Reaching your full potential


top of the morning to every one of you

before starting i would like to ask how

are you

today if you’re feeling good just raise

your hand high

good to know um so many of my friends

and family here probably know me

but for those who don’t i want to

introduce a bit about myself

about five years ago i used to

participate in a

nationalized cooking show master’s chef

union vietnam and i was lucky enough to

get into the top six finalists

and got myself featured on the cover of

a team magazine

here it is and a also a

commercial campaign for a diary company

in vietnam

i many of my friends to family members

to strangers who found me on facebook

congratulated me

saying i should be proud for such

accomplishment during your young age

i was really proud of myself too but


people start to joke about it they start

to make memes

out of my pictures and i just remembered


the loves and all the can you cook for

me question in such a teasing voice

i was deeply ashamed deeply

and it should have been a prideful

moment of my life

that shall forever be cherished but

instead i saw it like

as if it was a dark chapter of my life

until the very last year in one of my


lessons which has completely changed my


it is when i was introduced to the

concept of

compliance compliance is basically

when individuals adjust their behaviors

and opinions

towards their majority in order to gain


or avoid any disapproval so this is

caused by normative social influence

where their desire to fit into the group

leads to the pressure of changing your


behaviors and opinions this is usually

public but not

private and i realized that i was scared

of being different

as my as not many of my friends are

participating in such events

so i just think that

i once again i want to be like and not

being really cared so i think the best

way is to

compromise with them and that is why i

start to

reject myself i start to

reject all everything i did

and compliance can come in different

forms too

so at the very beginning i asked you a

very simple question and most of you

raise your hand

but how many of you are actually feeling

good maybe you had a bad breakfast

maybe it’s just a bad weather that is


you down and you still raise your hand

since the person who is sitting next to


raised his or her hand and so did most

of the people in this room

it just creates a norm to answer such a


question that way and

compliance can also occurs in our

monogamy patterns when it comes to our

life work and over our existence we put

our brain

on autopilot every day going to work

then head home

make dinner maybe binge a little bit of

netflix before going to bed so you can

repeat their everything the very next


and to a certain point of our life we

will all take our loan

to buy a car at home and spend half of

our life

trying to pay off the debts

sure we show our our everyday clothes

and the food we eat are different

but we don’t take small little steps

towards significant life change

to a certain extent compliance has its


benefits it’s helped to point out what

behavior is seen as desirable and what

is not

it’s create a safety net of to making

everything easier for everyone

and after all it’s just feel better when

you just fit in somewhere

right but here comes a bad one

i myself as a formation i was so proud

of myself

but then i started to feel ashamed of


and i even refused to believe that i was


in masterchef union of vietnam and i

have lost

my individuality and i believe so do


these unwritten rules of society

are restricting us from trying new


exploring ourselves and realizing our

full potential

let’s bring in another psychology

concept shall we

the muslim hierarchy of needs so the

muslim hierarchy of needs is a

is basically a theory explaining the

human motivations

in terms of the pursuit of different

levels of needs as you can see there are


levels here so we think that we might

have reached

level four which is the self-esteem

level as we are gaining acceptance from


but the truth is we are losing

we are we don’t have we don’t accept

ourselves and that’s why we are missing

and unable to reach the top of the


the self-actualization so


is a big state of existence that any

individuals can attain which is

realizing their full potential

we all have an inner drive to achieve


full potential but not many of us can do


when we are so scared of being ridiculed


pressured to fit the perfect image how

can we possibly

try different things in different areas

learning what we are good

and bad at and so realizing our full

potential we are

we are living in such a strange time

where they are good

and bad but there’s also lots of things

in between now if you choose to believe

it or not now is the time for us to

just stop a moment just pause and

rethink the core character of ourselves

this is called we can start small by

seeking for their

values in everything we do

in everything we do

we instead of letting stuff fall into

our life have more control of our


stop making actions and act with real

intent there are people who doing just

fine with

nine to five jobs but there are some who

don’t enjoy these routines

it’s fine it’s such a cliche but

it’s the key is just be yourself and

don’t be afraid of being different

this will help to create a new resource

development agenda

where your own distinct internet

capabilities and potential are

efficiently utilized and maximized

thank you so much