The Simple Formula that Builds Courage


on june

3rd 2018 i opened a note on my phone and

began typing the following words

am i really going to give up on my

dreams of

building a successful business there’s a

long road ahead and there are no


i don’t want to sell myself short

because i know i can do this

but the stress the uncertainty and the

super delayed gratification

just isn’t for me the next few days were

filled with deep questioning of my

identity i knew deep down that i wasn’t

a quitter

but after a failed product launch an app

launch that failed

not once not twice but three times

i felt like i would never be successful


i didn’t have what it takes to build a

successful business

maybe i wasn’t meant to achieve that

and while i want it so badly to give

into that fear

and let go of my dreams there was a


inside of me that kept me going it said

jacqueline you can do this and that


was courage as i’ve learned in my now

four years in business courage is

something we need

both in big moments and in small moments

most people think that courage is about

removing the fear

but in reality we all feel fear

and fear itself isn’t going anywhere

oxford dictionary defines courage as the

ability to do something that frightens


so if there was really a way to remove

the fear

then there would be no such thing as

courage because courage

by definition is about acting in spite

of the fear

so what if courage wasn’t about removing


but instead was about adding belief

you see courage is like an equation

any time your belief is stronger than

your fear

the outcome is courage this equation

proves true in

all areas of my life any time i’ve

exhibited courage

take a look back at the exact words i

wrote in my journal entry

the day i wanted to give up my business

i said

i don’t want to sell myself short


i know i can do this my belief that i

could build a successful business

was stronger than my fear of failure


i had courage five years ago i decided

that i was going to run

a marathon i ran on the american cancer

society team in honor of a friend

who passed away far too young i wanted

to support this incredible cause

and give myself a new challenging goal


things are going pretty well up until

about three weeks before race day

when i was home from georgetown for the

weekend and i just finished my 20-mile

training run

and i noticed that my right ankle was

throbbing with

every step that i took at first i


well you know maybe this could be normal

for a person who has just run 20 miles

because let’s be honest

that’s not normal so i headed back to dc

the next morning and found my ankle

still throbbing so i lit my way across

campus to the student health center

unfortunately there was a sports

medicine doctor who had an open

appointment later that day

a few hours later my world stopped the

doctor said to me

jacqueline you probably shouldn’t run

this marathon

it looks like you have a stress fracture

and it’s only going to get worse

every time that you run i felt like i

had worked

so hard for something only to be told

that i couldn’t have it

so i politely explained to the doctor

that i planned on running the marathon

in three weeks

and i then asked if there were any

recommendations she had so that i could

keep training

without putting too much strain on my


the doctor of course explained the risks

of running the marathon

and then she gave me a training plan

that involved biking and aqua jogging

that way i could keep up my endurance

without putting too much strain

on my ankle the big day came and my


headed down to dc for the day to watch

me run by for 10 seconds and then get on

the metro and head to another spot in

the city because

all of the streets were closed to watch

me run by for another 10 seconds

and they did this over and over again


26.2 miles now that is what i call

love things were going pretty well at

the beginning

you can see my big smile at the start


at mile 6 and at mile 10 when i was

very excited about the free orange i was


and then at mile 12 the pain

really kicked in i kept thinking to


how am i possibly going to run

another 14 miles

but then i had an idea

what if i just took the next

step i could totally do that

and then after that what if i just took

one more step i didn’t need to think

about the next 14 miles

all i needed to think about was the next


i began repeating the mantra one foot in

front of the other

over and over again in my brain

it caught a nice little rhythm where

each word

became another step like this

one foot in front of the other

and i probably repeated that phrase

about 20

000 times over the next two hours

and by the grace of god or the universe

or whatever you believe in

i cross that finish line clocking four

hours and 50 minutes

you can see the tear in this photo i’m

still not quite sure if it was a tear of

joy or it’s

your pain but nonetheless across that

finish line and as i’m sure you can


this is what happened next and yes it

was definitely

worth it while there were many moments

