Host a TEDx Countdown Event

surely there can be no denying

that we are facing an existential crisis

the like of which humanity has never

faced before

climate change is here and it will be


all of us for the rest of all of our

lives but in this

moment right now there are still things

that we can do now is the time to act


i would like to challenge the architects

and designers of this generation

to be bold to question the

implementation and production of new


what if we could really reinvent

concrete and what if by doing so we

could actually have a

way to take up co2 emissions from other

industrial sources

we need to start seeing relocation as a

viable form of adaptation rather than a

last-minute exit strategy we

all have to work together to ensure that

our leaders

feel the pressure our leaders start

listening to our concerns and voices and



we have to trust that if we take many

steps together the best

steps that we each can something new

more beautiful will emerge
