How Do We Build a Village


take a look

at the person sitting next to you on

your right

now take a look at the person sitting

next to you on your left

do you know their names if not then say


to that neighbor how many of you

truly grew up in neighborhoods where you

trusted your neighbors

look again at that neighbor sitting to

your left

would you trust them with lending them a

couple hundred bucks or two

how about trusting them to take care of

your pet

trusting them to take care of your

children okay

that might be a bit much however these

are top questions to ask

as we acknowledge the great deal of


separation among us see i was fortunate

enough to grow up

in a tight-knit low-income section 8


called lacey park or warminster heights

that truly embodied the ancient african


of it takes a village to raise a child

a phrase that places emphasis on

community and family

and its role on impact in raising

children safely

securely and successfully however

as a young transient adult getting ready

to raise my own kids

i had to ask myself where is my village

do they just show up is there a number

to call

how do i build one

this was especially important to me

especially as a social worker

working in community programs where my

job was to raise their village

and growing up in lacey park i saw this


of the vitalness and importance of

having a village

see in lacey park we were self-guided


and acknowledge the necessity that we

needed to rely on each other to raise

our own socioeconomic

status i was able to go across the

street and ask my neighbor for a cup of


go next door for a cigarette for my mom

my mom was able to have the neighbor’s

daughter down the street

watch us as another neighbor took her to

go food shopping

it was in this community where we

supported local businesses

like the hutt and the limbae lady and

ultimately i learned that if it wasn’t

for my neighbors

and that feeling of connectedness i

would not have been empowered to seek


higher education they helped me survive

and empowered me to reach my best self

especially in order to escape a


riddled with abuse addiction and


so as a community social worker part of

my job is to reintegrate clients

coming from jails prisons hospitals

into acknowledging and getting back that


see community is a feeling it’s a

feeling of fellowship among others

with shared interests attitudes beliefs

and goals and i learned that this

feeling is the most crucial to our


to our well-being and to achieving the

best possible outcomes for ourselves

for our families for our communities and

for our children

and when i say community i don’t just

mean the community in which you live in

i mean the numerous communities we all

can belong to

such as the lgbtq community your work

community music arts religious


even as we go through this pandemic as

we experience

intense changes in cultural norms and

how we connect

even joining virtual online communities

is so vital to our existence right now

a year ago i was diagnosed with multiple


a term an illness at my own village had

no idea about

however i went on facebook joined an

online group

and really got the tools the resources

and the support that i needed

to cope with this new diagnosis and

truly learn about a new part of my life

studies have shown that adults who have

made new social connections within two


were 20 times less likely to experience

depression and if initially diagnosed

were more likely to recover

countries like denmark finland


they’re ranked among the happiest

countries in the world

where they foster and have that

collective social responsibility

that responsibility to rely on each

other and contribute

to everyone’s social systems such as

health care

education child care and more

so as a social worker reintegrating my


i had to ask them hey how can we link

you to

vital community resources to help you


and i started applying this philosophy

on a macro level

if it takes a village to raise a child

how do we make our village the best

village it can be

so that we raise our children

successfully and in a way that they can

then reproduce

and i would say it starts with an

instance that during this pandemic

has affected the most vulnerable


as covert increases so does our crime


however with this ideology we will be


to empower each other and participate in

effective change

cities like philadelphia began


police officers in their town hall


cities like chicago with their

neighborhood policing initiative

where they aimed at bridging the gap

between police officers

by appointing community ambassadors to

be that liaison

as a social worker especially dealing

with those with criminal histories

i often have to discuss with my clients


disconnects seen by police officers

where they might not be familiar with

neighborhood makeup

cultural layout or even cultural norms

this is especially apparent in cities

like detroit

where 53 percent of the police force

lived outside of the city

i also have to take into account

collective social responsibility

neighborhoods that have active

neighborhood watch

see a 16 percent decrease in crime

however in the u.s only 12 percent of

those communities

have active programs so speaking of a

lack of community participation

i saw this firsthand while working at

big brothers big sisters

