When I Was Your Age

when i was

your age i was already married and

pregnant with my first

child when i was your age i had already

worked two

jobs when i was your age your father and

i had already owned a house

and a car when i was your age i would be


and going about my day right after i

birthed you

when i was your age i was ridiculously

fit from all that walking we did

go ahead and look at my old photos

hi my name is aliya and i

and according to our parents we are lazy

overly sensitive

spoiled brats at least and compares them

to them

at our current age don’t get us wrong

our parents are lovely people but much

like others in their generation

they struggle to see that unlike how

they have the whole world to seize

we are literally stuck at home in our


experimenting with banana bread feta

cheese pasta

and just waiting for another day to go


the moment we express any sort of

frustration with how tough the situation


we’re usually met with the response like

but at least you’re safe at home

safe yes save from kovid

  1. see my bedroom was

safe up until i had to wake up next to

my laptop

hosting my classmates and instructors in

a room that was once my sanctuary from

the world

my living room was safe and i couldn’t


to get back home become one with my

couch and have a netflix marathon

now all i have are zoom meetings phone

calls in the evenings

and my days just turning into longer


our homes were safe before the whole

world found its way in

this is not to say that we are not

blessed and grateful

to have a roof over our heads and

families to support us during this


we are very much so

this is to echo the voices of many who

did not

expect ever that they would one day be

forced to stay in

and watch their whole words and

realities turn upside down

just overnight how are we supposed to


without our daily routines of going to

the gym

venting with friends after work or just

cruising by ourselves in the fresh air

all of this has been taken away from us

and we suddenly found ourselves having

to adjust to a new mode of living

and just make the best out of it

sure we’ve had our fun some of us became

viral on tik tok

others have unleashed their inner chefs

and many of us

finally got the chance to spend more

time with the people that mattered the

most to them

but what about anxiety overtaking an

online exam

what about the sheer embarrassment of

when i accidentally

left my mic on and the whole class heard

my mom

asking me to clean up after myself

what about the pressure to go about work

and studies

and excel at them because what else is

there to do

it’s not like there’s a whole pandemic

going on or heartbreaking news

all around us as with anyone who

experiences a life-changing event

we certainly cannot just pretend it does

not exist

and simply go on about our lives just


any other day we have every right to

feel upset

that we can’t go to our favorite places

anymore to feel angry and frustrated

having to deal with homework when we

were very sick about our parents

and to feel useless because everyone

seems to be doing

just fine truth is we’re all

struggling what could help us struggle

a little bit less and make us feel a lot

more comfortable

is if we stop thinking about how


we want to come out of this pandemic and

turn our attention a little bit

more towards how we can help ourselves

make it through

this pandemic baking banana bread

creating tick-tock videos

meditating finally logging off of that

zoom meeting

there’s no one size that fits all when

it comes to dealing with the global


we were told that these would be the

best days of our lives we are young and

free and can take on the whole world

but in reality we ended up having to

come to terms

with the fact that we are actually not

free literally

we’re in a lockdown and it’s advisable

not to take on the whole world

after all we have to socially distance

at our age we have become desensitized

to complex

terms that have become part of our

everyday public speech

like pcrs curfews lockdowns messenger


at our age we have become experts in


and virology at our age the countries

that we have

so long to visit are shutting down their


and the companies that we dreamed of

joining after graduating

are laying off their own employees if

not going out of business

all together so the next time you find


bombarded with aonai was your age we

hope you find comfort in knowing

that no one has really been on your


and no one has ever really been in your


thank you