Chasing After Your Dreams Despite the Pandemic


it’s a challenge

to keep dreams alive during a pandemic

or lockdown

words kind of get you to live your

dreams for a while

too much worry can lead us to

questioning if we

even will get our basic needs mat

we’re taking much for granted

we want the best for our families and

other people

who want to live in a prosperous society

no wonder that panic depression and

suicidal thoughts is what’s

many struggling with the remedy is to

really try to get back some sense of

control in life and that is possible

we have so much within us inner strength

that can help us to cope with


there is a connection between what we

think about

and how we view life and it affects our


our well-being yes our existence and how

we view tomorrow

we never have been able to know

how tomorrow will look like but we’ve

taken it for granted

these new circumstances both in society

close to us but

also globally we start to question how

tomorrow will look like and it makes us


with this much uncertainty that we

suddenly been faced with

we feel that we have lost the control

over our lives

and we immediately try to find solutions

we look at the solutions we’ve used in

the past but when we realized

these solutions doesn’t work

we come to a dead end to either give up

or find new solutions

being able to switch to survival mode is


except that you cannot do everything

right now

as you used to do but you will

but what if i won’t you may ask if you

give up

you will definitely not reach your

dreams except

that for now you can socialize as you

used to do

external circumstances have temporarily

changed the way you can live your life

you can adapt and adjust and create

your survival mode focus on areas in

your life

you need to survive and view a lockdown

as temporary

to switch into survival mode will help

you to view less

things as extensively important

for your well-being stick to the basic


make your own food healthy cheap food

even smaller portions

if you have to drink water

live in a really small budget these

actions from your part will calm you

to lower your expectations

key here is to develop self-leadership

based on good habits surround yourself


uplifting people with the same mindset

so you can make that you can make a

difference in your

life everywhere there people

talk about change so take advantage of


new days as a life crisis it is to some


to all of us and during the life crisis

we make changes we realize that it’s

important to our life

i would know that in a life crisis we


we get important insights that makes us

change our

life i’m talking about doing what you

can do at home in your life

not riots on the streets burning cars

writing messages on the walls

destructive actions

is not the solution that is too panic

true we don’t know everything that

people are faced with

but panic is not the solution

being stuck more or less at home many of

our good habits

can have been taken away from us

so we need to build new good habits

focus on good habits create new ones to


bad habits sneaking up when you’re

taking over your life

bad habits do that sneak up on you

when we are kind in a reactive mode

trying to discern

what to do next and without known

options we have a tendency to turn to

about habits

that we perhaps wouldn’t start with

during ordinary circumstances

being proactive on the other hand with

our schedule

filled with good habits helps us being

occupied with our mission in life

working towards our goals we feel so


feel a sense of fulfillment and joy we

can sense

happiness again because we have created

a measure of control

in our life again

you can keep your dreams alive in your


adjust your plan rewrite the road

towards your goals

past some goals re-prioritize some of

your goals

don’t stop you have room to act

even if you might not see it at first

because you believe

that the usual way of doing things is

the best way

curiosity and imagination will help you

to come up with new ideas how to reach

your goals because deep down you know

that if you give up on your dreams you

will give up on yourself

we all know the importance of being true

to oneself

blame the panemic but don’t use it as an


to stop working towards your dreams take

actions daily even if it’s small steps

towards your goals and dreams of life

because you that will be proof to


that you haven’t given up on your dreams

you really work for it and this means a

lot it really do

so be ready prepare and work on the

details and visualize the price in your

mind and that would also remind yourself

of what to do as a celebrator wins each

week that is the popular advice within

personal development it really works

because it motivates you to continue

so if you give it up

you will throw away all your efforts

that you put down so far

do it as a warfare to pursue your


that your dreams will give you warfare

of peace

with good habits joy and persistence

to have supportive and caring

conversations with other

others gives comfort to everyone


and it will help you to feel loved and

to show love and this is

a basic need crucial for our survival in

the long run

we need people who care about us and we

need to show that in return to be happy

come up with new ways to show and

receive that

so despite being in a pandemic or a

lockdown we can cultivate happiness

and joy and be so much more than in

survival mode

we adapt and find new ways to get that

what we really need if we do our part of

the process

taking active steps or actions will make

the difference

being busy working towards your dreams

will especially now

mean the world to you because it is the

world to you right now

associate with uplifting people

online new communities all communities

be creative instead of just reacting to

what other other people do and imagine

that everybody else has so much fun and

you don’t

feeling sorry for yourself can get you

ending up into a depression

feeling sorry for yourself will not help


even if it is justified

on the contrary feeling sorry for


will take away your energy and your


isn’t it selfish just to think about

what i need

what i want dreams that i have

no it’s not there is room for everyone

to work towards their dreams in life and

learn to do

much by yourself and together with other

people who also have

dreams in the their lives

give much meaning do not

do not expect other people to go up on

their dreams

just to help you reach your dreams

though think about that for a moment

it is a scarcity to reach your dreams

meaning that

limits other people’s possibilities to

reach their dreams of life

if it does then something is awfully

wrong with your dreams and

the world is full these kind of selfish


now lift up other people and share them

on us

they will do with you this is much more


than a network of others who are working

towards their dreams

and being alone at the party celebrating


so you do not have to give away all your


and ideas but people will notice

quite much of that online anyway

so don’t be afraid and worried again

because it will

lead me to your progress and you will

feel like you have

to watch over your back for competition

or threats

so try to breathe and find the

confidence that you will make this

through and others will too

so grant others to reach their goals in

life as well

shared joy is twice as fun

stepping into this learning mindset will

give you sense of freedom even before

you have reached your dreams

because you know you will get there

and you have worked up a sense of


and you are already on your way

you know what to do and you know that

you will figure

things out along the way if new

surprises will

rise ahead because you’ll have handled

this pandemic the best

possible way by not panicking

once you realize that you can accomplish

whatever you put your mind to you will

see that you have so much power within


the choices you make every day will not

only create your day

it will create your future you will feel

more relaxed

you will gain back the strength and feel

that you make

the difference in your life

create your plan act

adjust and repeat towards your dreams

and you will get there

even if it might take a detour but you

will get there

never stop believing that you will get

there because it will give you

so much energy and fulfillment and joy

along the way

and you will tell yourself that you put

down the effort

you worked for it you earned it you

fought for it and you deserve it and you

will reach it

and when you get there you will know

there was much thanks to the dream

itself that helped you to get there

you kept the eye on the price and you

won the race

and you did not give up because you knew


was yours to win