Saving Millions By Creating A Flashmob Of Lifesavers



how many

of you are parents well i’m a parent i

see a lot i’m a parent of five beautiful


so i would like to take you to a journey

as a parent so please close your eyes

just for a couple of moments

imagine to yourself you’re taking your

five-year-old son

for a journey in the city for a nice day

you buy him a candy

he give it to him he unwraps that candy

puts in his mouth

he’s having a huge smile on his face a

couple moments later he stops

you look at him and you see a sun

turning blue he puts his hand around his


and he’s choking you’re screaming for

help people all around you are coming

everyone’s looking at you but no one

knows what to do

you’re begging people please call for an


you pray to god please save my son and

that’s when he collapsed on the floor

every second seems like moments like

long moments

and you don’t know what to do and all of

a sudden on the corner of your eye

you see a man running towards you with

an orange vest

just as like one i’m wearing he’s

carrying a briefcase an orange briefcase

and when he gets to you he knees down to

your son and he starts taking care of


seconds passed by that seemed like

minutes and all of a sudden

you hear the sweetest voice you could

possibly hear

the voice of your son crying

you run over to your son you start

kissing and hugging him

this man meanwhile gets up takes his

medical supplies he puts it back in the

bag and he’s about to leave

and you sit you stop him and you say

excuse me

he looks at you and you say who are you

are you a doctor and he says no i’m a


i work in the store right around the

corner but i’m also a volunteer


and i got an alert on my phone that some

kid is choking so i ran here by foot

and when i got here i saw your son and i

was able to save him thank god he’s okay

but i must go back to the store i have

customers waiting for me

to those of you who have their eyes who

are disciplined and have their eyes

closed you could open it now

well i want to ask you a question how

many of you

if you know that you have a

seven-year-old girl outside of where you

are now

choking would leave what you’re doing

now and run to save her

i see many many hands here and that’s

amazing to see how many people

really care and how much goodness there

is between the people here and the

people around the world

so how do you harness all this goodwill

and create a flash mob

of lifesavers that could save little

girl or little boy

in the moments that are so crucial for

them and save their lives

by having this flash mob how do you do


so let me tell you my story i grew up in

jerusalem israel

when i was a young 16 year old boy i

went to volunteer on an ambulance and

as you could see i had much more here


i loved it it was a year and a half that

i really enjoyed volunteering in the

back of the ambulance but i realized

after one and a half years volunteering

in an ambulance

that i helped many people but i never

actually got to save anyone

by the time we got there was so late so

some people who really needed our help

they weren’t breathing or had a real

serious heart attack

or even a car accident we got there a

few seconds or a few minutes too late

what changed my life was a story about a

seven-year-old boy

who his mother called for help when he

was eating lunch and he was choking and

it took us 21 minutes to arrive

when we came in we saw the mother on the

floor next to her son crying and begging

us to save his life i was only 16. i was

crying with her while i was doing cpr

a man runs into the house moments later

and he says i’m a doctor i live around

the corner i saw an

ambulance parked here i want to help you

and he was helping us for a while and

after a while he said

i am so sorry to say but this kid is not

alive anymore

just bring a sheet to cover him that

moment was the worst moment for my life

i realized that that doctor lived a

block away but he didn’t know about the

emergency till we arrived

and that’s when i said to myself

ambulance don’t save lives

people save lives communities save lives

how do we take these people

how do we take these people who are

willing to go save other people and

notify them

before an ambulance arrives to save

these people while the ambulance is

stuck in traffic

so i went over to the ambulance

organization where i volunteered and i

tried convincing them

to share the information with me as a

volunteer when i’m home

i’ll buy a pager just send me the

information when someone’s in trouble

so i could go save these kids or people

whatever it is

and guess what they said no they said

when someone needs help they must get an


so i decided as a child i was 16 years


to use israel’s best innovation in

yiddish it’s called hutzpah

in english it’s called sas and here you

call it

jugar right


and i decided i’m going to buy illegal

walkie-talkie scanners and i’ll tap into

their emergency calls and listen to the

to the ambulances when they send out the

ambulance and the address

and i will know way before them where

the address is and get there

if you remember batman that’s how he

listened to the police that he was able

to go to emergencies

that’s what i did but i did it for


and that’s how i started that’s how i

started united hatsala

united you all know what it is uniting

people all around me and at seller means

rescue in hebrew

save well it’s taking people all around


training them and actually getting them

to get to the scene in the first 90


so how do you do that you need four

very important elements the first

element the first these are the people

and the first element you need is

training you need to take people and

train them to be

volunteers to actually know what to do

in every type of emergency

the second thing you need is medical

supplies just like this

a bag with all the medical supplies you

need to save someone the third thing is

you need

transportation volunteers could use

their own cars you know

you see uber uber drivers use their own

cars to transport people

hatsella united itself is a volunteer

corps we don’t charge money we don’t

we don’t transfer people but we could

use our own cars but you could also use

your bicycle

or you could even run by foot but if

you’re really really brave and i know a

lot of brave people here

you could actually use this incredible

thing called

an ambient cycle this i created in


i realized ambulances get stuck cars get

stuck but these motorcycles never get


so i created this box it has all the

medical supplies here

even has the siren and everything and

you get there quicker than anything in a

mission of 90 seconds this is what helps

so the last thing that’s so important is


i used to use jugar to get to

emergencies listening into the

ambulances today we have technology

we get with our technology the most

incredible technology

the closest five volunteers to every

emergency get alerted basically

according to where they are so this


or you get alerted basically if

someone’s having a heart attack next to


you know you’re close you’re on there

you treat them and then you go back home

or go back to work that’s the most

important thing the information

so where are we now we are all over

israel i started with 15 volunteers we

have over 6 000 volunteers in israel now

jews jews if you realize i’m jewish but

i have muslim friends in israel who

volunteer with me i have

christians i have drews every type of

person who wants to be a volunteer

could volunteer men and women and every


run together to save lives the closest

five people no matter who you are

and we get there in less than three

minutes for every emergency nationwide

and some cities

were under 90 seconds now

but we’re not only in israel we are now

traveling around the world when 21

countries we

we helped and established in many

countries and we just finished doing

this in jersey city this is a very

complicated city

a response time now in jersey city is

two minutes and 35 seconds for an


so now my goal is to go the rest of the

world and

india 1.2 billion people

i can’t even say that it’s so much think

about it how many people here

need you guys to help their save their


so really our goal is to go everywhere

including here in india and i just see

the traffic outside and i imagine how

many people

suffocated for death by by the time the

ambulances get

and i promise you in india the ambulance

services will be very happy when you

come and offer help

well my goal is to take all of you and

join them

into my life-saving flash mob and save

millions and millions of people so i

would love

each one of you to take upon yourself to


and to actually train to become an emt

or a first responder or paramedic then

buy a little bag with some medical

supplies that’s all you need

put in the back of your car or take it

on the bicycle whatever it is

and then go over to the ambulance


in your local places no matter where it

is in the world

convince them to share their emergency

calls with you

and then all of us together will save

millions of people

millions of people every day around the

world that otherwise will not survive

thanks to the life-saving flash mob of

united hatsella

thank you very much namaste

