Regenerative Earth 10 steps to a stable climate

as our planet reaches various

tipping point and feedback cycles we are

filled with anxiety

with fear with frustration anger perhaps

but also a sense of tension

between that what we know we have to

achieve and that we haven’t achieved yet

and we’re asking ourselves how could

that be how could there

be no progress significant progress in

the last 25

35 years of climate action and


and we believe this is largely because

we have been pointing in the wrong

direction with our targets

we should be pointing downward at

lower temperatures not higher

temperatures at lower co2 emissions in

the atmosphere not higher ones

25 years ago 35 years ago when this all


to become popular we already had to

match co2 in the atmosphere

350 parts per million as opposed to 280

for the last million years now we’re at

4 15.

we’re even higher in methane we were

higher in methane back then

we had too much carbon there never been

a carbon budget

and so this is something that science is

now beginning to realize

and therefore action has to follow

we would like to pursue with you with

the world

10 action points which are so crucial in

moving it to another level

into another plane of effectiveness

the first point is to establish national

and international climate defense

budgets which are focused on mobilizing

our economy our society

to focus on this core issue

it’s not a marginal issue it’s a central


the second point is that we want to


internationally and bilateral climate

diplomacy initiatives peace initiatives

that bring down the tensions

the military exchanges uh the warfare

and focus on the common enemy of fossil

fueled climate change

third point very crucial is to change

our emission targets

from up to down from

a budget of 400 gigatons to a budget

that is already

depleted to reverse the flow of


back into the economy back into our

agriculture back into our forests

and oceans fourth

in order to do that we also have to

declare fossil fuels as

undesirable as toxic we have to tax them

as the source

we know that they’re harmful to our

health we know that they’re harmful

to our climate stability let’s make the

next step

begin to accept and out of our economic


fifth we would like to

engage in a fossil fuel restructuring


of national and global proportions to

help the industries

reconstruct and redirect themselves

the sixth point goes hand in hand which

is to build up a regenerative

economy that boosts jobs

opportunities in education research and

renewable energy and regenerative


the next point is also very very crucial

the seventh point

of bio sequestration to enable our


and our forests and our wetlands to

sequester carbon from the atmosphere in

a massive scale

that goes hand in hand with the eighth

point which is

industrial sequestration to build carbon

fiber-based materials for airplanes for


for our buildings but also use

wood sustainably harvested as the


production base for the building and

architectural industries

and the ninth point is also

very very crucial they’re all important

is to use this extraordinary boost of

our economy

that is going to ensue has to ensue

in this mobilized economy to employ


the one to three billion refugees that

we expect in the next 50 years

due to building as usual building as


climate change and so this migration


needs to be anticipated it’s welcome to

us in our boosted economies

and finally the 10th point is to look at

the finance industry

and rebuild it into an industry that

rewards short-term gain

into an industry that has the levels to

reward long-term sustainable investments

but also one that captures future

differential cost

savings and rewards them today to what

we call

future banks so here are 10 points

and we’ve been delighted to contribute

to this course this global discourse

on how to stabilize our climate