The Earth Needs A Green Garland



confused let me explain the meaning of

this verses

land water air fire

space mind intelligence and of course

arrogance this are a para and they are

non-living elements

besides this light there is another

element which

differs from those that is para the


it is the agent which holds the whole


all animals are originated from this


and apparel this verses of


focused on the relationship between

human being

and environment the intelligence and

senses of human being act as a driving


to keep other elements of nature like

land water

air and space healthy the good sense of

human mean

protects nature and the beautiful nature

helps the man and animal kingdom

to flourish in my opinion the concept of

protection of nature

is not new srimad-bhagavata

which was articulated by lord krishna

almost 3000 years ago

emphasizes the significance of man

and nature’s better relations

the human being has been worshiping the

nature since dawn of indus valley

civilization in india

and in some parts of other countries


suddenly and gradually there is a big


the worship of nature didn’t stop but

at the same time it is neglected and


for instance rivers in india are treated


goddesses even till today ironically the

same rivers are polluted by

dumping garbage making the rivers in


the dust beans is not confined only to


we can see it in many other countries

why has

love and respect towards nature has lost

its grounds

let us introspect to my understanding

the greed for wealth a crave for


and ignorance of consequences had made

this big gap

between nature and man’s relationship

today i want cloud9 to witness the

efforts which are put in

to re-green the earth i’m optimistic

i don’t want to tread in this world of


but want to step in with great optimism

in a beautiful garden of a forestration

i don’t want to laminate on damage which

has been caused to the nature

but want to assign the whole world that

there are

some bright spots like paris agreement

and initiations like ted’s countdown

to ignite the minds of the world

citizens do you know

hope everyone knows that nature’s age is

4.5 billion years

the oldest of the old of all human

beings who are alive and who left the


remember nature is 22 500 times

older to us and don’t forget that

nature and don’t forget that

we need nature nature doesn’t need us

nature can survive without human beings

but we human beings

can’t survive without nature please make

it a note

the work of great men and women gives me

the confidence of

nurturing nature rehabilitation of


is not a philosophy stone an iota of


strengthens our feet to reach the

destination of

zero carbon emissions the efforts of

vangari martha

in rehabilitation of nature through

greenbelt movement

gives me a greater confidence she made

it possible

the first african woman to win

nobel prize for peace by putting in her


to re-green the earth

her iron will of protecting nature is

exemplary she motivated the local woman

to plant local trees

and she felt that colonial rule cut the

indigenous forest

that affected local biological diversity

and flora and fauna disappeared

she thought the local women have to

plant trees and protect them

and she called that woman as foresters

without diplomas

i even feel the same they are foresters

without diplomas her strong

determination didn’t go in vain there

was a big

transformation of the landscape

the indigenous forests were regrown the

birds which disappeared

reappeared the area which turned into


were filled with the ground water what

an inspiring moment led by a single


one more astronising fact is that the

army of vengari martha where all

illiterate women

will iterate swallowing books decorated

with degrees

and swimming in the oceans of comforts

were inferior in

thoughts and deeds when compared with

the illiterate army of

bangari martha let us open our eyes

let us plant as many trees as possible

that does not prove that ignorance and

negligence are offsprings of literacy

vangari martha’s accomplishment gives me

tons and tons and tons of confidence

that i can bring back the past glory of

the nature

i’m not a scientist not an authority

neither a political leader

nor a policy maker but a girl of 15


with an aspiration of becoming healer of

the nature

with kind cooperation of every citizen

of the world

can you guys help me to make my dearest

nature happy

enough my sincere appeal to every house


is please make a space for planting

at least five trees around your house

that five trees happily observes the

carbon emissions of your house

let me explain how practical my idea is

now let’s have a glance at census of

karimnagar district and telangana state

in 2011.

as per census the population of

karimnagar district was

37 lakhs if i take

four members in a family at an average

the number of houses in karimnagar


are nine lakhs plus

if every house has five trees

in their houses then

the number of trees in karimnagar


will be more than 47 lakhs

now let’s see from telangana state’s

point of view

as per census the population of

telangana state

was more than yate crores

if i take four members in a family at an


the number of houses in telangana state

are more than two crores

if every house has five trees

the number of trees in telangana state

will be more than 10 crores

just imagine 10 crore trees within the

compound walls

of your house a money for rest in your


i strongly advocate that my idea

is practically possible i request the

government to make it mandatory

please count the trees in front of the


before giving house numbers before

giving water type connections

before fixing electric meters

let us count chickens before they hunch

let us

plant as many trees as possible before

living in the house

and count the joy of greenery by

planting a sapling

let us join hands together for this

noble curse

let us not blame the government but work

with them to make it a grand success

remember an individual can change the


but a society can’t change the


the seed of green revolution has to be


in the minds and hearts of every


if this thoughts grow like a banyan tree

we can find

at least five trees in every house

i strongly believe that my thoughts and

my ideas are practically possible

and they will definitely come into


let us always think of green mother


jump into action let us be in the lap of

green mother earth please accept my idea

and help my dear friend nature i promise

you all that

i will motivate all my friends of


to make sure 5 trees in their houses

our school has five thousand plus

strength so this moment

starts from paramita high school

i feel so happy to share with you all


parameter school has already taken few


which protects nature we are already

running no plastic use

campaigns in our classroom though we

couldn’t make it hundred

hundred percent plastic free zone we are


succeeded and will intensify our efforts

when school reopens physically i will


my management to run paperless


so that non-usage of paper saves plans

happy to share with you all that

we the students of paramita actively


in programs like kharita haram that

means plantation of trees

which was initiated by the government of


i feel it’s a great initiation by the

government of telangana

now my sincere appeal to print and

electronic media

when i see newspapers or when i listen

to the news and tv set

i generally find lawyer shares to the

politics of

national and local areas a little space

a little space is provided

for the news of the people who take care

of the nature

no frequent reminders of green


i feel media has to play a major role in

re-greening the earth

please highlight the people and


who are working on the protection of the


if media takes the concept of green


seriously it will spread faster than

coronavirus for sure

finally i want to emphasize that

political leadership has to play a major


and policy makers can change the climate


let all the nations agree and

bind themselves to the paris agreement

let us not destroy the nature for

building big castles of economy

let us remember that economical growth

is not more important than clean and


earth i repeat it again let us all


that economical growth is not more

important than clean and green

earth thank you