Design your education with Selflearning



is a patent number and this number

belongs to an exoskeleton that

i would say quite special to me but

before i tell you more about it

what is an exoskeleton well it is a suit

that you have to wear on top of your


and it can help assist you in many ways

such as

lifting hearing weight or preventing

body injuries

but for example iron man suit could be

considered as a type of exoskeleton

it can make you fly and make you


but what exactly is this patent number

well as i mentioned before it is also an


but only for your spine and that’s the

reason why it is so

unique and intriguing because not a lot

of developments in the past

really focus on the spine portion of the


and the second reason that made this so

special to me is that

this patent belongs to me hello


my name is salazar i am a 17 years old


a student a teacher a researcher

an inventor and a programmer

all these things that i say i am it

pretty much came from one thing

it came from me being passionate about

learning i love

learning and finding out new things all

the time but well unfortunately to do

all these things

thai education system can really help me


so what did i do self-learning

i developed my own self-learning method

that i want to share with you today

and i will sum all my journeys as an

example as we go along to make things

more compelling

but before we go any further i want to

say something first

i am not here today to brag about my

achievements or the knowledge i have

not at all in fact i still have tons of

things to learn

but i just want to share my story so you

would be inspired to learn something too

anyway back to self-learning i will

break this down into two main stages

fantasy and reality the first one


you know to learn something it could be

really hard even if you are passionate

about it

so for me if i got stuck in those

situations or if i can’t really motivate

myself to learn something

i would just fantasize simply imagine

the outcomes or benefit you’ll get from

your journey

or even use protagonists like iron man

to motivate yourself to learn something

so fantasy is really to adjust your


this is the easiest and hardest stage of

all and what i mean by that is

if you can motivate yourself to learn

something that’s great

things will be much easier for you but

if you can

moving on to the next stage would be so

hard you will end up giving up on it

because self-learning is unlikely

education system

where teachers just usually feed you

with information or knowledge

or just demand you to remember something

without providing the basis of it

i don’t like that at all i don’t really

get to

truly understand the content i just

remember it

but for self-learning i can take my time

to study it

and really understand it so you might be

able to tell that i mentioned this guy a

couple of times by now

iron man and that’s because he inspired

me to do a lot of things i do today

including the exoskeleton i mentioned

before and also

the journey of how i got my patent

number started when i watched and

read his comics it is so cool to be able

to have a suit that could make you fly

or even make you stronger

so use that as an inspiration to push

myself to further learn something about


and the next stage is reality and this

can be broken down into three more steps

what how and then first what

basically what is to set your goal

what do you want to learn or what do you

want to achieve in the future

i would suggest you to be imaginative

and creative with it

think of a goal that is so big you might

not even be able to achieve it now with

your current knowledge but

trust me with patient time and


you’ll get that someday so

in my journey i set a goal quite a bit

goal actually

i can’t really achieve it now with my

current knowledge also the technology in

the modern world can’t really achieve it


but it also helps motivate me to further

push myself to learn something about it


maybe in the future i might be able to

achieve it

and that goal is i want to be like the

iron man obviously

next how how can you achieve your goal

what process or tools do you need to

learn it and to be honest

this step isn’t that hard but you’ll

need a lot of time

and patience users can’t read an article

and call it done or just

sit in a lecture and more than that

unprecedented problems will occur no

matter what

and one of the tools that can get you

through all those problems is critical


from my experiences if i don’t truly

understand it

i won’t really be able to adapt the

knowledge i have to solve all these


and users can adapt your knowledge if

you use only

what you remember from your lecture

anyway in my journey i started doing

some more research about exoskeletons in


how they work what they are and more i

talked to experts

read tons and tons of academic papers

with youtube videos to gather as much

information as i possibly could to

develop my own excel skeleton and as i


critical thinking is one of the most

essential skills you’ll be needing in

your self-learning

journey one problem can have tons of

solution or one topic can have many ways

to learn

so looking back at the exoskeleton i

studied before

found that many researchers didn’t give

much attention to the spine portion of

the exoskeleton

so i started to wonder why

is it because nothing interesting

happened there or is it just

not worth the time so again i started

doing some more research about it and

also use my critical thinking skill to

figure out

what was happening and i found something


i found that a lot of exoskeletons users

have the same problem they can move the

upper body freely

and that’s because this fine portion of

the exhaustion is rigid

so i came up with this the x spine and

by the way this thing got me my patent


it allows the users to move freely and

whenever they want but also

doesn’t limit the user’s motion when

they use it

and these things i have been working for

on it for a couple of months by now

but this thing requires tons of

knowledge such as 3d printing

robotics and programming

so the last step is then then i think

it’s one of the most important or

the most important step in this


why because after you have learned or

have done something in your journey

you should conclude yourself what you

have learned what you have experienced

this way you will get the most out of

your journey

no matter what it effect failures or a


you will learn from it and

remember this you will learn more from


and of course not all not all of my

journeys will be as successes

failures will occur from time to time

at the beginning of my exercise

development i can’t really came up with

this design network as i intended

but each and every design of them taught

me something valuable that i can then

implement and improve my next


anyway this is an example of then

i finished off my initial information

gathering process

by publishing a paper about it this way

i get to recap myself

and also to share it with others

and this is another kind of den

so as i told you before 3d printing is

required for my

exoskeleton development but although it

is just

a tiny part of my main journey i can

also use my soft learning method to

educate myself on that part too

and so at the end of that journey i

created a youtube channel

that i called basic 3d to share my

knowledge and experiences about 3d

printing with others

and this is what i would like to call

myself and i’m a sure teacher

all these prices and rewards that you

see here are just

part of what i considered as the benefit

i considered them as just a tiny part of

the benefits i got from my journeys

but what i really considered as the true


or the main benefits i got from my

journeys is

knowledge i am so proud of myself

that i can teach myself all these things

and self-learning has been really

effective for me but you know what

i can’t go through all this journey by


i always have someone supporting me from


and you can go faster alone but further


school yes they can’t really provide me

with the knowledge i want

but what they can provide me is


you can you could be as smart as

einstein but without opportunities

you won’t really go that far

anyway let’s recap what we have learned


self-learning has two main stages

fantasy and reality

the first one is fantasy this is to

adjust your mindset

and reality can be broken down into

three more steps

what how and then first what

what has to set your goal how it’s


and then as to think what’s next

so after this talk now that you have the

tools to self-learn something

i would like to encourage you to go and

learn what you have always wanted to


and i know that some of you may not be

able to find someone to support you

so please consider me as one of your


i created a card that some of you may

have that can help guide you to

kickstart your journey

and i would be so happy if just one of

you learned something using the method i

told you about

doesn’t have to be big either just learn


so what are you waiting for go and learn


thank you