Our Coming of Age Movie


all of us go to high school and i’m sure

that some of us have taken classes that

we only took

because it was an ap class it would

increase our gpa

or it would look good on our resume the

information that those classes teach us

usually in one year and comes out the


let me set the scene for you guys all

right it’s three a.m but the clock is


your knees weak and palms are straight

there’s a vomit but it’s not mom’s


is the information sprawled out in front

of you that’s not getting in your brain

your test tomorrow

and now you all think i’m sidekick

this night in routine is the reality to

our aesthetic lifestyle youtuber


for most of our lives we’re told that

this dedication to secure that high

grade is what determines our quality of

life in the future

it’s what separates us from failure to


when in reality the idea of education

stems from what those grades represent

mastering skills and knowledge

applicable in the big scared to the

point for more eminem songs to come to


when we do textbook studying textbooks

studying like

rereading highlighting underlining and

even flashcards

they’re not as reliable for us to retain


because we just familiarize it

familiarity deals with the prefrontal


another thing that takes place there is

short-term memory

this is why textbook learning is not as

reliable because all that information is

being stored as short-term memory

experiential learning on the other hand

involves interaction

observation and recollection and all

that is necessary for that short-term

memory to convert to long-term memory

this is why experiential learning is

more reliable because we’ll be able to

retain that information

and to recall that information later on

when you learn something it certifies

that acquiring the experience

of the skills to do that task this

idealistic education

incorporates experiential learning

experiential learning is when educators

purposefully engage learners in a direct

experience rather than learning from a


experiential learning is when we as

students learn from a direct experience

rather than learn from a textbook it

allows us

to have opportunities to test out many

passions and to create

different intersections of different

hobbies experiential learning is

vastly different from an eminem song

it’s your very own coming of age movie

while integrating this form of education

we take it one step further

by experiencing the complexity and the

experienceable use

of the information we gain through


projects that utilize the community as

its own classroom

and showcasing the application of

textbook topics

in real life situations hybrid learning

becomes one that deepens the meaning of

everything we learn

medicine becomes more than just

memorizing brain cards

where we but instead it makes us think

about the morality and the trust needed

in every physician’s diagnosis

literature becomes more than just

writing laying essays where we value the


but instead is the vehicle of political

cultural and racial developments

on a global and local scale and math

becomes more than dreaded

that means reddit integrals but instead

the key to getting rich

i mean the statistics of economic growth

george zika the founding director of the

national survey

of student engagement noted in the

article of higher education

and stated that working during college

has been related to acquiring employer

preferred skills

such as teamwork and time management he

also stated that these skills

help students see firsthand the

practical value of their classroom

topics being applied in real life

settings which additionally

often helps students clarify

their career aspirations this is truly

important for us to understand

because when we learn something when we

learn a curriculum that aligns itself

with the classes in the future we will

be able to make decisions

that we’ll be able to make decisions

that allow us to explore tasteful


of careers that we are interested in


at the end of it all when we

have new experiences and diversify a

test into multiple real humane journeys

we will be able to make we will be able

to make decisions that allow us

to be a

youtuber with your life all together in

your own community

thank you