well that was amazing exquisite

introduction for me well myself alina

and i’m a grade 10 student let’s begin

how are you all i think you’re okay with

everything and it’s been a while since

we all you know mutually interacted than

in school right what gender do you

consider as the most smartest or the

intelligent one do you have an answer if

it’s a specific gender answer don’t tell

me because i don’t want it no that

answer is not taken here that is invalid

well when people ask me this question

i’d be like yeah i have an answer i give

them my weirdly ambiguous answer and

they’d be like my answer is dumb like

literally straight into my face your

answer is dumb because they want a

specific gender as as the smartest or

intelligent one well my answer is this

well intelligence is not based on gender

or race or religion or anything like

that or not even age intelligence is

based on the way you think the way you

act how quickly you make your choices

the way you you know solves a problem

the way you find solutions is what

matters and that makes you intelligent

and there are like more than seven

different types of intelligence right

linguistic numerical etc so when you fit

into any of these categories you are

intelligent and no one is born into this

world as dumb we’re all intelligent in

our own ways so in school we had this

opportunity as we like we have many

questions around we’ll pick a random

question and then a random kid will come

up and then they’ll ask the question and

then we’ll give answer it within one

minute it was my turn me being all

nervous and

having sweaty and hands i walked up

there and my question was what was the

biggest lie you’ve believed in when you

were young and what am i supposed to say

in one minute so i cooked up a story

within seconds i told him when i was

young i refused to eat my greens so my

parents told me that a ghost will hone

me forever which was nothing matters

like it was so such a lie my parents

never said that and i never will believe

as a kid in the in ghosts because i

think it was stupid well when when in

real life when i refuse to eat greens my

parents feel that they’ll cut up on my

tummy and fill with greens which is

creepier than ever so i i told that lie

i went back my hands were sweaty i wiped

my hands and sat there i have an answer

for this like i have an empowering

answer for this question my actual

answer for this question was when i was

young again we all believe in lies when

we’re young right mostly and we believe

in in the impossible when we’re young

mostly when we’re young some some people

like me still believe in the impossible

even now when i was young my mom told me

that because i’m a woman i can do

whatever i wanted to i can be whoever i

want to be i can conquer the world if i

wanted to well that’s not the case what

i experienced when i got out to the

world when there’s a quote when your

life is on fire you think the entire

world is on fire i thought the entire

world is equal i can do what i want to

be i can’t even be the biggest leader in

the world etc i started socializing and

i came to know that because i’m a woman

i have restrictions i have limits in my

life and i can’t conquer the world

conquering i mean like do what i want in

this world okay not being hitler or

anything else i can’t have my own

choices i shouldn’t stick with my

opinions i shouldn’t raise my voice i

shouldn’t have opinions because to have

opinions means you have to raise your

voice well because i’m a woman i

shouldn’t these are stereotypes and i

shouldn’t settle down for stereotypes

right but no matter how much you try to

not to care there is a limit for it to

act like you don’t care or to get into

that position where you nothing matters

being a teenager it all drained me up i

told my mom why did you told me that you

know it’s why did you tell me this thing

it wasn’t true it was untrue well it’s

not untrue it can still happen but we

have limits and barriers again this is a

vision given from the beginning of time

by many leaders even by men even men

need equal rights and everything we all

started fighting for this but it’s still

not happening equal and female rights

women’s right is still being a little

impossible because we’re putting

barriers for ourselves letting ourself

out is the best thing to do again i am

like called as the feminist oh i said

the f word i’m sorry the feminist of the

school they call me the feminist i don’t

know why they call me that and they

don’t call it as a proud leeway they

don’t say it with pride oh she’s a

feminist she says like they all say like

that you know i don’t know what made

them think i’m a feminist and feminism

or fem being a feminist isn’t a bad

thing as emma watson said feminism isn’t

a bad word feminism is wanting equality

and wanting equal rights and wanting

equal salary as male counterparts get

this is what equal rights is anyone who

wants equality and equal rights are or

is a feminist but mostly women are being

suppressed with all the stereotypes so

they are you know the starting of the

word female mixed up with feminism and

they cooked up that word so in school

some people just asked me told me you

know not asking they just straight up to

my face said that oh women are so dumb i

was like what

women are dumb come on i’m standing

right here and you’re telling me women

are dumb yes i’m using women even though

i’m a teenage girl to see ourselves as

