Why stepping out of your comfort zone is more helpful than you think

how many of you guys

in the past week or so tried something

that you’ve never done before

something that required your courage and


in other words how many of you guys

stepped out of your comfort zone in the

past week

first let’s find out what your comfort

zone actually means

well the cambridge dictionary states

that your comfort zone is a set of


in which you feel comfortable in and in

which your ability

and determination is not being tested

what i think of comfort zone is a


area of behavioral space where one’s

risk and stress are minimized

so why should you get out of your

comfort zone

well firstly by taking controlled risk

responsibly it allows you to face


and changes in the future with more


and less stress in short

this allows you to get used to these


and secondly by stepping out of your

comfort zone

you enter a state of mind where you use

the stress

created by stepping out positively

and productively in order to achieve a

certain goal

this is also known as the optimal

anxiety state

and third and perhaps the most obvious


is experience that you gain from

stepping out of your comfort zone

the journey of achieving something that

you wouldn’t have

if you stayed within so

now we know what it actually means and

how it benefits us

how do you leave your comfort zone first

you must know where your comfort zone


what do you feel comfortable doing what

makes you scared

knowing your fears is the first step out

of getting your comfort zone

once you acknowledge that start doing

things differently

do the thing that you don’t want to that

you know you can

with dedication and determination do the

thing that will challenge you

and put you out of that comfort zone


don’t go chasing for an impossible goal

for example

becoming world famous within a day’s


who knows especially in this day and age

the professor brown at the university of


once stated that the biggest mistake

people make

is not acknowledging their fears and

their uncertainty so

let’s not make that mistake and all step

out of our each comfort zone

for me my comfort zone was my family

which i’m sure was for many people as


and when i was 10 i had the choice

of staying in korea with my family or

moving to vietnam with my aunt’s family

for better education abroad this meant

that i would be seeing my family

only once a year during my summer


to step out of my comfort zone was

pretty hard

so much time with my family was going to

be sacrificed

however i made the decision to move out

move away from my comfort zone from my


everything in vietnam was completely


i went swimming for the first time to

have some tropical fruits i’ve never had

in my life

which some of them i disliked like

papayas and junk food

they tasted disgusting to me but

despite all these new experiences the

ten year

me was feeling very nostalgic and


i was missing my family however

like all the other times this moment of

time passed

and there i was tall with determination

determination to learn everything i


and everything i needed

i started as a year five student after

few weeks i’ve arrived and having lived

inside korea my

entire life the language barrier was my

biggest obstacle

everyone was speaking english and i

couldn’t understand

anything so i made korean friends

to help me through the language barrier

explaining everything to me

however after the first semester

i had to move to a new school into a new


with new people and there i’ve made

korean friends as well

who helped me through explaining stuff

to me

and thanks to them i’ve managed to learn

to speak fluent english

within the first six months of arrival

and during those six months i often feel

like giving up

on the edge of going back to the

comfortable place

i call home however

i stay i say i stay strong

and i persevere once you step out of

your comfort zone

you must have perseverance push through

everything slowing you down try to make

you fall

without perseverance you will fail

against these challenges

and end up just where you started

with the skill of perseverance at the

end of the journey

your body releases reward hormones known

as dopamine

which some people consider as the happy


but in fact it’s what makes you feel


rewarding you for you to do it again in

the future

and this will allow you to push further

and achieve your goals faster and easier

in the future

and also by stepping out of your comfort


it allows you to obtain a growth mindset

this means being able to push yourself

being able to try new things

and of course being able to persevere

as the phrase suggests this mind is a

mind that can grow

and develop to become a better version

of yourself

and at the end of the journey the reward

will all be worth it i say

that life is kind of like an obstacle


getting over challenges and obstacles to

reach your end goal

you can choose to do a beginner level

course and finish it comfortably

but where’s the success and pride in


to feel success and pride you must

choose a course

that is challenging to you right so

my message for you today is it will be

hard to step

out of your comfort zone it will be very


for many people but by doing so

you will achieve far greater than you

could have

by staying within and i ask all of you


to try something new something that can

really challenge you

and put you out of your comfort zone and

i promise you

at the end of the day this will benefit


for the better here is a quote that i

leave you today with

you need to step out of your comfort

zone in order to grow strong

enough in order to become strong

and grow thank you
