The Corruption in Todays Education System

i would like for you to reflect on a

time that you made a decision

just because it was the easy way out and

you didn’t want to deal with an internal

or physical conflict

for example maybe you push back doing

work or doing the dishes simply because

it’s easier this way that may be your

opinion but there is clearly

a morally correct solution anyone can

form an idea

or an opinion but there is one skill

that is constantly forgotten

that one skill is justification

schooling often lacks reason and a

format that is contributed to

by students parents and faculty to gain

all points of view

most schools encourage extracurricular

activities whether it be a sport club or


most schools encourage spending extra

time with the teacher when you need help

and most schools encourage having a

wonderful time with your family on the


the point is most schools encourage many

activities or solutions that are meant

to keep students happy

and responsible the air within this goal

is that there is no realistic time

for all of this priorities can be made

by a student but generally a student

will choose an a or b in all of their

classes and loses

interest in topics that could last a

lifetime rather than a couple of days

according to about 30

percent of students say that they are

bored in class because of the small

interaction made between themselves and

the teacher while about

70 percent say that they are bored

because the material being taught is not

of interest to them

in response to this a school might say

well these skills are mandatory for

one’s future life and the jobs one may

hold in each topic

but according to ridgewater college one

tends to work in a field that serves of

interest to them and about twenty to

fifty percent of students enter college


if twenty to fifty percent of students

enter college undecided then isn’t there

a possibility

that nothing in particular was of

interest to them throughout school

or what they were interested in was not


school gives students a platform to

reach goals learn responsibility

and ultimately challenge oneself

unfortunately there is so much more to

life that people constantly struggle

with such as mental health finance

nutrition and so

much more i question why we can’t learn

more about the current problems in

today’s society as we are constantly

seeing communities struggle to keep up

i want to be an influence in the world

and not just a continuation to past


my experience in learning about x and y

or analyzing a book has not been easy

this type of work does challenge me but

it might not allow for me to rise with

or change the world

these skills do not always secure life

past school whether society wants that

or not and we might as well help

students who choose to pursue a career

unrelated to standard topics or

even students who need to support their

family although a major

and minor in any core subject is most

students goal there needs to be an

alternative for two reasons the first

reason being that college isn’t always

an option

and the second being that interests are

changing and being able to secure base

standards such as what was mentioned


like health finance nutrition and more

are topics that still need to be

mastered today

for example according to

about 9.2 percent of the world survives

on a dollar 90 a day

and although this is much lower than the

36 percent

in 1990 why is this being ignored in

school when students

are the future who have the ability to

affect this 9.2 percent

the education system always wants

students to reach for 100

so how come the education system isn’t

taking that extra step

the data being represented that is so

easy to find on the internet is not just

there to sit and look at

it is there to help and to create change

and whether it’s too difficult to make a

change or too scary to make a change

what is that showing to students who

constantly encounter difficult in and

out of school situations

school is meant to be the stepping

stones to eventually form a striving


but how can that be possible if there is

no new information or topics to fix our


you may have heard this in school but

generally there’s a universal truth and

all ideas should lead back to it

from my perspective that truth is not

being represented today

if you think of one paragraph as what

it’s morally taught and another

paragraph is the education systems


they do not lead back to the same

universal truth what is morally taught

is not performed by the education system

and that is no way towards improvement

although i have a perspective towards a

specific change and would like to share


i want to clarify that at this point any

change is ideal over the change itself

to prove that we are trying

which is one of the most common

teachings for all ages

onto the specific change is that

students need to be able to have more

control over their classes

and overall have a choice in what they

are learning if students enjoyed what

they learned and how they learned it

there could be a drastic and positive

change in mental health and global


in addition many students have at least

one class that they would like to cut

out of their schedule

and having the opportunity to experiment

with subtopics like health accounting

psychology teaching and more

without losing a class such as art choir

and band is what would keep a student

engaged and in the end

that is what is needed although this

time from unnecessary classes should not

go directly to free time

it should go to a beneficial cause that

reflects our ideal future

if everyone is different and unique then

why can’t that be expressed earlier

through what we are interested in

there are so many wise that simply don’t

have justification to it which is why

i want to come back to the root of the

issue which is that justification needs

to be extended from school to reality in

a way that our teachings stay consistent

this does not mean that they cannot

change but they should be reflected upon

all ages and all ideas

please in any situation remember these

two goals have justification for your

actions because it reflects your

understanding of your own decisions

which have the ability to affect others

and the second goal should be to embrace

change because the world around us is

constantly changing

the environment is changing the economy

is changing and your own family could be


so isn’t it time to question why the

education system has not made many


thank you
