightly through the window

this gives us a spurt of energy what is

responsible for this light and what is


the components of light are colors

color is the essence of life

to understand that we must first

understand the power of color

and its origin two primal

energies emerged from the sport of


resonance and effulgence

vibration and vibrance

or in simple words sound and light

which are the basis of all manifestation

from these emanated the electromagnetic


the weak and strong force the

gravitational force

as we know today from scientific data

music as of sound is also means of

stress relief but i am dealing with the

visual means that is light as of

sight which is even more effective for

seeing is believing light is made of


the gamma rays that were caused to be

formed from the electromagnetic force

contains within it the womb of all color

in the form of the spectrum which

occupies a tiny part of its giant

energy it consists of the seven

colors of the rainbow violet

indigo blue green yellow orange red

all formed from the amalgamation of the

three primal colors blue yellow red

cobalt’s blue cadmium yellow vermilion

in the language of the palette

this is responsible for light from these


came everything in creation starting


particles to planets to people there is

visible proof that colors

form the intrinsic components of light

fire is the tangible representation of


and you can see the proof that light


color if you look closely at a candle


you will see the base is blue the middle

is yellow

the tip is red the three

primal colors of creation from which

everything originated and in the

language of the palette

this is cobalt blue cadmium yellow

vermilion myriads of hues who are born

from these three primal hues

everything in the universe has these

myriads of colors

and the intensity of shades

in each object is what distinguishes

each from the other we are formed of

all the colors of the universe and


connected to the universal energy

through these same colors

that form everything in it so drawing

energy through these very same colors

that we

are made up of is the surest and the

best way

to change our minds in order to

increase our abilities

now let us see how we can do this there

is a method

the first step is to increase our

perception of colors

how do we do that let me first show you

this enlarged image of

fruits look at the apple

what color do you see very obvious red

but look closer you will see many more


that you will be able to distinguish a

lot many more

colors as well there is purple there

is yellow there are different shades of


there is blue towards the edges

you will find a numerous

amount of shades but at first you may

not be able to make it out

the more you look the more you will be

able to perceive

it may not be easy at first to detect

all these shades

you may have to look at it for five

minutes every day for three days

or more but the very effort that you are


is getting you closer and closer to


even if you cannot see many of them this

is strengthening the neurons of your


and you are feeling less heavy which


layers of stress are peeling off

try looking at objects to detect as many

colors as you can

for a few minutes every day before you


work and you will find you can perform

with a clearer mind

now i want you to imagine something

you have a date and you have set up

this fabulous restaurant with beautiful


beautiful cutlery fabulous food and you

are waiting for your date

your date comes in and you sit down to


absolutely amazing menu that has been


with all the decorations candles


and finally you come to the end of the


and you want to pay your date a very

lovely compliment what do you say you


my dear what an amazing combination

of cobalt blue cadmium yellow vermilion


are of course there and then the date


end perhaps but you may be sure

you have voiced

the ultimate complement the most

superlative complement

in this universe than which there can be

no other we are not the only ones in

this planet

to bond with colors animals too have

that ability

in fact some of them are sharper than us

for example the mantis shrimp the

botanical name of it is tomato poda

it has 12 color receptors while human

beings have only three

it can perceive many more shades to a


than we can and look at these color

studies painted

by elephants and dolphins they are from

the saint louis zoo

and here is a sea squid it’s called the

strawberry squid

it is literally a mass of colors

when light shines on its body it

reflects these

innumerous number of shades

amazingly color is connected to all the


in other words we can feel taste smell

here as we see colors if you look at the

these images on the slides you will see

the redness the luscious

transparency of the fruits and

you look at them the more you look at

these fruits

the more you will be able to taste them

in your mind

and now you look at this fabric this

glossy fabric of satin

you can actually feel because of the


that have brought out the shades of this

the texture of the fabric

similarly the image of the woman


if you concentrate on her face and see

the shades

around her face her smile the sparkle in

her eyes

and the manner in which she’s smiling

through the shades you can hear her


in your mind and also the images of the


if you look at them the dew drops on the


you can feel their fragrance in your


so this gives you a vivid sense

of all the senses through color

you can see feel smell hear through


so when you connect with color all your

senses are charged energized

and rejuvenated metaphorically speaking

you are now ready to conquer the world

in other words you are geared up for

maximum achievement

through color this is your new

age enlightenment