Chasing Your Dream Job


have you ever

been awake at night thinking about

something that makes you

feel excited have these thoughts

kept you awake for hours since i was a

kid i’ve been thinking about

one thing only before we reach that

point i want to give you a little bit of


being six or seven years old and a boy

in mexico means that you’re playing


why because parents want their kids to

play sports and soccer is the most

important sport

in mexico this made me start playing

soccer at a very young age and i

absolutely loved it i had a childhood

where i used to watch more soccer than

disney channel and this led me to have

almost no toys but only soccer shirts

when i was 10 years old i went to a

friend’s house and we started playing


if you know fifa is this video game

where you’re playing soccer

and let me tell you that i’m terrible at


we started playing a tournament with

some other friends i lost the first

match and that caused me to get

eliminated from the tournament

so i decided to start commentating when

they were playing

out of nowhere my 10 year old mind

realized that there are people that

talk comment and analyze about sports

and tv

i thought what this is crazy this is

definitely what i want to do when i grow


i have loved watching sports shows since


the days with no school i used to watch

sports shows from 8 a.m to 4 p.m

i love watching a show called la jughada

broadcasted on televisa

but the problem was that the show

premiered sundays at 10 pm

so i couldn’t watch it so i would wake

for summer vacations

and on sundays i would stay up late and

watch the show

it was in these moments where i knew i

wanted to become a host

of a sports tv show

i finished confirming this in what i

like to call the best day of my life

it was june 17 2018 and mexico played

against germany in the world cup

i had the opportunity to go to russia

with my family to watch the game

hours before that match the atmosphere

was unbelievable

my sister got interviewed by mexican

outdoor organized and everything was

going perfect

mexico won the match and i couldn’t

believe what i was living

at that moment i realized that i want to

go to every world cup

that happens until the day i die i want

to transmit passion lead

in great moments less than six months

before this i thought

what else can i do to be more prepared

to achieve my dream job

so i thought maybe i should learn a

third language and i decided to learn


and do an exchange for one year in

germany i’ve always thought german

would be a big benefit because maybe

someday someone is looking for someone

to go to germany to cover a story or

follow a player and i will be ready if

that opportunity comes

in the middle of my change year living

in germany i decided to start preparing

myself so i started watching

interviews of people that work on the

sports shows in mexico

to know how they achieve to be where

they are professionally today

one key aspect that i noticed was that

most of them were working before turning

i thought okay i just turned 17

i should start doing something so i

started writing soccer articles

the thing was the idea knew how good the

articles were because the only people

reading them were my friends

they both said the articles were pretty

good but it was obvious that i was in a

print love situation

that moment was when i realized that i

should have a website where i could

publish some articles

and decided to open it with an instagram


six months after i returned to mexico i

opened up the instagram account and the


with the help of my best friend i

started my own brand ss deportes and i


love it today i want to tell you what

has happened in the last 18 months since

i launched the website and instagram


how this has changed my life and how

this has helped me to get closer and

achieving my dream job

there have been six steps that i have

found during these 18 months that have

been crucial during my personal


the first one is believe that you can

accomplish your goals

before starting the most important thing

is for you to believe in yourself and

keep on believing

even though it’s not always easy at the


people started making fun of me since i

didn’t have many followers or likes

but i didn’t care and continue working

hard because i knew that by working hard

i would get those followers or likes i

have to say

the amount of followers or likes isn’t

that relevant but what actually

mattered to me was that more people saw

and read what i was posting

a crucial moment moment for me to

believe in myself was when i heard

sergio dipp say

si tu no chris that translates to

if you don’t believe in yourself then no

one’s gonna believe in you

after watching his ted talk i realize

how important it is to believe in


it’s so true if you believe in yourself

then why would other people believe in


the second step is start working before

others and work more

if it’s in your possibilities to start

working or practicing what you want to

do someday as a profession

start now so you have more experience

than others that want to achieve the

same thing as you

that will always lead you to be better

for when the opportunity comes

miguel angel riseno a friend of mine

that works at espn

deportes told me the path will be really


full of difficulties but the moment that

you accomplish your goals

it will be all worth it

the third step is make a plan

and execute when you work you have to


making a plan and put expectations on

yourself so you can see if you’re really

having improvements or not

when i started i thought it would be a

great thing to finish a year with 750

followers on instagram

but it made me really happy and i was

surprised to see that i finished a week


with 3 500 followers

five months later i achieved five

thousand followers on instagram

as i stated before the number of

followers isn’t that relevant

what is actually relevant is that more

than five thousand people trust me on

telling them

what’s happening in the sports world and

that makes me really happy

the fourth step is be consistent

being consistent is the most important

thing in my opinion consistency is

everything there are many athletes that

have the time to become professionals

but they are inconsistent

and they don’t have a determination

needed so they don’t become


in my personal experience there have

been huge rewards because of being


the first one is that i have gone more

followers and people are getting

interested in what i post

and the second one is that every time i

do a video

or write an article i get better at it

remember consistency is extremely

important no matter what you want to


the fifth step is look for ways of

innovation and other learning sources

no matter what you want to do it’s

crucial that you keep innovating because

innovation makes your final product


in my case i do it all the time when i’m

talking about sports

effects on my videos but also with what

i’m learning

i try to learn a little bit more of

sports where i’m not an expert on

and also learn new things like german i


reaching out to people that do what i

want to do and hear their own story

the sixth and my favorite step is be

prepared when the opportunity comes

watching more than 50 interviews of

different people that work on the sports

journalism industry in mexico

the common denominator tends to say that

if you’re working hard

you will have the opportunity but the

most important thing is that you’re


everything to be ready for when that

opportunity comes because

if you’re not preparing yourself then

how are you going to compete with others

that have been preparing for years

in the last 18 months i’ve seen

something i didn’t expect to happen

people have started to believe in me

that i can accomplish my dream job

it is incredible to see people

congratulating you for your hard work

and for trying to reach that dream job

even though they know it will be really


at the end of the day i love what i’m


love ss deportes loves sports love

journalism so why wouldn’t i try it has

become a huge part of my life

by following these six steps i have my

dream job is getting closer and even

closer every day

so why not yours get into action

believe in yourself work hard innovate

be consistent start to do what start to

work on what you want to accomplish

because you have to be ready to grab

that opportunity with both hands

the journey is long and it may seem a

long path from here

but each step makes you closer and


be ready when the opportunity comes