Living with ease isnt living its dying


are you sitting

comfortably then i’ll begin

comfort or a state of physical ease

but it’s fascinating how one word can so

drastically change a definition

take comfort zone for example

a settled method of working that

requires little effort

and yields only barely acceptable


are you sitting comfortably

so no i’m not asking for you to consider

whether you’ve got sofas and cushions

and blankets

but i’m asking you to consider how

comfortably you’re sitting

in life this is something that has

fascinated me for a long time

the idea of human potential alongside

determination and ambition

when i was younger i often felt like the

only one thinking further than what’s

for dinner

and it dawned on me that young people

don’t push themselves how they could be

and naturally that led me to think of

all people

do we push ourselves or do we settle

studies show that 31 of people can’t

even remember the last time they left

their comfort zone

but this doesn’t mean you have to hitch

a ride on a shark across the pacific

but it can be small things a little

different to your normal routine

or just going the extra mile

every day you can step outside your

comfort zone

you can choose not to take the

conventional room

after all living with ease isn’t living

it’s dying let me explain

living an easy life cozy within your

comfort zone seems like a good idea

but essentially means that you’re

forgoing life and awaiting death

humans improve with struggle so

if we push the barriers we will grow

and ultimately accomplishment really

means living every day to the fullest

and living is evolution and if we want

to evolve

we must grow the human potential


dates back to 1960 but even goes as far

as 1943

with maslow’s theory of

self-actualization or

what a man can be he must be

most interestingly this movement has a

premise that

through working towards our full

potential we can actually experience

a higher or exceptional quality of life

full of accomplishment so if we know

that ultimately pushing those barriers

does breed happiness

why do we sit back and wait for

everything to fall at our feet

think of a world where humans did do

things beyond where they may think their

capabilities lie

think of the pace of life think of the

technological impact

but not only would we physically advance

but with this growth comes a healthy

growth mindset

there’s nothing more fulfilling than

accomplishing something you never

thought you could

so what is stopping you what’s stopping

you taking that leap of faith

it’s your mind the mind

almost has full control most of the time

so i whittled it down and categorized

these barriers into four groups the

first is childhood

the second is fear of change the third

fear of failure and lastly the need for


let’s start with childhood the origin of

all behaviors right

nature or nurture our self-limiting

beliefs do come from the way we are

brought up

as children and then how we’re

integrated into society

from their first steps we box children

off into categories like

she’s a loud one or he’s just shy and

she’s so independent already

but these categories stick with children


and lead them into a life where they

live to how they’re expected to rather

than how they want to

and this remains and it stays with them

all the way through adulthood

but it can be conquered

and fear of change it’s deep rooted

into humans literally registered as an

error in the brain

but how are we to improve without a

little bit of change

it can be conquered fear of failure

arguably the most common or understood

barrier the idea that we should not do


if we don’t think we’ll succeed i think

it’s crazy

how are we to know if we’re going to

succeed if we haven’t even tried

so if you take one thing from my talk

today it will be this

if you choose to push yourself it takes

a strong person to succeed

but it takes a stronger one to fail and

get back up again and yet so many of us

are still afraid of this prospect but it

can be conquered

and lastly the need for approval

the need for validation is an epidemic

in current society

young people turn into adults who seek

ratification for everything they do

whether that’s outside their comfort

zone or even inside it

and we will not grow if we remain this


but it can be conquered and i’m not here

to present you with a whole long list of


but instead to provide you so also shed

some light

on the potential solutions and these

solutions could provide us with some

huge growth

the mind is a powerful thing but my mind

is mine

and your mind is yours so we have full


over these barriers

firstly don’t forget that you can

rewrite your story

who you think you are now isn’t set in


so if you feel weighed down by being

told that you’re shy

rewrite it be loud or be quiet just

be unapologetically who you want to be


after all if you put off your aims and

aspirations for just a week

you could have missed a thousand


and fear of change comes back to our

comfort zones

but why limit ourselves to a small area

of growth when we can step

out and utilize unlimited potential

it’s a no-brainer in more than one sense

it’s a no-brainer because your brain

will say no to this change

but it’s also a no-brainer because of

course you should embrace it

because your brain will adapt it will

get on board

and it will help suit you in the right


and you’ve probably heard the next one

before turn your fear

into fuel make it enhance

your performance but it’s this skill

of of harnessing fear that is arguably

one of the most sought after skills in


because everyone struggles with it but

those who use their fear

and conquer their fear go on to do great


and on a more practical level to


the seeking of validation and approval

it’s all about the plan

you may have huge aspirations and they

may at first seem impossible

but you must remind yourself that these

aims are feasible

and making a plan in order to do this

keeps you grounded

for example i have high hopes for my own

future career but by understanding

looking into and getting to know those

smaller steps

that it will take me to get there makes

it seem all that closer to my reach

and with this research it made me wonder

why is it that people do choose the

conventional room

and it always led back to the same thing

a steady career

or an easy steady life

and you may wonder what is the point of

all of this when you could have that

steady career

my answer lies in an inspirational man

called steve plane

he had an untold passion for


which he never chose to pursue to

maintain his career in accounting

devastatingly in 2014 he broke his neck

in a surfing accident and he was told

he’d never walk again

and would likely spend the rest of his

life in a wheelchair

just nine months later he began planning

an expedition

to reach the seven highest summits in

the world

and just three years after breaking his

neck he started this expedition

not only did he complete this expedition

in record time

but he defied all the odds but how is it


because the long-term view of him having

this exceptional goal

helped pull him through his recovery

steve learned the true value of life

and understood that seize the day mantra

that we all hear

and it proved worth it so

how do you see it steve’s story

shows us the benefits you can gain from

knowing the true value of life

but i think it’s more important that we

see it for ourselves

that we push the boundaries and we do

that thing

that we’ve always wanted to do because

after all

if you don’t do it you’ll never know

what it felt like

and you’ll never know what you could

have gained from it

and please let’s not be passive humans

let’s take an

active role in living our own lives and

finding our own path

not simply just conforming to society

be your own boss conquer your fears

and utilize opportunity whether it’s big

or small on your own or in a group or


a risk go ahead

and so i ask you again

are you sitting comfortably