Building the life of your dreams

today as you watch me speaking beat on a

mobile phone

laptop or a tv there’s one thing that we

all need to understand is we are


this is because less than 50 of india

has access to internet

more than 800 million people that is

about i think 60

of the of this nation’s population is

living below the poverty line

now even after having all the basic


where you aren’t really need to think

about if you will be able to get the

next wheel of the day or not i believe

that people are not really making the

best use of it

so whenever i ask them this one

particular question that

do you think you can become virat kohli

anishka sharma barack obama

or maybe or maybe ronaldo in whatever

field you want to pursue

most of them like most of them either

say no

or choose not to answer it so

i think it’s it’s funny and sad at the

same time when they give

like i know a lot of people coming to me

and giving me excuses like

oh yuganj i don’t have the right

resources oh you can’t like i don’t have


enough money to start something or or

maybe my family don’t support me

and these kind of people can give you

billion excuses

see see listen listen i don’t know who

you are where you come from who your

father or mother is but

there’s one thing i can definitely tell

you today that

whatever you want to become you can

become for sure

you you can for sure be in the top few

percentages of that particular industry

is a belief and faith you need to have

in your city

i am not a motivational guru i am an

entrepreneur i am uganda chokra

i’m 21 years old i started my first

company when i was

when i was too young to do that i went

on international solo trips when i was

too young to do that and here you are

listening to me on this

tedx platform and as i speak i still


i’m not ready for it because in my

opinion because because i feel

there will never be a right time for any

right thing to do

you just have to do it in a particular


most of my life the opportunities i got

or i should say the opportunities i

snatched i was never ready for them i

i’ll give you a quick brief about my

journey so i started my journey long

time back

when i had no clue about my life i

started my first company in

2014 i was in school probably in 10

standard yes yes intense standard

and i had this dream that i want to do

something of my own

so i built a website i created a

facebook page and

that’s it that was the launch of my

first company

i asked a friend of mine to create an

introduction video and

as far as i remember he used uh there’s

something called windows movie maker

that time so i guess and and there’s

just me who shared the post

now before even picking up it failed

no one was checking it out even the

graph you see

most of the time it’s either me or my


checking the website to see exactly what

is happening

then i thought i’m good at website

development so

let me start my own agency i created

another website

launched it on facebook again i had no

strategies no distribution network and


with with almost no clue on how to find


uh again again it almost failed

so it was a one-man army with zero club


i thought this is not how it’s going to

work so i decided to take a break

i started writing cold messages on

facebook to entrepreneurs

and got a chance to work with a few of


so i i started learning how this

industry works and not particularly

industry but i started learning

how this how this startup ecosystem

works how you start your own company

how to lead a team so from writing

content to creating a distribution

channel to generating traffic to selling

ad spaces on website

i started doing everything my first ever

income or or i should say the company’s

revenue was 1000 indian rupees

now instead of focusing on how to get

more people

viewing or reading my blog i focused on

right micro

goals i focused on how to write content

that people would love to read

how to convert these visitors into


how can i make my landing page better

how can i collaborate with other

bloggers because by this time i

started understanding that if i get

these things right i’ll eventually have

more and more people

coming and reading my blog so now these

micro goals helped me

achieve my ultimate goal of getting more

and more readers

so these micro also these micro goals

helped me reach the stage where i got

rising star blogger of the year 2016

award it was the first time i was

speaking in a conference hall i was

super nervous at that time

i remember exactly it was 5th august

2016 that was

also the first day of my college and i

had to miss that so that i can attend

this particular event

now then after this i started a

full-fledged registered company this was

the first time i became a director of

the company legally

and we also started getting some

traction and finally

we were able to get on the right track

i had no experience of leading a team i

mean i mean what do you expect from a

boy who just graduated who not even

graduate i should say who just

finished his school so i have never been

a monitor of my class in my entire

school life

still i was able to lead a team of 30


so now from working in college library

to scaling it up and hiring interns

across the world

our team was a very diverse team at that

time we had we had people from india

pakistan singapore

we had people from african countries

from america

uh from a few more south asian countries

and and also from europe

now and and then we got into one of the

finest incubators in the united states

so by this time i was finally

able to fulfill my dream of doing

something on my own

the another dream of mine was to travel

i always wanted to travel abroad but i’m


every one of you realize here that

traveling to abroad can be a

really big deal it can be a real

expensive affair for a middle class


right so i wanted to visit at least once

then i saw some people going for

internships and different programs in my


so there’s someone inside me who always

pushes me and this person again said

that if they can do it you can do it too

so i start hunting such people and the


uh back then it was kind of my full-time

task during the day

so what i used to do is i used to find

such opportunities such programs and

just apply apply a flag this this was my

daily routine but if i ask you to make a


every one of you can guess it correctly

that every company every individual

every organization rejected me

and the thought which was initiated in

2016 i was able to

i was finally able to see some hope in

the first country i went to was france

now things started working for me and so

far i have been to

10 countries either on scholarship or

funded i have got 100 scholarships from

multiple organizations

now what we need to understand here is

rome wasn’t built in a day

elon musk didn’t build tesla in a day

beyonce didn’t become beyonce in a day

deer by ambani didn’t build reliance in

a day the first

step to building a life that you always

wanted to live is you don’t

stop that’s that’s not even an option

you take any example from elections to

getting a gold

medal in the in the olympics the student

who scores highest in the class

to the guy who creates maybe the best

painting there’s one thing common they

never stop they are very consistent with

their efforts

like have you have you ever seen a class

stopper who says

like this they had this inner feeling

and this is one of the most

important feeling you should be having

that uh whatever you want to do like

if i give you an example of topper they

have this feeling that mark’s coming


the second rule is you don’t focus on

the ultimate goal but

it should be there in your subconscious

mind now uh

what do i mean by this is like if i give

you another example so

can you reach the top of a building by

just focusing on

last step you certainly can’t right you

need to focus on the next step and

every step you take that will take you

closer to your

ultimate goal if i ask you how many of

you know

how khutul minar was built or if i ask


how burj khalifa was built you might be

knowing the story behind it

but it was built brick by brick one

brick at a time

no one starts with making a lot of money

no one starts with 100 000 followers

the people you look up to today they

also had limited resources you you

take a name of any celebrity most of

them had limited resources

the most important part is that they

never stopped

so what you need to understand is you

need to get the right mindset

when you will have that you would not

only transform you

you you’d transform the world around you

you and i all are here to contribute

something there are there’s a reason why

you are on this planet why i am on this


just the reason you are watching me

today there’s a reason you decided to

stick to this talk

there’s a reason why speaking for the

last 8 10 15 whatever minutes

accept the fact that you are valuable

and also start valuing things around you

you should know who you are understand

how can you apply yourself

in the world to uplift yourself and

when you do that you also try to uplift

people around you

now before i end this talk i i really

want you to do something for yourself

tonight tonight when you go to the bed

before sleeping take a moment to think


who you really are and how can you help

people around you with the skills you


and trust me on this when you start

doing it

this can make a massive difference a


beyond our imagination thank you so much