The Benefits of Lucid Dreaming

a couple of years ago i was talking with

my sister in the car

she told me that something interesting

had happened to her that night

she talked about how she was able to

control her dream while she was asleep

i didn’t pay much attention to this and

i forgot about the conversation as time


a few days later i found myself inside

of a nightmare

i was being chased by a snow line but i

was running extremely slow

this terrified me and i knew that if i

didn’t do something soon i would

undoubtedly be attacked by the lion

i kept running until i reached a cliff

then suddenly i remembered the

conversation with my sister

i realized that this was a dream because

there was no way that i would encounter

a snow line in my regular life

as the lion approached me i jumped off

of the cliff and wished for myself to

fly away

i was then hit with an incredible

feeling everything in the dream looked

very realistic and i could feel myself

floating into the sky

this feeling shocked me so much so that

i woke up

for the very first time in my life i’d

experienced something called lucid


lucid dreaming is a state in which you

know that you are dreaming this allows

you to gain control over your

surroundings in the dream

lucid dreaming occurs during rapid eye

movement sleep also known as rem sleep

during rem sleep your heart rate

breathing and eye movements quicken

you have more intense dreams such as

lucid dreams during rem sleep because

your brain is more active

multiple studies have shown that

approximately 50 percent of people

have had a lucid dream at least once in

their lives although only 20 percent of

people have a lucid dream at least once

per month

with different exercises you can

effectively train yourself to lucid


for example by following a good sleep

schedule avoiding electronics before bed

and exercising daily you can obtain more

rem sleep

these exercises will higher the quality

of your sleep and give you more chances

to become lucid in a dream

you should also periodically throughout

the day examine your surroundings and

make sure that you are not in a dream

for example you can check the time or

try turning the lights on and off

this will eventually lead to you

examining your surroundings inside of a

dream in a dream

the time will keep changing and you

won’t be able to turn the lights off

this will make you realize that you are

in a dream and effectively give you

control over it

another good way to start lucid dreaming

is to keep a journal of your dreams

this will help you recognize patterns in

your dreams and once you see the pattern


you will know that you are asleep

although there are many ways to become

lucid in a dream

you might ask yourself why would i want

to spend time on this

why would i want to start lucy dreaming

i mentioned this because there is so

much more to lucid dreaming than there

is on the surface

lucid dreaming can lead to benefits in

many different areas of your life

like in the story after mentioned lucid

dreams are well known for stopping


more than two-thirds of the entire world

population has had a traumatic


of which recurring nightmares is a

common symptom

recurring nightmares also affect people

with stress anxiety depression or

pdsc handful of studies show that using

lucid dreaming and nightmare therapy

can effectively either remove or reduce

the amount of nightmares patients have

each night

this is because lucid dreaming allows

you to take control over the nightmare

and change your environment to something

that is more pleasant

it can also simply allow you to wake up

or realize that there is no real threat

moreover lucid dreaming can be useful to

anyone who has a nightmare and thus

improve the quality of your sleep

liquid dreaming can also be used to

improve your skills in real life

this is because the visualization of

physical movements enhances your ability

to actually perform them

when performing motor skills inside of a

dream your brain’s sensory motor cortex

activates this is the area of the brain

responsible for movement

therefore if you practice your motor

skills inside of a dream

that will improve your motor skills in

real life this can be used to help

improve your performance in sports

this technique may also be useful to

those with physical disabilities

as it helps to train the sensory murder


lucid dreaming also enhances your

creativity and dreamy callability

a study was done in the heinrich hein

university in germany in 2013

the objective was to establish the

relation between creativity

dream recall and lucid dreaming of the

334 participants who took the tests

the ones who had lucid dreams performed

significantly higher on the section of

the test that measures creativity

these people also reported a better

frequency of dream recall

this shows how lucid dreaming can lead

to better dreamy call and innovative


many famous people had inspirational

dreams which led to different

discoveries and creations

for example albert einstein had an

inspirational dream which led to one of

his famous theories

the tunes of the song yesterday from the

beatles also came to paul mccartney in a


since lucid dreams enhance your dream

clarity you can potentially be inspired

to create from them

this way you can be able to create

things both in your dreams and in real


studies have shown that we sleep for one

third of our lives in order to maintain


why should we waste our time doing

nothing but lying in bed

why should we have to be at the hands of

nightmares whenever he gets stressed

and why should we not control his time

in order to improve both our dreams and

waking life

now that we are all stuck at home in

quarantine now is the perfect time to

learn how to lose a dream

doing so will give you something to look

forward to during the day and

potentially help you emotionally through

these harsh times

think about this as you continue through

the rest of your lives

will you waste one third of your life or

will you take control and enhance that

time through lucid dreaming
