Be Bold Live Your Dream Life


it all started with

do you want to join this with me this

referred to a business competition

and who was this guy well

let’s name him dee dee was the guy who

liked me in high school

always sneaking burgers below my table

whenever i said i was hungry

needless to say i said okay because

having a boyfriend in high school was a

cool thing

also i thought over the next four weeks

dee and i spent a lot of time together

making friendship bracelets and coasters

and after the challenge i fell in love

not with him but of the idea of creating


and seeing somebody’s face light up as a

result of their creation

it was at that moment that i realized

that i had a passion for business

in the next few years i created many

multi-million dollar businesses

i wish in the next few years i

practically did nothing

when i was in school i was always

looking forward to the next exam

having to study for it prep for it and

after the exams

when it was time for a break i thought

to myself hey

i deserve to break i worked so hard for


and before i knew it the break was over

and it was back to exam season again

very often later becomes never

and my later happened five years later

at the age of 19 when i was immersed in

the world of startup yet again

when i interned in three different

startups after my junior college

just as i was about to start something

of my own

time was up i received a letter of offer

from my dream university singapore

management university

to enroll it was it was a

no-brainer right a lot of people before

us have walked this path

go to uni get a job and get married

before 30.

everyone else was doing the same thing

but just as i was about to accept the

letter of offer

something my god was telling me that i

had to reconsider my decision

and the next few days was spent making

one of the toughest decisions of my 19

years of life

whether to take a leap of faith and take

a gap year to chase my dreams

or to just go off the floor i decided to

ask some of my close friends what i

thought about it

and they said please don’t be crazy

they said please it’s not so easy he

said please wait until after university

this was some of the exact words that my

closest friends said to me

i was crushed when i told my traditional

asian parents about my dilemma

they were so taken aback that they said

they will cut me off financially

because they wanted me to be responsible

for my own choices

it was at that moment that i felt so


if i went to school everything will be


but i know that i’ll be living with

other what-ifs

for the rest of my life but if i took

the gap year

i’ll be all alone in the world of


but i needed to do something for myself

and i decided to take a leap of faith

and take the gap year

and pursue entrepreneurship full-time

and today

the boat company is valued at 2.5

million dollars

where we ship to over 26 countries and

work with some of the biggest guys in

the industry

such as fitness first and if someone

were to ask me what’s my secret formula

i would say it’s something that all of

us are born with

something called boldness and today

i’ll be sharing with you what being

bought why being bought is so important

and the four simple steps that can

enable anybody to live their dream life

with the boat system

according to gallup’s research of 155


only 15 of employees in the workplace

are engaged

this means that majority of us are just

doing the bare minimum

just to get through the day and that is

a huge concern

because we spend more than half of our

lives working

one reason for the disengagement may be

because we’ve been silencing our inner


we all have this inner voice inside of

us telling us that we can be better

and we are made for something more but

the thing is to listen to the inner

voice requires us to be out of

our comfort zone it requires us to

challenge the status quo

why rock the boat when everything is

going okay

in her book top five regrets of the

dying a palliativeness went a survey

hundreds of dying patients with only 12

weeks left of their lives

on what is the top regrets and the most

common of them

i wish i had lived a life true to myself

how many of us are living a life that a

young us would have thought of

how how many of us would have thought

the youngest will be proud of the person

that we are today

you might be thinking maybe i’m too

young to do this i’m too inexperienced

or i’m too old it’s too late for me to


well let’s start with the dream life

that you have originated off

maybe is to start a youtube career and

if everyone will take out their phones

right now

and google the youngest youtuber or if

you feel you’re too old

to google the oldest youtuber you’d be

shocked at the results

because what i found is that one of the

youngest youtuber is actually ryan koji

who is only 10 years old this year and

the surprising thing is

ryan was actually the highest paid

youtuber last year

when he was only 9 years old by

reviewing toys on youtube

and if you feel you’re too old well take

a look at hamako

mori who is actually a 91 year old gamer

