Exciting news from TEDEd...

dear ted-ed subscribers splendid luck

befell me last month when I had a chance

to introduce myself to you in this video

well sweet fortune favors me again today

as I’ve been reassembled and given a

voice for a second video to share some

exciting news with you my name is Ted ed

and I am a symbol for both the Ted

website and the billions of videos

available to you for free on the website

known as YouTube today I summon all the

ones zeros pixels and passion that a

robotic and slightly British voice can

muster to announce that Ed not Ted comm

has been nominated for two webby awards

the first nomination in what some call

the Oscars of the internet comes in the

category of best education website the

second is in the category of best

practices and guess what the winner will

be decided by an online vote that ends

at midnight tonight now you might be

wondering what a silly bust of a silly

man with the silly voices doing trying

to convince you to help me claim

internet glory twice but here’s the

thing it isn’t about the glory it is

about celebrating and supporting what I

symbolize Ted ed strives to provide free

personalized high-quality education for

all and this contest is not just about

their day so many of our fellow nominees

and so many that are not nominated are

right there fighting the good fight with

us every day

so don’t vote for me simply because I’m

likely to morph into this if we win vote

because an educators lesson on the

platform inspired you or because an

animators art helped you visualize the

previously invisible vote because you

like the notion of creating customized

measurable lessons and discussions

around any of your favorite YouTube

channels ok fine you can just vote

because you want to see me turn into

this but don’t forget to do it before

midnight thank you for your time