The Dogs Queen of Gambit


it was

10 years ago when i started playing

chess with vika

she blew my mind completely

because always been very active


extremely smart and so unpredictable

she would jump into the water in the

middle of winter

or attack someone during our classes

she’s never been easy but i’ve never

given up

well she forced me to become the queen

of gambit

because my thinking must be faster than


to avoid many dangerous situations

vika is a dog

but i could also call her a tasmanian


when she was a puppy her behavior was

unbearable i was crying a lot

because of her it was so depressing

especially when she was aggressive

towards other dogs

i still remember when she beat my little


because her dog stood next to her

vica pushed me out of my comfort zone

but thanks to her i met amazing people

who helped me and now here i am

a person who’s been learning about dogs

for the last 12 years

i’ve observed hundreds of them

how they function in our society how

people treat them

and what they can teach us

now it’s me who helps others

so why do i care about that

just think about it dogs

are the most common animals kept around

across the globe for the last dozens of

thousands of years

i’m sure that everyone here has met a


even if you’re not the owner they’re


at parks in the streets maybe your

friend or family has won

and yet we still know so little about


sit stay leave it


probably some of you think

that working with dogs is only about

training them

how to take orders but nothing could be

more wrong

in fact training means understanding and

respecting the needs of an animal

not just commanding

imagine that you’re calling a kid for


while he’s playing computer game almost

impossible at the beginning

am i right same thing

happens when your pup is exploring some

interestingly smelling bushes

it’s quite hard for him to resign from

this compelling activity

what i do is translate the dog’s


to our human language and the exciting

thing about language

is that it has an impact on our


let’s take max

he’s pulling on the leash probably

you’d label him just as stubborn

impolite but imagine that you

are him you’re attached to a leash

you can’t do what you’d like to do

wouldn’t you try to free yourself

we also feel bad when we are not


and limited by restrictions

anger fear frustration

these emotions which we know from the

lockdown situation

can be also the reason of max’s behavior

can you imagine living in constant

pain and pretending that everything is


tigan was

but she didn’t want to be touched i

don’t know how many times

she beat her owner’s hands because of


deegan’s human consulted many doctors

behaviorists and even a dog psychiatrist

before she realized that her dog was


because she was suffering

there is no such thing as a bad dog

the thing is that we mostly base our


on superficial beliefs your friend told

you something about your dog

your neighbor complains about him almost

every day

we can say the same about children who

by the way

are very similar to dogs

even scientists use identical methods to

study the minds and behavior of both

children and dogs

somebody once said that children don’t

cry to manipulate impulse or

whatever and the same goes for dogs

they are not born to dominate us

this dominance theory has been busted by


i don’t know what’s going on

but i’m so stressed

says max during the so-called

traditional training jerked on a leash

push down to make him sit

lay or whatever

this kind of old-fashioned practices

lead to physical and mental pain and

usually they produce

more problems for example neck injuries

fear of the owner or just general


what’s more these are not efficient

and ethical training methods

were you able to remember anything where

you were stressed

at school no i’m wondering why research


the higher the level of stress

the lower the learning abilities

i’m showing you how bad i feel

when you are too close it could be

another one of max’s fault

you can find many silly movies and

pictures on the internet

where animals suffer but are considered

as cute

or funny there’s nothing funny

in cuddling a dog growling and showing

his teeth

he’s not smiling he doesn’t feel

safe because you’re crossing his


and this can lead to a tragedy

every year there were like tens of

millions of accidents

that a dog bites someone

how can we avoid that ask yourself

why why doesn’t your dog want to be


why doesn’t your dog listen to you

the universal answer lies in the


would you like to learn from someone you

don’t trust at all

from someone who crosses your boundaries

someone who shows who’s the boss

and doesn’t respect you

probably not neither does your dog

answer yourself how you would like to be


the most important thing know your dog

he talks to you just observe his signals

if he is showing you his thief move away

if she starts to bark

check your surroundings maybe she

noticed something

you don’t see or smell

if she doesn’t listen to you check your

own emotions

because dogs are like reflections of


for example when you are angry they

don’t want to cooperate

if he misbehaves instead of punishing


get him out of a situation and think out

what to do next time to help him

in coping with emotions

remember about rewarding even the

smallest successes

make sure that your pupil is able to

focus on your request

i mean that is ready for training


divide a task into easier steps

just keep it simple

building trust is a process but

it’s absolutely worth it

our thinking must be fast enough

to be able to play chess with our dogs


like in the case of myself and vika

sounds like too much effort well it

comes with

responsibility for both of us

other human beings and our pets

i have a dream in my dream

the basic psychology classes are at


from the early stages to teach us

how to cope with emotions describe

them understand behavior

become passionate and more curious about

what’s going on inside the mind

if we know how to communicate with

ourselves and each other

we’ll gain the huge power to live

a better life with real strong bonds

without hurting our beloved

and actually it doesn’t matter

if it’s a dog or child

because we all are animals