Industry 4.0 and Communication skills

good afternoon

energy good afternoon


communication can make or break

your career nine years ago

at the end of my first job interview

the interviewer said we need

passionate people to do this job and we

have come to the conclusion

that you are not passionate about


and about teaching i felt depressed

shameful on myself i did not understand

what to do

so i went to one of my teachers mr patil

now mr patil was a thin man with big

spectacles on his face

and he was very very strict teacher

raise your hand if you had a strict

teacher at any stage of your education

combine them all together multiply by


10 is equal to mr battle

i told mr patil the whole incident and

in reply

he said the most difficult sentence

i had ever heard he said

you are passionate about your subject

but you don’t know what you don’t know

and if you try to get it now you can

change the world

i didn’t understand anything

but i felt delighted to listen to it

mr patil sent me to a local school where

i was expected to teach communication

skills to the students of seven standard

as i had no option i started to teach in

that school

i thought that mr patil might have sent

me there so that i could introspect

so i started to teach in that school

when i was working there i came to know

about my lacunae

the fact was i was extremely

an impressive communicator i didn’t even

understand why the principal appointed

me to teach communication skills even

though i was bad at communication

i once asked the principal why did you

appoint me here

the principal said

mr patil had told us what you are

that’s why we appointed you out of


i asked the principal what did mr pardon

say about me

she said he called us

and said you are passionate about your


but you don’t know what you don’t know

and if you try to get it now

you can change the world

again i didn’t understand anything

but i felt delighted to listen to it

i worked in that school for two years

and when i was working in that school i

gave 41 other interviews

how much 41 other interviews and i got

the same result

rejection it was two years

journey of self-exploration and


in my interview number 42 i learned

a secret of cracking the interviews

how many of you want to know that secret

in order to learn that secret you will

have to do the same journey of

self-exploration with me

are you ready to come with me on the


go let’s start it

see one lakh years ago

one lakh years ago we started to

communicate by developing our spoken


from that time we have been using ko


storytellings and latter text to


this was all together communication for

uh so communication 1.0

in 1916 del carnegie wrote a book

entitled how to win

friends and influence people

and he made people aware about the

importance of communication skills

this was communication 2.0

after 1970s

computers arrived and albert mehrabian

proposed a theory

a communication model through which he


that whenever we communicate 55

message goes through our body language

38 message goes through our tonality

and only seven percent message goes

through words

so in the age of smartphone where we are

largely communicating through

text and words people are still

unaware about the importance of tonality

and body language in the years to come

in the years to come we are expected

to communicate not only with humans

but machines within the next decade

artificial intelligence and virtual

reality mechanism

will be widely used to check candidates


internet responses and their behaviors

chatbots are already designed and are

being used to take the interviews

let’s have a look at what will happen in

future interviews


what are the three top important tips

for a sales person

artificial intelligence won’t only check

your words

it will give the same weightage to your


and your body language and

here is communication 4.0 will help you

what is communication 4.0 it is a

communication model

33 33 34

means whenever we will be communicating

with any machine in the age of

artificial intelligence

33 percent message needs to be delivered


through body language 33 percent message

needs to be delivered through our


and 34 percent message needs to be


through our words

friends let’s decode now what

does in artificial intelligence expects

from us

as far as our communication is concerned

so let’s start with one of the most


but most neglected skill

and i have something to show you to make

you realize or to make you guess

what is that skill do you want to watch


ladies and gentlemen i feel to regret i

feel regret

to inform you that we are losing our



management consulting company accenture

has surveyed 3600 people from 30


half men half women and

this is the result 75 percent

people are professionals are bad

at listening at the places where

advanced listening skills are required

advanced listening skills are required


as far as or when it comes to listening

skills for industry 4.0 machine can

listen without any distractions but


does not have a quality to empathize

with others

and we the humans have to peel this gap

by listening

with empathy so the only solution here

is whenever

we are having conversation with with

anyone or if someone is speaking with

you which requires your attention

give your all ears to them even if we

are living

in a digital noise where everybody wants

to speak and nobody wants to listen

nobody wants to listen we have to

listen the most important sounds of our


keep your laptop aside keep your

smartphone aside

and listen to that person listen as if

you are

in the shoes of that person this is the


through which we can develop our

listening skills

with empathy

you know that i’m communication

strategist and i uh design communication

for different companies

so i was designing communication

strategy for one well-known company

and company had given me one assistant


deepak was a business graduate from a

well-known institute