leading their minority outreach

initiative where we were trying to


adults to become positive leaders and

children’s lives

however i also saw firsthand the lack of


the lack of empowerment community

members felt to take part in these


only 19 percent of adults volunteer to

become a mentor

or to participate in children’s programs

to increase their well-being

however i found this strange if having a

positive adult mentor can increase a

child’s self-esteem self-image

their school performance make them feel

more secure in their various

other communities why aren’t more of us

stepping up

this is especially true in regard to

community centers

where more funding and more attention

should be focused on

when i was growing up in lacey park it

was our community center

that was the hub for us to access


to provide and obtain information

it was truly the hub of the assistance

that we so desperately needed

as a social worker i strive to link my

clients to these necessary community


in order for them to achieve that sense

of belonging

interconnectedness that sense of

fellowship and community

that leads to those positive outcomes in

my dual role as

therapist i see how often times mental

health talk is taboo

if we gravitate toward a mindset of

normalizing some of the traumas we face

normalizing some of the mental health

issues that we

all go through we will then be able to

build a more village

where we’re able to have more positive


only about 30 percent of minority adults

seek out

therapy and assistance compared to the

43 percent of the nation

average i believe we can change this by

simply normalizing and encouraging one

another that says hey

this is okay to seek assistance to not


our struggles and our fears and to rely

on our neighbors

as a therapist i often help reintegrate

my clients by using the massless

hierarchy of needs

acknowledging with them and encouraging

them to build their village

so that they have assistance and can

rely on someone

to fulfill those needs similar to when i


it was my community in lacey park that

fulfilled my basic needs

so just making sure that we were fed

making sure that we were there was food

at the pantry that my family often went


we didn’t know what we were going to eat

for the next week

it was my community that helped me

achieve a basic sense of safety

the adults that made sure that we were

at in the home

by the time the lights came on having

that safe feeling

and having all of our basic needs met by

relying on each other

contributed to us becoming more social

and eventually having a higher


now at the top of that pyramid is


so we acknowledge that we need the help

of others and the help of our community

to achieve that to become the best

version of ourselves

that is what we must focus on

so how i envision this

and how i present this to my clients and

motivate them to get out of their

comfort zone

to participate and to really join these


social connections is to simply care

it starts with caring about how your

neighbor is doing

the grief or the trauma they may be


caring about one another’s family and

caring about

the numerous aspects and issues that


all of our communities that we belong to

acknowledging the traumas that a lot of


similarly face and changing the culture

where we are very biased and where a lot

of us are scared to get out of our


in regards to the stereotypes that we

hold true

participating in neighborhood activities

events participating and volunteering

participating and giving our neighbors

even the ones we may not know that well

the vital resources the dollar the

information that we know will help them

achieve value

in their life and secondly empowerment

how can we empower one another to build

our village

and how can we empower ourselves to get

out there

and make the first step see this became

especially apparent to me

about six months ago when my sister

passed away

it was my community it was lacey park

who cared

about the grief and the trauma my family

and i were facing

acknowledged my sister’s horrible plight

through addiction

and acknowledged the after effects it

could cause for me and my brother

they participated in creating gofundmes

and participated in the best going away


we could ever throw for her and that


and empowered me to get through my grief

and empower each one another to get

through tough times

like that so do me a favor

next time you’re walking down the street

put down your phone

and say hi to the woman that you

commonly see walking her dog every


or give a dollar to that homeless man


we might have to check our biases about

in order to make that step

however when we do this we will achieve

the self-actualization

we will achieve how we can build our


and achieve the most positive outcomes

for ourselves

especially in the field that i work in

that feeling of interconnectedness

especially during this time of covid and

the sense of

virtual connection is vital

we must all work together to make sure

that us

as a collective rather than the


mindset we carry all can produce

and be positive members of our


so just remember when the i and illness

is replaced with we it becomes wellness

and by making sure that our village is

healthy and well

and positive that’s how we will produce

effective change

thank you
