Two More Celsius Degrees and Earth Is Done for


imagine a world

so dystopian that wildfires and extreme

droughts become the norm

hurricanes and floods are even more

common too

millions of people displaced from their

homes don’t really know where to go

diseases like malaria holding on to the


and weak water scarcity doubles we have

barely enough to sustain ourselves

let alone animals and crops

but unfortunately we don’t have to

imagine for long

because this is set to happen in the

next 20

years our earth is dying

we have known this for decades and we

have done nothing

about it the culprit of this horrid


is climate change which humans are

responsible for

because we burn a lot of fossil fuels

that fossil fuel produces carbon dioxide

carbon dioxide produces heat that’s heat

then causes an increase in global


and for us to be able to avoid the

potential danger

climate scientists have set a carbon

budget for the next century

for us to be able to understand our

carbon budget

we need to look at how much fossil fuel

we have currently harvested

so this amount right here how much would

it really

affect our carbon budget well

if we burn all of it we would release a

trillion ton

of carbon dioxide meaning

meaning we’d exceed the two celsius mark

by a long shot

but that’s not so bad right we turn our

ac’s a bit higher

and we’re just fine right wrong an

increase of only two celsius is


it leaves us with droughts and natural


we would have food shortages because of

the lack of water

for animals and crops sixteen percent

of plants would go extinct one hundred


of the coral reefs will be gone we will

have a decrease of seafood by 3 million


we would have natural disasters greater

than we can imagine

with hurricanes and floods putting 40


of the earth’s populations that live at

the coasts

at risk of losing their homes the new

climate will also put

vulnerable populations at higher risk of


so obviously only two degrees does make

a big difference

but surely it’s in hundreds of years


wrong again this here is one year of

using fossil fuel

and here is us 20 years from now the

budget is full

this was meant to last a century but it


and it will affect us here in the middle

east especially

remember this 2 celsius is an average

so it affects the different parts of the

world differently

and because of our geographical

standpoint and our economic situation

it’s going to affect us here in the

middle east even worse

we would have an increase of 10 celsius

making the drought even stronger

the water deficit is set to at least


the middle east has been theorized that

it might be entirely unlivable

our economy will suffer deeply from the

abandonment of fossil fuels

this is our home and we want it to stay

that way for generations to come

we need to do everything we can to

protect it not only for us but for all

future generations

so what’s the plan well we need to

gradually reduce

our emissions so that by 2038

we had cut them in half and by 2065

we had we had reached zero emissions now

here’s the kicker

we need to then go into negative

emissions meaning we need to invent


that sucks carbon out of the air and

buries it

but the issue is we don’t even know that


is possible but if we miraculously do it

we’ll have a 66 chance of staying

under 2 celsius the best odds given by

climate scientists

now you all can see how difficult it’s

going to be

to save this planet so everything we do

counts now i can tell you what you can


to help you might expect me to tell you

to consume less electricity

or not to use plastic and although those

things are really important

there are more creative initiatives that

really need their support

there’s a website called treedom

where a tree is planted for every

donation made there’s another website

where you can put in your zip code

and it gives you all the eco-friendly

alternatives near you including

eco-friendly power

and transportation and so we can all

just support those

initiatives or we can sort them

ourselves here in saudi arabia

so please for our sakes and for all

future generations

educate the people around you and

continue all you can

to save this planet it is our home and

we want it to stay that way

for generations to come thank you