
for a change by anna saha i belong to a


with very dance forms like bharatnatyam

mohinyatum kuchipudi odyssey

i am from india i train in an indian

classical dance form called bharatnatyam

generally classical dances are used as

means of expressing stories and

narrating facts

which the people are very familiar with


i had to deliver two speeches for the

trinity college of london examination

and my topics were to present my

personal interest

and to encourage participation in an


now i have not practiced anything

on a scale as large as that of dance

and i very well realized that neither

can i give two speeches on the same


nor can i talk about something i can’t

relate to at all

so as i was browsing through i learned

about something

very interesting called dance movement


or dmt dance movement therapy

is a psychotherapy for patients of


and trauma who need immense support in

their lives

emotionally that is when i unlearned my

notion about dance

i understood the power of this wondrous

art and how any performing art can be

used for the betterment of society

and not only for entertainment here i

would like to mention about these


which have very successfully utilized

dmt as a medium of change for the


several of them have held in women’s

apartment by enabling women

who have been victims of abuse to

overcome the fear

and start their lives afresh being

inspired from my unknown notion

and these greatly appreciated

organizations i would propose

that we use the same principles to

assist people to heal themselves

through the artistic medium of dance in

particular youth

who have a million things that tie them


dancing offers exercise for the entire


all dance forms especially classical


involve a great deal of eye movements

personally i

practice them every day just to ensure

that my eye power remains in control

for some people these exercises can be


beneficial that it can reduce their eye

power by keeping the eye muscles strong

and active

dancing improves flexibility of the body

and therefore keys from any sort of

muscle pain

it improves digestion and blood

circulation in the body

dancing indeed is a therapy in itself

movement is the first form of


and dance therapists use this very


dmt enables people to express their

innermost thoughts and emotions

which sometimes they themselves fail to


as a result people understand their

bodies better

and can not do it accordingly people

gradually become

aware of the factors that lead to their

stress anxiety depression

lack of concentration etc dance

is an excellent way of relaxation after

tedious us

and thus plays a crucial role in stress


dmt reduces stress but stress is not bad

stress is rather a necessary evil

why though why get stressed upon things

when our blood pressure is high don’t

get enough sleep at night and then be

depressed after all

well some amount of stress is needful

studies reveal that a person gives his

best performance when stressed

not overstressed appropriate amount of

stress gets people walking at the right


and not at the 11th hour being over

stressed can be equally detrimental

when we are stressed we have immense

amount of energy or excitement stored

within us

dmt converts this stored energy into

power or agency or creativity

as a student i would consider for

example the stress of examinations

how does one combat this inevitable even

i say inevitable because we cannot run

away from the system of examinations and


for a student dancing at the appropriate

intervals will convert the stored

excitement or fear

into something fruitful will help him

concentrate and therefore he will be

able to present

himself in a much better form

adolescence is the period of transition

from child to an adult

adolescents often become very cautious

about their bodies

associated with great levels of

depression anxiety lack of concentration

which is crucial at this stage

through dmt adolescents develop a unique

ability to control and coordinate


dance movement therapy can prove to be

very productive for those

lacking basic concentration and those

who switch their minds very frequently

for our educators and our parents stress

management is essential

such stress builds in them because of

their mindfulness for us

their thoughts of giving us a secure

future a saved life

our academic results drives them right

added to this

is the tension of their workplace

therefore stress management

is of utmost importance for adults for

the elderly dmt ensure that they are


through dmt the clients move with the

therapists in certain particular ways

so that their minds and bodies are

always active and they can fulfill their

day-to-day needs

like going out for a walk taking

medicines getting dressed up

etc our curriculum should end courage

and trump

mgmt dmt sessions can be organized in

our schools

perhaps once in a week but in all

parents your grandparents will be


to relieve the stress that builds in

them throughout the week

such sessions can be headed by the

school dance teacher or even some senior


will that not be unlearning to learn the


nuances of a creative art and

encouraging the community towards

bettering themselves

making themselves stronger thank you