In Quest of Creating Ecofriendly Generation COUNTDOWN





good afternoon i hope you all are fine


as you all are the students i’ll talk

about the impact of teaching teaching as

we all know is


impactful incident in the world

teaching comes in different forms and

from different resources we receive

teaching from families

from teachers from the surroundings and

from nature itself

i would like to disseminate

one of my loveliest childhood memory

with you

and it’s about

gardening in my family

my mother

who is a teacher in profession

assigned us taught us

allocated us with

some of the responsibility


she taught us how to be very much


about the trees about the plants about

the surroundings


allocated very

little individual

garden for me and for my other five

siblings we are six in total



made us responsible for



for watering those plants


putting uh fertilizers

and so on


plant cells become

our part of emotion

we are very happy

when flowers bloomed

we are overhelmed

when there are the fruits and vegetables

in our garden but well

we are very sad when we found the wind

was so strong

to harm

to our plants

so this sort of

grooming has given


set of basic

to us

and we have had

an unconditional love

for the plants for the environment and

this sort of

intimacy with nature is very much

visible in all the behavior and

activities of all of our sibling and



my younger sister


working as the


she has become one of the most

empathetic pharmacists in the global


coming back to the current scenario

we can hear

some buzzing words

like go green

save the environment

eco-friendly equipment

eco-friendly apparatus eco-friendly


eco-friendly product etc

as we know

different community all to the world

and different distinguished personality

they are actually trying their level

best to create awareness

so that

the common people can be responsive

and can be respectful to the spirit of

nature still they are struggling

they are still working to create this

sort of awareness so that this

environment can really be saved

my next approach

is about my situation

i am


in the most polluted city of the world

i have seen dhaka

to transform into the desert of building

and houses from a very beautiful green


over the time over the years actually


has become drastically been changed


industrialization actually

has its impact


almost two centuries and we are to

actually experience

this sort of impact in first hand

now being a teacher

of english language and literature

i had the plan

how to contribute

in saving the environment

that is around me that is around us all

that is around the world

i have very limited range

even though

i had the

affinity feeling from my childhood for


and over the time this connection has

intensively increased

so from that sort of social



i taught in the classroom to the

students majoring english

i usually teach them

different sort of

literature of different era particularly

when i go for the romantic poetry


i do teach them in such a way so that

their learning may not be confined

within the remembering or understanding

level only

i tried my level best

and i am still trying my level best to

take their learning

to the creating and evaluating level

that means they must have a sort of

sustainable learning

and as you know when i teach my students

in classroom i would like to try my

level best

not to confine myself within remembering

and understanding level

rather i take care so that i can take

their learning up to the creative

and evaluating level

so that learning can be sustainable

whatever they learn they can remember

those they can


internalize those essence

and thus it would be sustainable

and wherever and whenever they would

like to utilize this knowledge whenever

they would like to create knowledge out

of the existing one they can be able to

utilize their knowledge




a piece for example the rhyme of ancient

medina perhaps most of you have read you


ideas about the story when i taught

these in the classroom setting

i really teach for the first time within

the classroom but after teaching these

i give my students the authority

to play the role

to dramatize that i gave them the

wholehearted authority so that they can

independently plan

their costume

their segment

the cost

the cost as they wish

and they somehow plan the whole

and in group

they can perform

in real life scenario in the platform

like this whatever they have learned

from the classroom from the reading of



whenever they are actually

planning to do so to materialize their

knowledge into skill and through

attitude through performance

they can really have the essence


from that story

when my learners got the message that

that mariner who started his journey


a favorable condition

in a very positive way

after committing a crime to the nature

he was punished so severely

and nature took revenge upon him

the whole

atmosphere from converted from congenial


drastic condition and he had to suffer

very severely

and after suffering a lot there came a

sort of understanding in his mind

and he could realize his guilt for

committing that sort of crime

and after

what he could get back his



he was his crime was redempt

and he came back with the mental peace

and happiness he had earlier

while my students with this sort of



start their journey in practical life

perhaps none will do

any harm to the nature

remembering the sufferings of the

ancient mariner

while i teach wordsworth to my students

i try to introduce my students with

wordsworth’s concept of nature what’s

what says

one nature can be the

friend philosopher and guide for the


nature can give you whatever necessity

you will have

that means all the fundamental

requirements and needs of a man can be

fulfilled if you really come back

leaving all the temptation of

materialistic life and as you reached at

the lap of nature at the generosity

and the freedom liberty of the nature

you will have all the tranquility you

will have all the happiness you will

have a very peaceful

life amidst the nature

when i taught my students the poems of

matthew arnold

i have disseminated

the ideas

of that oxford caller in scholar gypsy

who left

oxford university


went back to the pastoral setting to

respond the call

from insight

about the nature

from people very common people who are

calling him to disseminate knowledge to

be knowledgeable right and

he really got

peace there

he got

the meaningful life there so well i

really don’t want all of us to be back

to the primitive setting of life like

the scholar gypsy i would like you all

to have a combination

like our this very stage today

here we can see a synergy right there is

technical support there is a symbol of

urbanization but well there is nature

around us right so it’s a wonderful


where life is here

we have all the facilities of modern

life along with these we have nature

unconditional love oxygen from nature

endless greenery hair can give me

endless joy and happiness

once again if we go back to matthew


in his poem doverbit

he observed all the distressed condition

of humanity and his soul cries out when

he saw people suffering


shared his idea

with an analogy

he said the moon

moon is shining

in the both coast the french coast and


english coast the moon is not dividing

its beam

so why the man we are dividing ourselves

which really

are causing different sort of

devastating incident very much harmful

for human for nature

so there is a solution that matthew

arnold has given us

he said

a love let us be true to one another

just one thing to do

just let us be true to one another

actually we really don’t need to do need

to take all the responsibility upon our


we just need to be true to the person

beside you

if you are true to him if he is true to

him and if he is true to her

the whole world will be filled with

happiness with peace there is none to

harm other

there is none to harm environment there

will be no jealousy


enviousness and

now the world is full of unhappiness

where there is no certitude for the

distress humanity


we can be just energized with the

essence of literature

and just

last note

while i am teaching

and my colleagues all over the world

actually teaching literature and

creating a very conscious community

we really don’t think that

the conscious soul can intentionally do

any harm to the nature and while they

will grow up

will they will spread all over the world

eventually they will be the mother

they will be the guardian they will be

the caregiver

and they will disseminate the essence of


all through the world and that conscious

community can never commit anything

subversive to the mother nature

thank you thank you very much