Khadijah Tribble How marijuana reform could repair reclaim and restore communities TED


“What did you want to be when you grow up”

is a question that I’m sure many of you
have heard in your childhood.

But if your upbringing was
anything like mine,

it is a question that you heard
over and over again.

And it wasn’t until I became an adult
that I began to understand

the significance of the asking
of the questions by our community leaders

and my grandparents.

But it was only recently
in the last two years

that I get some true understanding

of just how much significance
and weight there was

in the answer back then and even today.

You see, growing up Black and female
in the South more than 40 years ago,

there are some limitations
to the answer to that question.

Whether real or perceived,
there were limitations all the same.

And so what I want you
to understand at this moment,

as a young girl growing up,

with all that was happening
right after the civil rights movement,

all of the advancements of the struggle,

things that were meant to push and advance
the African-American community;

things like the Voting Rights Act,

The Fair Housing Act
and affirmative action,

and my generation was supposed
to be taking full advantage

of all of those opportunities.

So, when they ask the question,

“What do you want to be
when you grow up?,”

it meant something to them.

I remember hearing this question
one summer at vacation Bible school.

And if anybody is here from the South,

you understand that vacation Bible school

is not to be confused
with BTU training school

or Sunday-go-to-meeting school.

it is vacation Bible school.

I’m still trying to figure out
who thought it was a good idea

to put a vacation,
Bible and school all together …


But the first week of every summer,
of every summer during my childhood,

it was spent in vacation Bible school.

And this one particular summer
there was a teacher.

She wasn’t too much older than me
and my middle school friends.

She wanted to make sure
that we understood scripture

and was able to connect it
to this real world question

of what you will be when you grow up.

And so as my gaggle of girls
sat around lunch that day,

trying to figure out
what we were going to say,

thinking back now, it was
a really impressive group of girls

because they wanted to be things
like civil rights attorneys,

educators and doctors.

I didn’t want any of that.

I was going to do something different.

You see, I was going to be …

wait for it …

A thinker.




So when it came time for me
to take the stage

and share with the entire
vacation Bible school,

I introduced myself and I said,

“When I grow up,
I’m going to be a thinker.”

There was some laughter, some giggles,

but it was really the disapproving look
on the teacher’s face that made me recant.

And so I said really quickly,

“When I grow up,
I’m going to be a lawyer,”

and then I exit stage left.

But fast-forward to two years ago

and I get an opportunity
to spend time at an institution

known for creating
and cultivating great thinkers.

Little did I know at the time

that there’s a ritual
at the Kennedy School

where students get an opportunity
to stand on the famous forum stage

and they’re given 15 seconds to say

what they were going to do
at the Kennedy School.

And so, you know what I’m thinking, right?

It’s a full-circle moment.
I’m going to get it right.

So I take the mic, I introduce myself
and I say to my peers,

to deans and to faculty members

that I’m here to tell you

that marijuana matters.

Not a lot of giggles.

Actually, it was actually
a lot of applause.

But in my head, I’m thinking,

“Khadijah, did you just stand
on the premiere policy stage

and tell these folks
you’re going to talk about weed?”


That’s exactly what I did,

and for the next 12 months,

I immersed myself in all things marijuana,

day in and day out, reading, talking,
sniffing, thinking about marijuana.

So much so, my lovely wife Robyn
banned the topic from the dinner table.


But here’s what I came
to understand about marijuana.

And if you don’t remember anything else
from my talk, please remember this.

That for all of the gains
that we were trying to make

with the civil rights movement –

fair housing,

expanded opportunities in education,

employment opportunities,

building the wealth
of the African-American community,

the failed policies of the war on drugs
single-handedly undid all of that.


And here’s how we know that.

I want to give you guys five numbers.




and one.

And no, it’s not
the Mega Millions jackpot numbers.

See, for more than five decades,

this country has waged a war on drugs,

which has been tantamount to waging
a war on Black and brown communities.

Millions of people have been arrested,

convicted and incarcerated
for marijuana-related possessions.

In the last decade alone, 7 million.

And those 7 million people are facing

what’s known as
46,000 collateral consequences.

Now, some of you may be saying,
“If you do the crime, you do the time.”

And I only have five minutes left,
so I can’t argue that point today.

But I will say to you, at this moment,

when 33 states
and the District of Columbia

have some form of regulated

growing marijuana, selling marijuana,

consuming marijuana and distributing
marijuana on a mass scale,

is it still a crime?

I ask because I’ve met people
all across this country

who are living with those
collateral consequences.

People like Keyvette, a young woman,
very energetic about her future.

When she left high school,

she was ambitious
and she wanted to go off to college.

But before she could realize that

she was stopped
for a routine traffic violation,

I think it was a broken headlight.

And in the course of that stop
the police officers smelled marijuana.

And if you’re in the state of Virginia,

the smell of marijuana is probable
cause for search and seizure.

The car was searched,
there was marijuana that wasn’t used.

She was arrested, booked,

and to this day, she still has
a criminal record related to marijuana.

Because of that record,

she often finds it hard
to qualify for an apartment,

employment opportunities.

She also lost the opportunity
to use financial aid to go to school.

Some of you might not even know

there are about 26 licensures
for entry-level employment opportunities,

that if you have
a marijuana-related conviction,

you may not be able to get that license,

like a barber’s license
or a cosmetology license.

But the thing that I find so offensive
about ??? situation

is that she has two kids.

And there’s evidence to suggest
children born to individuals

who have a marijuana-related offense,

they’re more likely to live in poverty.

And I ask you guys, is that fair?

Is that equitable?

Or take the veteran who proudly
and honorably served for 26 years

in the United States Air Forces.

In that service, he actually
lost the use of his legs,

he’s paralyzed and he uses marijuana
for pain management.

He also uses it to deal
with his anxiety and depression

that you can imagine would come
with losing independence and mobility.

And he uses marijuana knowing full well

that he is at risk of losing
the very health benefits

that he earned as a disabled veteran.

You know, people ask me all the time,

“Khadijah, why marijuana?

Why are you so passionate
about marijuana?”

The reality of it is I feel
like this is just a continuation

of the work I’ve done my entire life.

I’ve worked alongside
marginalized communities,

in service of marginalized communities

in hopes that I would be able
to improve their life in some way.

But if I’m being honest and frank,
it’s also very personal to me,

marijuana is a personal issue for me.

You see, that veteran
happens to be my father,

Retired Master Sergeant Willie B. Tribble,

and I will fight for his right
and the thousands of other veterans

to get the life saving –

and we don’t know that yet by research,

but I suggest that it could
potentially be –

medicine that is quality
and safe for veterans.

And Keyvette?
Keyvette is my daughter in law.

And those two kids, King and Titan,

mean so much to me.

And just like my grandparents asked me,

“What do you want to be
when you grow up?,”

I want to be able
to hear from my grandsons:

anything they want to be.

Thank you for listening.