Out of the country out of the box transforming the world.

one of the lessons

that i learned from my business failure

is that all individuals can

transform the world by simply going

out of their own home country

into the developing world to start a


some years back i had an opportunity

to go to ukraine ukraine at that time

had become an independent country

and when i arrived i saw utter

economic chaos people were in misery

their spending power had been hurt

there were no food and basic necessities

in the shelves and the currency

and the money was depreciating every day

i stayed back in kiev not quite sure

what i was going to do


one day i was walking on the streets

and i noticed a long line

of course in those days lines were not


there were lines for everything people

got into the line

even before asking what the line was for

because they knew that something

valuable was being sold

out of curiosity i got into the line


and when i came to the top of the line i

realized it was for

meat so if you can imagine this

particular scene that i saw

a butcher standing behind a counter

with half a side of beef hanging off a


and with a very large knife he was

cutting up the pieces of meat

wrapping it in an old newspaper and

handing it to the person

on the line the person on the line the


could not ask for a specific cut they

got what they got

as i watched that scene ideas began to

come into my mind

bulbs flashed and i thought to myself

why don’t i get into the meat business

and prepare

good quality meat that is packaged

portion controlled into steaks hamburger


weighed with a brand and then try to

sell it through

a supermarket or supermarket chains that

were springing up at that time

as i thought about it i liked the idea

and that’s what i decided to do

so through friends and relationships

that i had been building while i was

living over there they

kind of steered me to go to western


where there was a meat plant that was

looking to modernize itself

and i went over there met with the

director of the meat plant was quite

happy to see us

because it was a critical time in their


and we agreed to a collaboration

agreement in the form of a joint venture

where they would provide high quality

beef sides and we would process them


products that were of high quality


labeled and in a brand that we had


at that time all for the first time

happening in ukraine

so with the help of our staff that we


and their enthusiasm we were able to

in the next two years reach every

supermarket in kiev

reached the hotels and restaurants over

there and

even diversified or expanded our product


into poultry and vegetables

and in fact at that time the company had

achieved something like 80 percent of

the market share

of high quality meat products

one fine day there was a knock on the


several people with kalashnikovs barged


our office they threw me on the floor

terrorized our staff pointed a gun at


who disappeared out of fear

they had a truck parked below

and they picked up everything that we

had in our office

our filing cabinets even our desks

files put it in their truck and drove


we tried to recover our business we


however the powers that were behind this


were a lot more powerful than we had

ever thought

and at one point it became clear that

this would be mission impossible

at that point i decided to throw in the


and go back home i went back

and when i got home i fell into a mental


my midlife crisis was precipitated


i recovered out of the economic

whole and the mental crisis that i had


and moved on with my life

some years later i was happening to read

a newspaper

and it was talking about ukraine

and ukraine’s meat industry and as i

read the article

i realized that they were talking about

the meat businesses that had been

created over there which were now

employing thousands of people

generating jobs adding to the economy

what were they doing exactly what we had


branded meat products being sold through

supermarket chains and being sold

to hotels and restaurants

initially my first reaction was sadness

sadness because we had been denied the


to remain over there to participate in


country’s success in this particular


that happened but i also felt

positive in some ways positive because

the seeds that we had shown earlier on

in developing the first private network

distribution that included production

and marketing of meat had blossomed into

a major industry for the country

that idea after reading the article

gave me the basis for this talk that we

are having

today at ted which is that

every individual has the possibility

of transforming the world

whether you succeed or whether you fail

i also felt as a result of my own

experiences and failures

that perhaps there would be a better way

of doing this

if i were to advise you today with all

of the

hindsight of experience i have

and i have distilled this into a three


methodology if i may say so for

anyone to go out and do this

so step number one is

select the right country and you can


why because based on my own personal

experience this is a critical step

so how do you select the right country

me the right country should have two


the first is it should be safe for you

and for your business and the second

it should be low cost of living

why do i emphasize low cost of living

why because if you’re starting a

business on a bootstrap

you don’t want high expensive living

costs to eat away the money

that you would be rather putting it into

your business

and businesses always take longer than

what we have planned in an ambiguous


so where do we get this information well

there are lists of countries

out there by safety and security and

their list of countries

out there by cost of living and you have

to merge these two lists

and shortlist some countries that

catches your interest

step number two go

there in other words go there and see

if the ground reality is exactly

what you have read and things are what

you have

been researching

talk to people visit supermarkets

and find out what exactly do they need

services many times the developing world

countries don’t

need the next big thing that we are all


after they need basic stuff and there is

believe it or not

a target market that can pay for it that

is growing

as they grow

so once you have done that come up with

a business plan 17 18 page document

that tells you how you’re going to get

from point a to point b

step three and this is the most

important of them all

take the plunge in other words

start the business don’t hesitate

don’t over analyze your data

why because the country is

shifting rapidly because of


things are happening too quick for you

your data could be obsolete tomorrow

and over analysis is an enemy of

entrepreneurship so don’t procrastinate

you want to start and learn from your

mistakes and you will pivot your


based on the challenges you are likely

to encounter

and what are you going to get back in

return something extremely invaluable

for you personally

which is instinct instinct of navigating

in a world

where nothing is clear

now you may be wondering at this point

if i did all of this

what can happen so let’s look at the two

scenarios as to what can happen

the first is a bad scenario and the


the other one is a good scenario so in

the bad scenario

you don’t make money your business it

goes bankrupt

or it gets expropriated like mine did

what then well you go back home

your friends and family will still be


they’ll appreciate you for what you have


and believe me you will be at a lot

higher learning curve by then after this

experience than anyone else

who just stayed back

what is the good side the good side is

you do well

you make money you then scale up your


you move to other cities you may move to

other countries

and at some point you may cash out

and decide that you don’t want to

work for anyone else

in both cases the country gets


whether you lose or you win

so when you have so much of an upside


to make a difference in the developing


with so little of downside risk what are

you waiting for

let’s go and transform the world

thank you
