How I Visualised My Dreams Into Reality


growing up

i was always a visual person i grew up


a visual learning style this meant that

i preferred

seeing something on a chalkboard rather

than the teacher saying it with their


and i preferred reading something from a

book rather than listening to it

and i’ve also read that visual learners

amongst other things are known to be one

very quiet and shy two we love to

scribble and draw when bored

and three we love to make lists and

plans for the future

now growing up i would say i was all of

the above i was

so quiet and shy i actually loved going

to school and was a good student but

i had a hard time speaking up in class

and i especially

hated public speaking so something that

i’m doing right now speaking in front of


large group of people that was not my

thing at all i

hated all that attention on me and i

would be so

nervous and i would forget everything

that i was about to say and i would just

embarrass myself in front of everybody

now i

also really loved to sketch and draw

i especially loved fashion design and i

would do this every single day

i was obsessed with fashion i would take

home all of the fashion magazines and i

would look

at all the beautiful models and photo

shoots and it would transport me

to a completely different world and

completely different reality

now on to the third point love making

lists and plans for the future

i actually didn’t write down what i

wanted to be when i grew up but i

would draw what i wanted to be when i

grew up and i would call this

my dream board i want to talk

specifically about a dream board that i

made when i was 16 years old

but before that what exactly is a dream


well a dream board or a vision board is

a collage of images

pictures and affirmations of one’s

dreams and desires designed to serve as

a source of

inspiration and motivation and to use

the law of attraction to attain these


now as a 16 year old girl this is

roughly what i drew

i wanted to work in the fashion industry

i had the words passion for fashion

written on it

and i wanted to have a house of my own

to travel the world and i wanted

to become a tv presenter so i drew


with a microphone now as a 16 year old

girl i never thought in a million years

that any of these things

would come true but i put that photo in

my room and i would look at it on a

regular basis

and looking at these dreams and these


on a daily basis it would eventually

change my life because i learned

that change begins with yourself it

begins from within

and when looking trying out for this

dream board

you know there are specific questions to

ask yourself

now beforehand i’d also like to mention

that what i love

about this dream board the notion of it

is that

it begins with you it completely begins

and ends with you not what your parents

want you to do

not what your superiors want you to do

but what you want to do

now these are important questions to ask

yourself and what i asked myself

how do you visualize your life what do

you wish to achieve in life

what inspires you what motivates you

because at the end of the day before we

even begin

to achieve anything in life we must


and foremost have the courage to dream

and to visualize it now going back

to the definition of a dream board it

also talks about

the law of attraction i’m a huge


that what we think on a daily basis our


what we focus on these are all things

that help us to attain what we want in


the ability to attain things based on

what we’re focused on

so in other words if we’re focusing on

the good then positivity will come and

if we focus on the bad the negativity

will come

because the law of attraction is one of

the most powerful laws

in the universe because it is happening

every single day

it’s happening every single second and

it’s happening right now

we are all in control and creating

our realities with each and every single


of our thoughts which in other words

either consciously or subconsciously

we are all creating our futures with

each and every single one

of our thoughts now please keep that in


keep in mind the power of visualization

and the power of the law of attraction

now this is what i had in mind when i

was 16 years old

i wanted to work in the tv industry i

wanted to have a house of my own

travel the world and i wanted to work in

the fashion industry

and so i let this vision just guide me

in my life

and in my career and so the next year i

was 17

i went up to my dad and i told him i

want to study

fashion design and at that time fashion

design courses

they didn’t offer a bachelor’s degree

and in my dad’s eye this was a

huge no-no he immediately said no

he said you have two options you either

become a doctor

or or a lawyer and so as you can see he

was a very asian dad very typical right

but i decided to stand up for myself and


said no because there was not a single

fiber in my body that wanted

to become a doctor or a lawyer so i

decided to stand my ground

and this affected our relationship uh we

didn’t talk for about a month

and i felt like a complete

disappointment in his eyes

and that didn’t feel great at all but at

the same time

i knew that i didn’t want to give up on

my dream and i didn’t want to give up on

my vision so i decided

to stand firm and miraculously one day

he decided to compromise he said okay

you don’t have to become a lawyer or a


but you do have to study something that

will give you a bachelor’s degree

and so i said okay i can work with this

and so i decided to study

broadcasting journalism in the hopes

that maybe

one day i would become a writer and work

in the fashion media industry and

hopefully become a tv host like i’ve

always wanted so that’s exactly what i


and so i experienced my years of

university and this

is the period of where i truly came out

of my shell

where i changed where i tried new things

i took

a lot of risks and for all of the

university or college students out there

i guess it’s not my number one tip for

you all is just to try

as many things as possible even if you

think you’re not good at

or if it’s not for you or you think

you’re gonna fail just try it

because you never know what you’re gonna

like what you’re gonna dislike and this

is the time for you to just try new


and one of the experiences that really

did that for me

was when i tried out from this campus in

my university

so this was basically like a pageant um

except on university style

and at first i didn’t want to try it

at all because i thought it was not for

me it was completely out of my comfort

zone i was completely gonna fail

and just embarrass myself and i

just listed all the things of why i

can’t do it

but fortunately at that time my twin


she was also at the same university and

she forced me to join

she forced me to join and so i did and

that experience really opened my eyes to

what i was capable of

and i thought okay maybe i’m i’m good at

it maybe i do enjoy this kind of things

and that really

had an impact on me and that had a

change in me that led

to other opportunities and by the way i

did win miss

campus which was crazy to me but that

ended up having me to have another

opportunity which was miss indonesia and