of courage

throughout my marathon journey the real

moment that tested me

was during mile 12. and while the fear

was strong

something else was stronger and that

was my belief all i did was repeat an

inspiring affirmation

that gave me enough courage to take the

next step

with each step i took my belief was

stronger than my fear

therefore i had courage so

why is it that these simple phrases

actually help us

affirmations are one way that we can

add belief back into the courage

equation and remember

when we add belief we create courage

affirmations are an example

of how our brains can form new

connections and

pathways these new connections and

pathways are essentially your brain

rewiring itself and they get stronger

with repetition

until they become normal this is

important because the more you repeat an


the more likely your brain is to accept

that affirmation

as truth thus the more you repeat an


the more belief you add back into the

courage equation

and remember when you add belief you


courage some of my favorite affirmations


i can do anything i put my mind to my

success is inevitable and i’m

always on the right path i can do hard


and it’s this or something better

if you truly want to build courage start

incorporating affirmations into your

daily routine

in order to make this new routine easy

and effortless i recommend that you say

your affirmations

out loud while you’re completing regular

tasks that way you don’t have to add any

additional time to your routine

some of my favorite times to say

affirmations are when i’m driving

doing dishes showering or folding


in addition to affirmations there are a

few other practices

that you can incorporate into your daily

routine to add belief

and thus create courage one of my

favorite practices

is doing hard things go outside

and run one mile longer than you think

you can

if you don’t think you can run a mile

just try anyway

you will be amazed at what you can

accomplish when you set your mind to a


take a freezing cold shower get out of

bed the second your alarm goes off

the more often that you do hard things

the more you train your brain to believe

that you are capable of overcoming

anything that life throws at you

another practice that i’ve incorporated

into my daily routine

is visualization if you have even 30


every day to commit to your goals then

you have the time to add visualization

into your routine in order to practice

visualization all you need to do

is close your eyes and imagine a scene

in your future

in vivid detail every single morning

since the day that i found out that i

landed this tedx talk

i pictured the following scene i wake up

the morning after the video from this

talk goes live

i head downstairs to make coffee and

breakfast while my fiance richie is

upstairs and he decides

to scroll through his phone and check

out how many views

the talk has jack your

ted talk has ten thousand views

i hear richie screaming down the stairs

a few hours go by and i see a text pop

up from richie

now it has 70 000 views i log into my

amazon account and i see that i’ve sold

thousands of copies of my book stop

getting in your own way

i head over to my inbox and i see i have

dozens of inquiries

about potential speaking opportunities

see how vivid and specific my

visualization is

now it’s your turn to practice


sit up tall in your chair place your

hands on your lap

and close your eyes take a deep breath


and a deep breath out

i want you to imagine that you have just


one of your biggest goals maybe you just

received an acceptance letter in the


from your dream college maybe you

sold your company or landed your dream


trust that whatever’s coming to you


at this moment is meant for you

how does this scene look how do you

feel what are you wearing

who are you with the more detail

you can picture the better

take a few more seconds to soak up this

amazing moment

okay you may now open your eyes

visualization is also backed by science

because we come across so much

information on a daily basis

your brain has a filtering system called

the reticular

activating system the reticular

activating system

filters information based on your

thoughts and your beliefs

so when you visualize yourself achieving

your goals

your particular activating system then

looks for

opportunities to help make that vision

a reality by repeating

affirmations doing hard things and

practicing visualization

you will build your self-belief and when

you do that

you will create courage i’m so thankful

for the courage equation

because it brought me here to this stage

today without it

i would have given up on my dreams on

june 3rd

  1. and here’s

what’s so special about this i

am no different than you i simply

followed the formula my belief

was stronger than my fear therefore i

had the courage

to push forward and create the life of

my dreams

the life of your dreams is more than

possible for you

and now it’s your turn to create it i

can’t wait to see

the amazing things that you accomplish

thank you