who has messed half a million following

for video game skills

still think you’re too young or too old

so what’s the bose system about

the boat system starts with this thing

called beliefs and beliefs are facts

about ourselves and the world that we


to be true often without question and

beliefs are super important

because they’re the ones that governs

our thoughts vision affects how we feel

which then affects the things that we do

and with every action

it produces an outcome and the outcome

becomes our life

so if we want to lead the dream life we

must first change the beliefs that we

have about ourselves

to know how to change them we need to

understand how they are formed in the

first place

we can think of beliefs as a scorecard

so with every time we experience

something whether it’s

firsthand whether it’s through hearing

it from a trusted friend

or whether it’s just looking it up on

the internet we actually score a point

towards that belief

and over time as more and more points

are scored towards that belief

we would then our brain would then

believe that is the way and our actions

would soon follow

but the scary thing is beliefs can

sometimes be wrong

so for instance what’s the first answer

that comes to your mind when i say

what color are trees most of us would

say green

but the thing is there are also yellow

trees like the yellow wood

there also red trees like the maple tree

but because we have

so many instances where we see green

trees we automatically think that trees

are green so this shows that our beliefs

may not be accurate all the time

one belief that a person a young

entrepreneur might have is that they

need a lot of capital to start

but the thing is it depends on the kind

of business that the person is studying

if it’s to start an investment firm of

course you need a lot of capital

but if it is to start an internet

business where

the cost can be as low as just a hosting


the capital that you need is very very


so we need to start questioning our

beliefs now that we have the right

beliefs the next step of the boat system

is to overcome obstacles as if anything

worthwhile pursuing in life

obstacles are bound to happen and one of

the biggest and most common obstacles

is fear and there are three kinds of


fear failure fear of uncertainty

and fear of rejection for me i had all


so with different people they have

different ways of responding to fear

for me psychology is quite


for me i call it freaking out where i

think of the worst-case scenario

and then the worst case scenario of the

worst and then the worst case scenario


and it goes on so to deal with it i came

across this quote

that asks what is the worst thing that


and i started reflecting that was when i

thought of

naming my fear so the worst thing that

could happen in my gap year

was that i waste one year of my life and

i lose my life savings

and then i started questioning those

fears would i want to waste one year of

my life

or would i want to waste the next 50

years of my life

always thinking about the what-if it

seems like a fair trade-off

one year for 50 years of my life i don’t

think you’ll be wasted

and at that point of time i didn’t have

a lot of money

probably just a thousand dollars in

savings and i asked myself

but i earned a thousand dollars in my

lifetime the answer was yes

i would earn that amount at least i hope


so you can see that the fears that we

have in our brains are often imaginary


once we start naming our fears it

doesn’t become that scary anymore

the next step in the boat system is to

use leverage

leverage means to get maximum

performance from just a small

action and there are two kinds of


internal and external ones internal

leverages that we can use

include habit building so habits are

things are actions that we do

often without even thinking about it

like breathing and walking

because we do them every single day so

as a starting point

think about your dream life and the

person you want to be what habits does

he or she have

for instance when i first started the


i was obsessed with shark tank because i

wanted to see

how it was to create a product and bring

it to market and what were the points

that people mentioned

so i started watching shopping every

single day and that became my habit

to watch at least one episode of

shopping every single day

you can have the best belief system you

can overcome all the obstacles

and even leverage all you want but

whether you achieve your dream life

depends on the last factor

and that’s actually doing it ask


are you interested to achieve your dream

life are you committed to achieve your

dream life

if you are interested you’ll do whatever

is convenient

but if you’re committed you do whatever

it takes

for me it was never the right time i had

to deal with exams

i had to take a break i had to do this i

had to then

but looking back did i really do

whatever it took

to start my business i don’t think so

sometimes in life we start slow and

that’s okay

but the next most important question is

are you

going to start today let’s all be bored

and live our dream lives thank you