i tried that

and i won that in 2014 and i had the

opportunity to

represent indonesia at miss world 2014

in london which was an amazing

experience and again that was

a life-changing experience that i really

realized that i was coming out of my

shell i grew more confident

i had a voice in a platform that i could

use to make a better change

and that led me to another opportunity

i uh that led me to my first

tv hosting job so my tv

hosting audition the first one that i’ve

ever done i

completely failed i bombed it i

went in and i forgot everything that i

was gonna say and basically

again i embarrassed myself and i failed


i didn’t let that stop me and i tried

and tried again and i

finally i got my first tv job hosting a

fashion show

yes i was hosting a fashion show and it

was great i learned so much

and it was a great milestone for me and

that led me

to another opportunity so in 2015

my sister elizabeth she also works in

the fashion industry she had a chance to

go to new york fashion week

and at that time the tv network the

media partner was

e news asia for those of you who don’t

know e-news is a network

based in the u.s and they also have one

here in singapore and

basically we grew up watching e-news

right it was our dream network to work


but unfortunately at that time they were

not scouting for any new host

so we just had to wait and it was kind

of like a back and forth

of meetings and just a lot of

doubts here and there and but elizabeth

she pitched them the idea

of of working with indonesia for the

first time and having twin hosts

she and i and so we just prayed that

they would be keen on the idea and so

they said okay you should

send in your audition tape and that’s

exactly what we did

and we again we prayed and prayed and

prayed and then finally

we get the call we get the call from the

producer and

said we’re flying you two to singapore

your first job ever is to host singapore

fashion week

for e-news asia and the first person

you’re going to be interviewing

is that iconic fashion designer diane

von furstenberg and our minds were blown

away we could not believe it we were so


we flew to singapore and the rest was


now i want to go back and show you guys

my dream board

you remember me i drew myself with a mic

as a tv host but what i didn’t tell you

was that

16 years old i drew the iconic

e news logo and seven years later

that dream came true and we became the


e-news asia hosts from indonesia

now afterwards we not only focused on tv

hosting but we also focused on

content creating on instagram and for

our website

and in 2016 we were presented with an

opportunity to write our first book for

agra media

which we took and after two years of


and creating this book and almost

killing each other

many times we published our first book

in 2018

entitled becoming unstoppable and this

was another example for me of how i

could use

my voice and my platform to make a

change in someone’s life

and that’s something that i will never

take for granted

now go looking back at the journey and

what i’ve gone through and all the ups

and downs there was always

one constant in my life which was the


of visualization i’ve always had a dream


ever since i was 16 i had one when i was


and onwards in high school and

university and up until now

as an adult and i want to share with you

guys my dream board

in 2018. this is what it looked like

as you can see i printed out pictures

from the website and also for magazines

but i want to focus on the upper half of

my dream board

as you can see on the upper left hand

corner there is a woman who is enjoying

a wonderful a beautiful

hot air balloon in cappadocia turkey and

in the middle

there are pictures of liverpool which is


favorite football team and dreams of me

going to anfield one day and watching a

game and them winning the trophy

and then on the right hand corner there

is there are the words

buy a home and there are keys

pictures of keys to a house and ever

since then

in 2018 i went to cappadocia and i went

on that amazing hot air balloon ride and

it turned out to be one of the most


trips of my life last year i ended up

going to anfield for the first time and

watching a liverpool game in person

live with my sister and it was amazing

and after 30 years without winning

the league this year 99.9

they are going to win but yes

are there any liverpool fans out there


for football fans you know what i’m

talking about and then finally

last year after a lot of hard work and

saving up

and praying we bought our first

home now these are all just examples no


how big or or small your dreams are

it doesn’t matter as long as you believe

in it as long as

you believe in yourself and that you

work hard

until that dream becomes a reality

because guess what if you can visualize


achieving something chances are you will

now if you don’t go home today and make

a dream board of your own i hope that

you at least

take the time to just close your eyes

and to visualize some of those dreams


those those goals that you want to


just imagine it as vividly as possible

with as much

detail as possible and maybe it could be

graduating from your dream college or

getting that dream job that you always

wanted to do

or starting that business venture that

you were always so scared to start

or even just watching your favorite


in concert with a friend or making a

change in someone’s life or helping

a loved one out helping a friend out

whatever that

change it is i wish that you would

visualize it

and to visualize it on a regular basis

until it becomes a reality

now i know that when there’s something

that we really want to achieve or

there’s a dream that we really want to

happen in our lives it’s so

easy to think about all of the ways that

it’s not going to happen or that

we’re not good enough or it’s too big of

a dream

to come true and what tends to happen is

that all of this negative space

it becomes too big that we even fail


before we try and that’s one of the

worst things that could happen

so i would love to see you all just

before we even

think of all that negative space how


we focus on all of the ways that we’re

going to make that dream

a reality how hard are you going to work

what sacrifices are you willing to make

and what risks are you willing to take

so that at the end of the day

all that positivity will outweigh that

negative space

now when someone tells me be the change

which is today’s wonderful theme

it always reminds me of the notion that


change we wish to see in this world

it must always always begin with us

because if there’s anything that i’ve

learned in my journey

is that whenever we change

when our perspective changes when our


mindset changes when our vision changes

everything changes our life

changes now i’d like to end this talk

and leave you all with a quote from the

book that

my sister and i wrote becoming

unstoppable and it goes like this

visualize what it is that you want

and then go after it with everything

that you have

because if you can imagine it then you

can envision it

and if you can envision it then you can

create it

and that will lead to you becoming it

thank you





