How to transform dreams into realities Acceptance is the first step

i’m a bad debt

the 1st of october 1988

our second daughter sophie is born

when she comes out of the womb i see the

surgeon’s face

he tells me sophie has a problem

sophia has wept fingers

symptom of down syndrome

sophie is disabled

my daughter is disabled

the world collapses my world collapses

i leave the hospital and for nine days

i refuse to see sophie

on the ninth day

i learned that sophie passed away from a

heart attack

i saw only two times alive

and that

since then i felt guilty

every second of every day

guilty that i was not able to give love

to this little lady

so i buried myself

in work

and i suffered in silence

twenty years later

life offers me four days alone four days

to myself

all along it might be a detail for you

but for me it’s

it means a lot because when you live in

a house

with five women

and one bathroom being

able to freely use this bathroom

it’s a gift yes i didn’t tell you but

i’m the only man in the house with five


i mean my wife and four daughters

and one bathroom just you can imagine

normally i i have my bed between uh

one and two o’clock in the morning

just you can understand my pleasure of

having a bath

in the afternoon so

i have my bath and i read a book

god is a friend of mine

that’s a good book lovely amazing moving

book i read this book

i get out of my bath

and i start to cry all my heart out

and there’s a little voice inside of me


it’s okay that stop

stop now stop blaming yourself

it has been 20 years now create


you can interpret this little voice as

you want

i heard this voice for sure

and it freed me myself from 20 years of

prison create that


sophie was inviting me to to create my


to transform my life to transform my

my imprisonment into freedom my

my obstacles in in opportunities my

dreams into reality

my guilt in love

and i decided to transform

sophia reminded me a forgotten dream

of being a pirate a pirate

in love with freedom i was a pirate once

when i was eight i dreamt of

being a radio host when i was 10 i

dreamt of

acting in pirate films when i was 20

i was doing pirate radio i was living my


we were free radios we were pirate


and we were doing good things for the


well after some time i got back in line

sophie called me to order

be a pirate be a misfit

take other ways don’t let the conformity

of society swallow you up

be extravagant

be yourself believe in you

do what you feel is right respecting


and yourself

walters said once to realize

something really extraordinary you have

to begin to dreaming

by dreaming about it then

wake up calmly and go until the end of

your dream

never give up

if we are not pirates we can never be


if we abandon our dreams our fears with

will guide you our fears will guide you

it’s like zach’s power the pirates of

the caribbean

who has a strange compass with magical


where the needle doesn’t indicate the


but the direction of his biggest dream

the thing

that he desires the most in the world

and if by misfortune it doesn’t go in

this direction

his biggest fear the captain salazar

his worst enemy would be released

when i meet someone my favorite question


what’s your dream and when i

ask this question a lot of you say

i don’t have any dreams oh i don’t know

but when we were children

we had so many dreams inside us

and now as adults we abandon our dreams

why according to me

the world is sick because of this

to abandon our dreams

imagine ladies and gentlemen imagine

if all human beings

fulfill their dreams what would the

world be like

sophia reminds us that we are here on


to achieve our dreams not the dreams

that others have planned for us

no no no no our dreams

our dreams show us the way

because the more you fulfill your dreams

the more you become the person you

really are

napoleon hill said cherish your visions

and your dreams

because they are the children of your


radio was one of my biggest dreams

and beyond this dream sophie made me


why i was a radio host why

i am a radio director

sofia made me discover the meaning of my

life the meaning of my life on earth is

to send love waves to the world

that’s why i work in radio

to send positive waves

to our million listeners every day

and everywhere it’s possible

that’s why i’m here in front of you

why i create conferences and shows

sophie’s message is a fulfill your

dreams dad

so i’m fulfilling my dreams little by


one after the other big old small

to stay on course on the path to the

meaning of my life on earth

to do my bid for the world

yeah if we abandon our dreams

we don’t serve the world is very selfish

imagine imagine

our dreams are made to be shared

because the more we repeat them the more

we can inspire others to do the same

because we can find people

who can help to fulfill them

john lennon said

dream alone is only a dream

dream together become reality

imagine imagine all the people

imagine if all human beings fulfill

their dreams what would the world be


sophie tells us that we are here to

achieve our dreams and

to grasp every opportunity

every we are responsible

for what happens to us whether life

situations are negative or positive

the essential

is what we do with them every

obstacle can become an opportunity

create that transformed

four days after hearing this little

voice inside of me

i decided to create and to fulfill

my biggest dream to create a musical

and i did it not alone

we created mana the title of title of

this musical we created manna in 2010

with my best friend michelle in aids

of antoinette’s school antoinette

who is on twitter

alternet is my goddaughter michelle’s


she was four when she was discovered to

have williams syndrome

where the symptoms are cardiac

intellectual limits don’t ask me why

life placed antoinette on my path

we didn’t know how to do this musical

but our belief

in life and in our dreams

place the right people on our path

we were 80 volunteers dancers singers


designers technicians dressers producers

man i was seen by 6 000 people in 2010

this allowed us to collect

50 000 euros for antoinette school

and they decided in this school

to give 25 000 euros

to build an orphanage in haiti after the

terrible earthquake the same year

if i don’t hear if i

didn’t hear this little voice

if i didn’t decide to realize to

fulfill this dream

all of this wouldn’t exist

imagine if all human beings

fulfill their dreams what would the

world be like

sophie is still here

with my four other daughters

who are alive and well

i believe she’s the one who gives me the

most work

she pushes me every day to do what i

have never done

or what i don’t do enough of

she told me the four most

important messages in the world

four messages that i have named my big


my big four that gives life a meaning

my big four that i have decided

to say to share

every day as often as possible my big


that changes lives when you say them and

when you hear them

my big four

that i never never

said to sophie


well done

thank you

i love you