women is more empowering than calling us

girls because people they say boys will

be boys but yeah we should be women and

boys should be men or man so i was like

no we’re not dumb come on we’re not dumb

how can we be dumb we’re humans we have

brain we can’t think we can do whatever

we want to they’re like no they’re so

emotional they’re so fixated on love i

was like i am just 15 and you’re telling

me that i’m fixated on love and emotions

no women are not emotional some of us

are and some of us are not and i have to

tell you that there is a bit of humanity

left because some of us are emotional so

the world is a bit humane because some

of us are emotional and emotions you

know if you don’t have any emotions and

feelings you must be a robot or

something i don’t know i don’t think

there is someone without emotions will

live in this world

but like you know like this or call

themselves as humans so i told women are

not that emotional or we’re not fixated

on loves love or we’re not dumb we have

great minds and we have great voices and

we have ideas that should be you know

portrayed and conveyed to the society

then the next thing came i think my

friend who said this is around here and

i literally took this as a joke but

still i have to clear the perspective

right now so my friend told me oh if

women are so smart why are there only

lesser ceos or business women or

business women oh my god

i don’t have an answer for this i mean

why are there only lesser business women

or lesser ceos as women right so it’s


yeah then i got an answer by thinking i

was like yeah the reason for this is

because women are born into a

stereotypical world where their ideas

their voice even by birth is suppressed

for example in a hypothetical situation

a girl is born father is like oh my

goodness within 20 years i have to make

gold for her marriage even though you

don’t even know if she’ll live for 20

years let her live okay then

she’ll show her interest in business for

example you know then they’d be like

don’t do business because it’s men’s


business is not men’s career if you have

that idea no no if you think like that

there’s something really wrong with you

so anyone can do business actually and

business is good and empowering more

than that if this girl in hyper in this

hypothetical situation had that interest

in business she’ll be growing up they

will be suppressing her it’s men’s

business and if she retaliate then she

is like the bad girl or the black sheep

of the entire family which you shouldn’t

care you can be the black ship like

being the black sheep is actually cool

you know you can at least have your own

choices then at the age of 18 or 20

she’ll be married and if that’s a toxic

person then her education is done

only within age of 18 what are you just

passed out of high school and you’re

just married then she has to take care

of his family and she has she shouldn’t

have any opinions to have opinions is a

sin literally it’s a sin okay don’t have


so i was like so the

the girl or the woman with dreams of

business is now suppressed with her

so-called loved ones as her husband her

her husband’s family and her

her own family her wings have been

chopped off by her so-called loved ones

so do you see the conundrum here of a

woman being a ceo because it’s hard

nowadays and nowadays you know

this isn’t the case like what i was told

when i was young was because i’m a woman

i can do anything but that’s not how we

raise our daughters right in typically

in most of the brown households they say

because you’re a woman go straight to

the kitchen go practice how to make

chores and

practice your household chores so that

in 20 or 25 years you will be ready for

to be a good housewife or homemaker

that’s how you train your children

great education all of you know and i’ve

literally seen they’re educating their

daughter for

med school like you go for medical you


go for it and like on and they will

never allow them her to work because

it’s just a title for her wedding

invitation card

just yeah doctor so and so

married to this person and never allowed

to work they should actually write that

on our invitation card

so this is what

women are born into so act as real

education what should we teach our

children at first starting from

talking and teaching them about the

differences in gender

yes we are different biologically male

female excess chromosome xy chromosome

yes in that way but teaching them about

sexuality and gender matters

how about the lgbtq community plus

community you know you should teach your

children about them too because they are

they are part of our community

discriminating people on the basis of

their gender

sexuality race

religion come on you gotta grow up

because it’s been hundreds and thousands

of fear years we’ve been fighting for

this look a person will fight for uh

women’s right and then they’d be like uh

i don’t like gay people i don’t know

you’re literally homophobic that’s it

nothing else homophobia and transphobia

is a trend now and you shouldn’t

normalize it because they’re human

beings and we shouldn’t need a

discrimination on the basis of sexuality

come on how many times should i tell you

this so this is the world life is cruel

of course indeed it’s cruel it’s like

goblet of fire for you for me it’s

goblet of fire because the fourth book

oh my goodness

of harry potter it’s just like

it’s just explains my entire life

