Confronting the Divide

do you ever push yourself to have

conversations with those who disagree

with you

how do you react when you hear someone

that has strong views that oppose yours

are you even able to be friends with

people that have different perspectives

than you

do you actually believe what you’re

saying how can you be serious

i can’t even have this conversation with

you right now

this kind of language is becoming more

and more common

what if these interactions are what

makes us as divided as we are

what if we actually listen as opposed to


and try to learn about different

perspectives even if they make no sense

to you

hello my name is jackson and i’m a 16

year old american

living in luxembourg every year

i go back to the us to visit friends and


on my latest trip there i got my hair


when talking to this barber i mentioned

that i was from california

upon saying this he became angry and


almost yelling at me about california’s

liberal governor

and how he despised him because he’s a

hypocrite has ridiculous policies

and coveted restrictions that are too


this really stood out to me as i started

asking myself questions that i’ve never

asked myself before

since when did the state you come from

cause you a problem

do i need to be more careful next time

most importantly i asked how did we get

here as a country

as a community this barbershop


certainly bothered me but even worse

similar heated interactions

were happening in my own family lately

whenever i have conversations with my

grandpa who i respect and am really

close to

be it about news or current events we

would get so heated only thinking our

way is right

that the conversations would end in


i would think how can he be serious how

can he believe this

i would never even try to understand

because my thinking was clouded by my


so the new family rule was we wouldn’t

discuss these topics together

in hopes of avoiding conflict but this

decision of avoiding controversial


didn’t sit well with me how are we

supposed to become

effective future leaders if we can’t

have intellectual

and respectful conversations with those

who disagree with us

the more i thought about this the more i

knew how vast of an issue this was

but i still didn’t know how to fix it

this year i decided to join my school

tedx club hoping to learn more about

public speaking

the club turned out to be a place where

great ideas are shared

and even more importantly these

controversial topics are discussed

and this is where i learned the

importance of being surrounded by those

who don’t always agree with you

and it has also helped me grow as a teen

and a person

in the club we have heated arguments we


we disagree we value every opinion

everyone listens we can get frustrated

but we don’t get angry at one another

we remain respectful and accept that

everyone doesn’t always have the same


although these conversations in the club

were great i noticed

i noticed that many of my peers lacked a

diversified view on the topics

just like me we were all well informed

about our own side of the story

but we lacked an understanding of the

other side

i then asked myself if i had ever really

tried to listen to those who had

different opinions than me

have i ever had a decent conversation

with those who don’t believe in climate


those who don’t believe systemic racism

exist in the u.s

or those who think covet is a hoax

no i never had

why haven’t i what sources do i read


how do i inform myself do i look at

different sources

or always the same ones upon reflection

i realized i always looked at the same

sources when trying to inform myself

and because i looked at the same sources

with the same ideology and opinions

even if i would question myself about my

views i would do it with those who think

like me

and they would confirm my views i would

never get to see the other perspective

and that is confirmation bias

confirmation bias is the tendency to

search for

interpret or call information in a way

that supports your pre-existing beliefs

or theories

in the danger of confirmation bias is

that it makes us less inclined to engage

with information

that challenges our perspectives and

even when we do see information

that we don’t agree with it can cause us

to interpret this information

in a way that supports our existing


now let me ask you how often do you look

for evidence that supports your views

as opposed to evidence that contradicts

your views

how often do you seek out people that

don’t share your beliefs

as young people unfortunately we spend a

lot of our time on social media

and for lots of us our biases are shaped

by what we read and see on these


a question that i ask myself while on

social media is how is that i only get

fed information

that aligns with my views i found the

answers after watching the social


a documentary about the effect of social


the reason i always saw information that

aligned with my perspectives

is because these companies use

algorithms to feed you only information

that you’re likely to agree with

this is because social media platforms

earn most of their revenue and


therefore their main goal is to keep

users on the

in 2020 facebook earned 98 of its


on advertisements the fact that we are

constantly being fed and from

information that we support is causing

us to be even more narrow-minded

when we then hear someone with a

different opinion or view on a topic

our brands can’t process it and we may

think their view is absurd

this is increasingly important as more

and more people are getting their

information from social media according

to a recent pew research center

report 53 percent of americans got their

news from social media

i realized this is what was happening to

me my google news feed

social media everything it all came from

the same perspective

so i decided to change my habits and

read from sources i wouldn’t normally

read from

watch different news channels all to

understand why people like my grandpa

and that barber believe what they could


i can still disagree with their point of

view but at least i can try to

understand their reasoning

as opposed to putting them in a box and

perpetuating this growing polarization

but as i read from different sources i

became even more confused

different sources would constantly

contradict each other and it was hard to

know what was real or fake

what should i believe this became an

important question to me as

as as i was determined to know who or

what i could trust

as i read and watch news on issues such

as covet and immigration in the u.s

i realized the importance of

differentiating facts because some news

commentators can interpret what is


and feed it to you in the way they want

to understand it

which doesn’t always reflect reality

this growing division and polarization

gave me a sense of urgency to do


as the future felt frightening if action

wasn’t taken

our generation needs to take action

we all of us need take action

but what can we do first of all

we need to check our own biases and be

aware of this growing polarization

and how it affects us in my research i

came across an app that helps you do


it’s a news app that has all the major

sources from the far left to the far


tracks articles you read and alerts you

for only reading on one side

so you can adjust your habits this was

especially important for me

as it made me aware of my own biases

which pushed me to broaden my

knowledge and ingest a range of views

and perspectives

broadening my sources has helped me

understand my grandpa

that barber and other people i used to

just dismiss

now that i can better understand both

sides i can find better ways to

communicate with them

whether we will be able to find common

ground i’m not sure

but at least i can try to have a decent

conversation with them without being


and if the older generation sees that us

young people

are more poised and can hold a decent

conversation with

them maybe they’ll also be open to

understanding different perspectives

it is vital that our generation takes

action that we question our biases

that we take time to verify our sources

that we realize what news commentators


isn’t always necessarily true and that

we understand

we are smart enough to form our own

opinions based on facts and verifiable


we are tomorrow’s leaders and we owe it

to ourselves

our community and the future generations

to break down this division and

polarization circle

we are smart and resilient enough to

tackle global issues

and we can only do that if we’re able to

work with those who fundamentally

disagree with us

and yes you can disagree and dislike

someone’s ideology

without hating the person so next time

you hear someone who believes and


for what you think is wrong instead of


or thinking i can’t believe what you’re

saying or

how can you be serious instead

be curious and wonder why they feel so

strongly about this topic

engage to understand not to argue

then engage to bring people together to

solve problems

and work together to make the world a

better place thank you
