TEDEd is on Patreon We need your help to revolutionize education...

You know all those TED-Ed videos you love?

The beautiful animations that help
you learn new things?

That experience is free for you,
but it’s really expensive for us,

and that’s okay.

Our mission is to invest
in thoughtful people,

but we need some of you to invest in us.


Because the love you’ve shown TED-Ed

has already empowered millions of young
people around the world.

And if you coupled that love with a small
monthly donation on Patreon,

the TED-Ed experience
could empower billions.

“If I could describe the TED-Ed experience
in one word, exhilarating.”






Oh, that’s two words, technically, but
one word if you put a hyphen: eye-opening.”

TED-Ed animations,
which are written by educators,

are already being viewed
by over 2 million learners a day.

“When I came across TED-Ed,
it was like, ‘This is it, this works’”

With your support,

we could engage more animators
to work with more teachers,

and we’d be able to dub our content
into multiple languages.

“My mind just went poof
right when I saw it.”

We’d also use your investment to grow
our student voice program, TED-Ed Clubs,

which teaches students how to present
their ideas in the form of TED-style talks.

Thousands of clubs have formed
in over 120 countries.

Help us invite a generation
of young people to TED’s main stage.

“When you turn stuff over to students and
you give them that agency and authority,

it’s so much better because it’s them.”

“Thank you.”

“I was like there’s something
for me to start.”

“If you want to support young people,

you want to support educators
in your country,

this is the sort of program,

or this is the model that
we really should all be looking at

when it comes to making
that change in the world.”

Check out our Patreon perks.
and thanks for your support!