because especially in teenage you have

mental stress and everything and then

you have to cope up with all of this and

then there are stereotypes coming like

i’m just walking like that and then like

stereotypes just pushes me over i’d be

like dead

literally stereotypes can kill me

talking about gender equality starting

from teaching your children about

different genders well teaching them

about gender equality starts from

teaching them about differences in

gender and then gender equality starting

from giving actual chores household

shores both your sons and daughters and

so on and in households i see even in

right now they do women cooks the food

in the house and the man eats first see

i work hard i wake up early in the

morning if i’m grown i wake up early in

the morning i cook the food i prepare

all the meals then the guys in the house

come around and eat everything

i won’t get anything i mean i’m a human

being i want to eat i worked hard for

this why can’t i eat first and the men

in the house can eat why can’t they cook

in the first place when i asked this to

my mother my mother was like it’s just

some traditional things they do

this culture

respecting men i was like where is my

respect where is the respect that they

should give me

okay i didn’t cook these food this is

just an exit example for instance i’m

telling you so this is what is happening

you know when you question something

these days you are the black sheep and i

hate it because i have many questions

and when i ask uh

wrong way wrong path you see moshir’s

daughter nah don’t don’t go to her oh my

goodness she she talk about things that

is so sinful she talk about women’s

rights oh my goodness

they literally say that so when i was

coming here

i told they asked me you had you’re

going for public speaking today right i

was like yeah yeah i am

what is your topic i was like it’s about

real education mainly focusing about

equality and women’s rights they were

like what

you can’t talk about that that’s

controversial yes my talk is

controversial and this is my opinions

and you have i’m not telling you to take

all of it i don’t care even if you take

it or accept it because i don’t need

your acceptance to live or to deliberate

to say or talk about my ideas and

opinions so they were like

don’t go there and

talk about your

feminist i was like this is not

feminist this is normal things

ideas they have been portraying in our

textbooks women’s right is wanted it is

essential for us and women’s right is

something we all need not only women’s

for every gender we need that

so i was like okay thank you for this

you told me not to i’m going to do that

like it’s an urge to do right like when

someone told you can do it you should

show them that you can i forgot all my

points so i was like what should i talk


so i just got in here and i talked about

many things and my ideas and you all see

me as a 15 year old blabbing things that

everybody have told

right all the way

till now we all send our children

to schools right wow do you think that

really helps yes socializing everything

else but the textbooks have you ever

read the textbooks they give they talk

about india is a secular country next

day in newspaper two people died and on

the basis of religion people are

fighting secular country yeah

i doubt that

and then they talk about racism is

abolished well

i can’t see racism being fully gone

still racism is there and

even i’ve experienced races in my own

even in family oh one of my cousin

gave birth to a beautiful child

my father was like uh is that baby

healthy they were like yes society

aunties came in the best of all oh my

goodness power

they’re coming in i think the child is

bitter to the darker side from her

father’s if you married someone with

your skin color maybe they will be like

in the same skin color you know i don’t

even know who these aunties are i think

they’re my father’s father’s you know

uncles daughters

someone i don’t know why their opinions

actually matters but then they talk


skin color of a newborn right after its

birth we just we’re so happy we were

about to celebrate the

success of the pregnancy but then they

were like skin color matters skin color

never matters what matters is how how

powerful the attitude of a certain kid

is and nothing else why are you so

fixated on that and why can’t you focus

on how

each person

is about their attitude in life we are

alone not only alone but we’re lonely

loneliness is inevitable at the end of

the day we are alone and this this is

what we have to realize loneliness is

inevitable and what we can do is accept

each other and be with everyone you

don’t need a willing in your story if

you will be the villain of the villain

in your story so you don’t need a person

or someone you don’t need to villainize

an actual person to be main character of

your story you know

to be a hero you don’t need a villain in

my story

my willing is my darkest desires my

darkest emotions my anger and everything

is my willing so if you consider and see

this world in that way then everything

will be easier and start accepting

yourself to accept each other

first you have to accept yourself so

these are stereotypes they have been

here for a long time living among us

growing more powerful than anyone than a

individual leader these are stereotypes

that has to be crushed within ourselves

we have to take the step and crush him

because darling this is our business