best plus one


hey everyone my name is mesen and i

am a swimmer after pizza swimming is my

favorite thing

and because i’m passionate about

swimming i’m pretty good at it you need

to be passionate about what you’re doing

if you want to succeed

trust me i tried a lot of things that i

didn’t like and they didn’t go so well

that’s going to be my excuse

if anyone here ever reached their limits

before can i see a show of hands

please raise your hand if you have ever

reached your limits before

shockingly that wasn’t your limit

because limits isn’t even the correct


it’s called heights and there’s a very

very big difference between limits and


limit is your peak you can never go

better than your limit but heights you

can reach new heights

and you can go higher that’s the

difference between limits and heights

and did anyone ever hear the term

comfort zone before

you probably heard of it but if you

didn’t you can thank me later

the comfort zone is where you feel most

comfortable at hence the name

it’s where everyone you know and

everything you love is that nothing

really new happens in the comfort zone

and get reaching new heights is totally

out of your comfort zone

but if you want a little bit of a

challenge you can go higher to the

learning zone it’s where you slowly get

introduced to new things and new people

it’s kind of like reaching your heights

but not really passing it

but if you want a real challenge you can

go to the danger zone

but successful people like to call it

the magic zone it’s because you find out

things you never knew you could do

you know people you never knew you could

know and that’s the magic of the magic


that’s why i love it and

some people might say well why don’t you

stay in your comfort zone it’s clearly

the best one you don’t get to be tired

you don’t do anything

well might i remind you that if you stay

in your comfort zone you’re going to

stay stationary

you might be the best but if you stay

stationary someone might become better

than you

you’re going to become second and then

third and then fourth

it’s going to go downhill if you don’t

do anything about it well goodbye career

everything is over and because i’m a


and because swimming is a very

fast-paced sport i barely get any breaks

and when i do get breaks

my coach is the one who tells me well

you need to do your best i’m giving you

breaks you need to do your best

and there are two ways to attack that

situation one i could say

well then i’ve been swimming for an hour

i can’t swim anymore i’m super tired

or you could say well if i break my

record now i’m going to be legendary

imagine what i could do if i wasn’t

tired at all i can get a gold medal

it’s very psychological if you have the

first mindset your

br your brain is going to send fake

signals to your body

it shouldn’t really tire itself because

you’re not even going to do anything

it should just stay relaxed but if you

have the second mindset

your body your mind is going to tell

your body that it can do more than it

can actually do that it can reach new


it can be better it’s going to make you

stronger and faster and just like my dad

used to tell me

either you never ever reach your best

there’s always your best plus one and i

remember that while swimming

your best plus one your best plus one

your best plus one makes me faster it

makes me stronger

and that is the formula to success thank

