Slam Poetry Dare to Create


hello everyone i’m seoul huang and today

i’m going to be talking to you about

slam poetry

a creative outlet for students

we’re more focused on school and sports

and for you parents

you’re more focused on family and work

sometimes you’ll feel like there’s no

time left for

extra creative activities and i

understand because only 25

of us actually feel like we have

achieved our creative potentials

making time to be creative is essential

dr michelle who’s a psychology professor

in the states says that

having a creative outlet allows us to

feel more refreshed

productive and also increases our


and gives us a sense of purpose

you can also come up with new ways to

solve a problem

and it also gives you inspirations to a

lot of more things

you can also carry the personal

accomplishments that you feel in your

creative outlet to your workplaces

it boosts your self-confidence and makes

you feel more refreshed in general

moreover these are just some of the

reasons why people are more

successful nowadays because they have a

creative outlet

an outlet is where you can express

yourself in a creative way

whether it’s writing a poem or making


photography the list goes on and on

there are so many options that you can

choose from

for me i chose sound poetry

some poetry was just an idea that i


i would see some ideas on youtube and

i’ll watch them sometimes but it was

never more than that

then soon it turned into an interest

when i

started to write poems in my english

classes i also got in contact with

assigned poet when i was in grade 7.

then it turned into a project when i

came into grade 10

is it was a time for us to start a

personal project and i remembered

some poetry fit very well because i

admired them

i admired sign poetry and i was very

interested in it

and that’s how my journey started

after finishing my project in a very

successful note i realized that slam


became more than just a project to me it

became an

outlet a method for me to express

whatever that was going on in my life

and now i am proud to say that sound

poetry is a creative outlet for me

i am a person who turns who tends to

stress out a lot and overcompensate and

when i’m in my life and i when i stress


over academics sports social life

i need an outlet so i can balance

everything together

before i discovered some poetry sports


my creative outlet in a way but then i

realized that sports

was the stressor this was the main


so so i

messed on poetry and i fell in love with

it and when i’m lost in writing

my poem all of my problems in my life

kind of just disappear and i focus on

writing the poem itself

and sometimes this is the outlet i need

to kind of distract myself from reality

and just focus on writing the poem you


and other people do this too

this person um uses quilting

as a creative outlet she co

she organizes these complicated patterns

and sews them and

in a way of organizing her complicated

thoughts and this is how she balance her


and these are just some of the artworks

that she created over

a long period of time

in the early years of microsoft

co-founder paul allen used to play

guitar after an

endless day of coding he said it forces

me to look beyond what currently exists

and express myself in a new way people

with unique outlets are more likely to

come up with new solutions to work

related problems

and if you’re looking for inspiration

try doing something that you really

enjoy to unwind

founder um the founder apple steve jobs

dropped out of reed college just to

stick around to study calligraphy

and this is some of the reasons why

apple products are more distinctive than


electronic products you can learn to use

outside skills to apply

to actual situation in work or school

my journey with slam poetry was a


after finishing my project i realized

how this had an impact on my life

sound protein was a new method for me to

express my experiences

emotions and feelings it also helped me

to become more creatively active and

challenge myself with new goals

it made me feel accomplished and also

relieved a lot of stress

even during my project and after writing

my poems

it truly felt like a challenge

accomplished when a poem on a word

document that took hours to perfect

turn into a successful assembly


i do not think any words can describe

the feeling of accomplishing something

that i felt impossible

the challenges that you face in your

life is what makes your life worthwhile

and in my opinion challenging myself and


is what makes my life fun and marvelous

by setting new challenges you’re

constantly developing and

enlightening yourselves with ideas and


and honestly you should try it out too

experience excitement when you’re doing

something you enjoy

experience the happiness when you’re

doing something you love

i promise it’ll be a worthy journey

start your journey now with a creative

outlet of your own

and now i will perform one of my most

proudest poems i wrote

it is called the seed

a seed is a symbol of growth

they’re connecting water and sun to

become more

than a small peck a seed goes through

days after days of growth to show their

true colors when they grow

they contain a signature a


or a personality that potentially become

a tree a flower a fruit

or vegetables every single one of them

has an origin and meaning

we are just like a seed

we’re connecting in the world to become

more than an

unknown we go through years after years

of growth to show our true colors when

we grow

we contain a signature a characteristic

or a personality that potentially become

a shop owner entrepreneurs engineers an

endless list of potential persona

or character but

character is not shown through jobs


is not shown through a name card

character is not shown through a title

character is not shown through a


character is shown through all the

weeding you have to go through

character is shown through all the trims

and cuts you have to endure

character is shown through all the roots

you spread out over

the years character is shown through all

the battle wounds

that your body contain scars

are warrior marks the scabs will heal

but the scars will stay the scars

it will ache from time to time from the

wind crashing on you or the water that

the society sprinkles on you

whether it’s water with nutrition or

poison the scars

they will sting with regret the scars

they will sing

with misery the scars they will sting

with grief but

we will still grow the scars will ache

from time to time

and they will open sometimes but you

have to close them

with love and time

we will fight in our life

throughout the spring breeze and when we

arrive at the last day of fall

we will feel the cold air starts to glow

we will fight

in the blizzard for the spring breeze

but sometimes

a sea remaining is what we receive

to receive battle wounds to heal scabs

to leave a peck to become the known

thank you for listening