he was knowledgeable but the only

problem with deepak

was he was addicted to his smartphone

and laptop

in my observation i saw him spending

most of his time

on smartphone and laptop

raise your hand if you have at least one

friend who is addicted

to smartphone or laptop

combine them all together multiply them

by 10

is equal to deepak

staring at your computers gazing down

at your smartphones

watching tvs have become our habits and

these habits of looking at screens

looking at skins have become

our addictions so these type of screens

create a type of black layer

in front of your eyes

and this black screen this black screen

disables us to comprehend the meaning

behind the words

these black screen represents our fear

of making eye contact with others

or our lack of interest in others so the

only solution here is

what remove those black layers

remove those black screens and give a


and confident eye contact ladies and


artificial intelligence and virtual

reality mechanism

will catch will analyze will assess your

each and every

eye movement your micro facial

expressions while giving interviews

i have one more prop to show you

it’s my hands ladies and gentlemen

we can use use effective use of our

hands while doing communication

our hands speak our hands communicate

so only thing you have to do in

communication 4.0 whenever we will be

communicating with chatbots

is you will have to do your gestures in

power circle

our power circle starts from this novel

area and it can be extended up to our

eye level

so these are your power circles which

you will have to use while communicating

with chatbots

okay so this was all about 33 percent

body language

now coming to next part i have one

musical instrument

but i don’t know how to play it

i don’t know how to play it but i can

create sound out of it

do you want to listen

did you enjoy it no

no see every person

every person can create sound but it

doesn’t turn

into music because we don’t use

variations we don’t use variation we

have such musical instrument

installed here installed here but we

don’t use

variations we don’t use variations

that’s why we become

monotonous monotonous do you know what

is monotonous

you know it exactly so friends

uh when it comes to tonality we know

what is intonation

what is speech or voice what is speed of


but do you know what is punching


this is not punching elongation do you

know what is elongation

do you know what is strategic parts do

you know what is whisper effect or

curiosity effect

the fact is ladies and gentlemen we know

all these effects sound effects we can


all these variations in our sound but

we are not aware about that whenever we


33 percent message goes through our


33 percent face to face whenever we

communicate over phone

66 message goes through our tonality

it’s really serious as we do not have

any idea about the importance of

tonality and there is no formal

education available on this particular


so remember this 33 don’t expect that i

will create a kind of

music now from this i don’t have any

idea about that

so coming to the next part

words words play 34

importance 34 percent words have power

but if we use powerless words while


even our visual communication and vocal

communication both will

tell it is useless words have

power we still don’t know what tonality

and body language swami vivekananda used

when he said sisters and brothers of

america but we know the words

because words are powerful we still

don’t know what tonality and body

language lokman

tilak used when he said swaraj or janma


but we know the words because words are


we still don’t know what tonality and

body language subha chandra bose used

when he said

but we know the words because words are


ladies and gentlemen without even

realizing it

we use wimpy words and powerless praises

in our communication

and those words and phrases tell others

that we are not sure about ourselves

about our ideas

and about our position so the keywords

you speak in your communication will be


assessed and compared by the chat boards

and voice boards with the help

of voice analytics so i will tell you

three techniques

as far as this verbal communication is


three techniques first use power phrases

and power words in your communication

second use storytelling storytelling

tell your own stories tell stories of

others to make your point

for example for today’s talk i told you

my own story

third important point is cohesion and


you may have idea if you do not have any

idea about what is cohesion and


i will give you a very interesting


i will give you one speech in hindi do

you know hindi everyone

here it goes


now you may have got the idea what

is cohesion and coherence it is logical

connection between

sentences and ideas so even if you’re

using power words and stories and if you

don’t use cohesion

and coherence your communication will be


so to large

extent i try to use all these techniques

in my communication

i developed my communication and

the result was my success in interview

number 42

it was the interview for the post of

taken by maharashtra public service


and i got 21st rank in that interview


and now the secret which you are waiting


i just told you secret secret is we have

to give the same weightage to

our body language our tonality and our

words this is the secret and this is


4.0 ladies and gentlemen

i’m not offering you a praise and novel

way to solve the old problem

i’m offering you a an old and classic


to solve this phrase

speak naturally this is pre-requisite

to communication 4.0 friendship you

still do not understand

what is importance of communication i on

the behalf of mr patil

will give you a magical suggestion

you may not understand but you will feel

delighted to listen to it

and that suggestion is you are

passionate about your subject

but you don’t know what you don’t know

and if you try to know

try to get it now you can change the

world thank you