Benefits of Multidisciplinary Thinking



your own profession it is difficult

because not only do we want to have a

job that we would be good at

and could reach a high career we also

want to feel passionate about it

and finding a job so perfectly suited

for your own needs

well it’s quite fantastic actually

and i have some news for you especially


this high the high school students

this is how many of you are going to

fail at the stats

because studies taken every year show

that up to 20

is the average amount of college or

university graduates who stay

that they work in fields are related

with their finnish studies

which means that every fifth high school


is going to pick a study program that he

or she is not going to use in the future

it sounds like doesn’t but i didn’t call

it bad news

maybe some of those 20 percent did

change the child because they couldn’t


any order and get paid enough but others

simply came up with new possibilities

new opportunities

in other fields and should be perceived

as a failure just because they are

working something

that doesn’t match the education well i

certainly do not think so

i don’t even think that a perfect


exists what i do believe in is a

multi-disciplinary thinking

it is a mindset of acquiring a set of

variants and often different skills

later on combining them together to


new goals and possibilities that you can

reach with a single skill alone

i believe that this is the future and

with my short story

i would like to share with you of how

i’ve learned about

my story begins when i was six years old

one evening

i ate it’s a kinsey guy in the summer

about white pajamas

looked at my mom with a straight face

and told her

i’m gonna become a doctor when i grew up

of course she just laughed at first

because i was a little kid talking about


but what started as a joke at first in

the upcoming years

started to look as a reality because my

grades were great

my parents liked the prospect of me

becoming a doctor soon

someday and so did i i thought that well

this is a decent profession

and this is probably going to be my

future until

one faithful day i learned about easter

program called multimedia technologies

this study program was supposed to teach

you many things

but a few of those were animation


filming and other film related skills

until then i was too hung up on the idea

of becoming

a doctor that i couldn’t see that my

true passion wasn’t

medicine it was actually making silly

films like these masterpieces

as you can see i’ve had no sense of

shame back then

but what i did have was passion


film to edit to create and even act like

a fool every once in a while

just by doing what i feel when

thinking about medicine i didn’t feel

support from everyone around me

i didn’t see a clear and bright future

in front of me

from the career perspective but i also

felt bothered

a lack of interest compared with what i

felt just by thinking about filming

so i decided to listen to my heart and

refuse the prestigious profession

for an unclear whatever so interesting


filmmaking and the funny thing exciting

to listen to your heart

is that once you give it a chance it

never stops speaking to you and keeps on

revealing new possibilities

and this is quite fast because to get

into multimedia i required

an informatics exam and until then i

have i wasn’t in computer high

i haven’t done programming at all

but after a few lessons i saw that i’m

quite good at it and after more time

i saw that i couldn’t even pursue a

career in computer science

so let’s take a look at this if i hadn’t

listened to my heart and chosen

filming instead of medicine i would have

never seen that i am

a program but ok now i wanted to do both

i want to study computer science but my

passion for filmmaking was still there

but i couldn’t do both and

even if i could would make sense would

make sense jumping around

doing a bit of everything but never

mastering anything until the end

like people say jack of all trades but a

master of none

i’d say that this is absolutely our

great ground

multidisciplinary thinking has been

around for ages

we can see examples even from the very

early greek philosophers who weren’t


who were just existential thinkers but

they were also

mathematicians physicists are not

astronomers the very word

philosophy actually means love of wisdom

love of knowledge

just being interested in everything we

can see examples of

combinations of various different fields

even today

biggest technological achievements are


of many disciplines from computer

science to

art humanities social sciences and of

course it would be a shame not to

mention the biggest jack of all trades

leonardo berlin he was a painter as well

as a sculptor and an engineer

and even a scientist and his broad

knowledge making

the artist that he was for example by

deepening his knowledge in math he

learned about

geometric proportions that make

paintings modelism to our eyes

another example his interest in human


in how we are built he was so fascinated


our bodies and even the dissections the


of cutting open the human body is just

to study destruction

in the end his knowledge and proportions

in human anatomy combined with his

artistic side

making the artists that he was in the

vlog or that

you probably wouldn’t even have on lisa

as beautiful as she is right now

as leonardo said realize that everything

connects to everything

so when i was in 12th grade i did try to

realize something like that

and came up with the solution i’ve

enrolled in computer science studies

but at the same time decided to work as

a really high

filmmaker and photographer and at first

it was a bit hard but

with a little bit of time planning and

will powered by my motivation for both

of the fields

i managed to learn new skill and also

deepen my knowledge in my existing

skills of photography filmmaking and

didn’t mind design knowledge and


this combination of design and

programming later on

into my current career path of front-end


which is programming websites


since then i’ve kept my heart open

finding new passions that came to my

life from such simple things

as taking an extra class in social

sciences or business

or to all extravagant examples like

coming up with the starting idea but

it’s this way of life for everyone

maybe some of you are just

not thinking about becoming

until the end until you become well the


if that’s what you really want then of

course go for it uh

don’t get me wrong i’m not trying to

pursue to everything

i am although trying to pursue to do

everything that you are passionate about

and even though people say that you

should find a job you love

and then you will never have to work it

in your life i don’t think that

a specific job so perfect exist

i believe that we could try to achieve

it by doing all the jobs below

that we may not have to work a day in

our lives of course it is easier than


and you will face challenges you will

face failures and failure has a tendency

to make you doubt your decisions

question your path

or just others more than yourself

however the only person whose criticism

you should actually care about

is you and the only way for you not to

criticize yourself

is to truly believe in your decisions

which can only be achieved by

truly listening to your heart and doing

whatever it tells you no matter how

difficult i relate together on this

understood but unless your decisions

may seem at first but when you do

your passions will reveal you new

possibilities that you’ve never even

thought of

before thank you