What about achieving our dreams



i’m pakinam and today i’m going to talk


achieving your dreams

i truly believe that we are the creators

of our own destiny our own past and what

we really want

occurred by novak djokovic the number

one tennis player around the world

for those of you who don’t know him get


now unless you’ve been living under a

rock or you’re not just a fan of tennis

i can truly understand anyway so

here’s a picture of him and that’s

another picture of him

and yes that’s me in the picture but

with a mask on because thanksgiving19

i know what you’re thinking i’m thinking

about the same thing as well how did she

do that

well that’s what we’re here for we’re

going to learn

that if we want something we just go and

get it and who’s better than me

yes me here in the picture to guide us

through the journey and answer

the question of the day how to meet your

celebrity idol slash how to

follow your dreams to make it seem more


so if you think i’m here to brag about

me meeting my idol then you’re

completely right i’m not gonna lie to


but since you’ve been all so kind and

you’re still listening to me i’m going

to show you in seven simple steps

how did i do it and how it’s possible

for you to achieve your dream as well

dream it till you do it so buckle up

let’s go

the how step number one

have a dream yes as simple as that yet

it’s the most important thing

so many people go on with with their

lives without a purpose but it’s so

important to have a purpose

you should have a dream to follow you

should set a goal to achieve and you

should look for a milestone to reach

i started supporting novak when i was

about 10 or 11 years old i was pretty

young and at that moment i knew i wanted

to meet him one day

and yeah ten years later i did and it

was so much worth the wait so

dream big or go home step two

keep dreaming let’s be real it’s not

gonna happen overnight

you’re gonna have to try again and fail

and try again and again again

and it could take days months and years

even for it to happen

one thing you shouldn’t do is stop stop

dreaming you have to dream about it

every single day to remind yourself

you’re doing this for a bigger course

so my first step in achieving my dream

was coming here to france and

it led me to my first encounter with

novak back in 2019

and i was smiling like an idiot i was so

happy i met him and he’s not even

looking at the picture

i told everyone i knew about the picture

i couldn’t shut up about it

so yeah that was our first encounter and


i hopped on the trend of how it’s going

and how it started um

this was a poster i did back in 2012 and

if you told this little girl who

who’s 12 years old that the second photo

is gonna happen

she would have never believed you so

yeah keep dreaming

step number three connections

we humans live in a society which means

we have to interact with each other

forming friends partners and colleagues

and um communication is fundamental

because it helps us have contacts and


and these contacts these connections are

gonna help you somehow in some way

um i happen to know a friend called

julie i’m very lucky to have her

and she has helped me tremendously get

to novak she’s the one with the tips and

tricks of how to meet novak and when

and even if you’re lucky have a little

chat with him

so so it’s very important to surround

yourself with people

who help you achieve your dream and

support you

speaking of support i’m i have

supportive friend

and parents and they knew how much it

meant to me

to meet novak and they couldn’t be

happier that the moment was finally here

so they got me this wooden painting on

my 21st birthday as a gift

and it blew my mind of how thoughtful

they were so surround yourself with the


people step number four

we usually don’t get too many

opportunities in life

so if as famously known when life gives

you lemon

make a lemonade

very good so yeah

if you have the option to do it just do

it just do it

even though if there is uncertainty and

doubt about it even if you’re asking

yourself a million questions

i wasn’t sure if novak was going to be

there i wasn’t sure if

i will be able to approach him but it

was a risk i was willing to take

and it was so much worth it and

look where i am which brings us to step

number five

that is very related to step number four

have courage and don’t be shy

so the moment is finally here you see

him walking in front of you what do you


panic no no no you have to be calm

composed and just be yourself and don’t

stand there speechless

you’re not going to meet your idol every

day so in general

when you see that something is wrong say

that when you see

something is right say that it’s right

always speak up your mind

don’t be afraid to tell to to say what

you feel

or what you think because it the

opportunities don’t

come too many times so take the risk and

jump on opportunities

step number six the denial of face so

i’m gonna spare you the details of our

meeting because words cannot

describe how i felt and how i’m still

feeling at this moment

um i was i was just trying to process

when he left off that i just met my idol

and i was numb but i finally did it you

finally did it guys you have

you’ve achieved your dream you arrived

to where you want to be

congratulations i was so proud i felt so

achieved and i was

over the moon i finally made my dream

come true

and uh honestly um thank god i have a

video of the encounter because

um i would i’ve always believed that it

was just a dream but it was real

so i think i i wouldn’t want to tell you

how many times i’ve watched the video

because it’s very embarrassing

but i’ve watched it really really a lot

to really

comprehend the fact that i did it and i

finally made it

which brings us to the last step step


reality check my ideas yes we go back to

the normal

but i couldn’t get enough so i went

there and got another picture

and i’ve got even one signed wristband

with me just to show it off

and to show you guys how amazing he is

and honestly um i i don’t think it’s

important the why of the dream

having a dream is all that matters

um he even posted an instagram selfie

with us the one wearing the shirt

holding the shirt and i was officially

living my dream it was

more perfect than i could have ever

imagined and

i was over the moon and overwhelmed with

feelings and yeah at this moment you

don’t feel anything but then when you

process it when you go back

home it’s incredible but then the cycle

restarts again and again

and again because this is what fuels

human beings

dreams having a dream is what keeps us

going actually

so when you achieve a dream you go on to

the next one and on to the next one and

on to the next one

and that’s the beauty of having a dream

it’s never ending

so that was my story congratulations

you’ve made it this far

i just want to say that no matter how

silly this might sound to some people

it meant the world to me so he’s to the

ones who dream

never never ever give up on your dream

no matter

what people say no matter how small or

how big it is

just keep on dreaming and keep trying to

achieve your dream

don’t trust anything start by the small

little poster i did back in 2012 and

step by step you know you will arrive to

your dreams

i don’t want to be cliche but some

realistic dreams come true

and if you work hard enough if you’re

passionate enough

and if you’re willing to walk that extra

mile to achieve your dream

so keep trying even if you didn’t make


it when you look back at it you will

have no regrets and

remember no experience is a fail so

you’ll just

learn anything by trying to achieve your

dream if you if it’s not achieved

yeah so the last thing i you to remember

today is

dream it till you do it thank you very
