Transcriber: Quyen Phan
Reviewer: Shimaa Nabil

It took me thirty-five years

to get the missing code of my dreams.

Yes, you heard me right.

The missing code normally be used code
in technologies,

the password of a laptop, mobile phones,
credit cards, etc.

And we know that we can’t get access to
these things if we miss the code.

Similarly, there is also a missing code
to our dreams

and that can’t give us access
to accomplish our biggest dreams in life.

Hi, my name is Shalini Julija,
and I am a professional listener.

Lots of people share with me

that how they couldn’t achieve their goals

due to lack of time, money, knowledge or
maybe lack of other resources.

They keep on blaming people, things and
circumstances throughout their lives.

Let me ask, do we actually need to have
all these things to accomplish big goals?

Do you know how do we intend to have
big dreams or goals in life?

Mostly we all want to grow.

Then why a lot of people get settled
for small and ordinary

and said reasonable goals
instead of creating big ones.

We have also observed that
most of the time

we try to do things that we find easy

and hesitate to challenge ourselves

for something really big.

A lot of people find themselves confused

and have no clarity about what they want.

Some of us try to copy others
and fail miserably.

Now the question is,

what comes in our way
to be powerful enough

to set big goals with clarity
and accomplish them?

Let me share with you
the secret of living a powerful life

that most of the people

are not even aware of.

It is so simple, yet profound

that it is our way of being that
gives us results

and not what we know, do or have.

As we know that
our environment and surroundings

play a major role
in designing our identities

and setting our relationship

not only with others
but also with ourselves.

Our choices, decisions and
belief system give us

a certain way of being

that’s responsible
for our actions to be performed

in a particular way.

If I shared about myself,
I didn’t even realize

when I started to relate to myself
as a mediocre

and when it became my way of being.

I never had big dreams or goals in life.

The biggest goal of my life
was to get a decent job, to survive.

I completed my education and started
my struggle to fit in the world

as if I had taken
Darwin’s theory of evolution

to seriously the survival of the fittest.

I could manage to get few good jobs
for myself and also include with time,

I thought this was the best
I could do in my life,

but I was still not aware of
what was missing.

Few years back,
something happened in my life

that changed my perception
towards life.

For the first time ever,

I asked these questions to myself,

who am I?

What do I really want to do
and what’s the purpose of my life?

And I could see
that how I was living an ordinary life

due to a limiting belief,

deeply rooted in my subconscious,

that I am a mediocre
and not meant for big dreams.

I was committed, hardworking and
determined, but directionless.

As there is a famous quote by Paulo Coelho
that if we don’t know where to go

knowing this favorable.

For the first time,
I felt a suppressed desire to contribute

to the society,

to my country and to the whole world.

I left my job

to fulfill this new dream.

But it wasn’t easy for me

as when I left my decent job
to start something new,

people call me crazy,

but this time I was clear

and didn’t care what others had to say.

I simply followed what I felt right,

and today I not only do what I love,

but also own at least 10 times
more than what I used to.

It all got possible
when I broke my limiting belief,

my way of being got shifted
from a mediocre to a contributor.

And today, I want to share my learnings

with all those
who really want to do something big.

That it does not matter what you know,
do or have,

what matters the most
is who are you being?

Your ability to accomplish
big dreams in life

depends upon the way
you relate to yourself,

as it is rightly said by Robert Holden

that your relationship to yourself

sets the tone
for every other relationship you have.

So if you really want to do something big,

instead of asking
what to do and how to do,

ask yourself who am I being
and who do I need to be?

And you will find your missing code.

Thank you.